Staball Powder

I'm glad it's working for you, Nice Trigger work

Thank you. I don't expect it's doing anything much better than 17 or 26 would but it does fit in the case real well with the ELD's. I have put about 75 rounds through the gun with that load so far and its been excellent. Matter of fact, the 212 ELD at a bit over 2700 has made me look at the 06 in a different light.
I am using Staball in my 30-06 with 212 ELD's for 2720 FPS. I have been shooting it at 90+ out here in eastern Virginia without a hiccup. I am using Lapua brass and BR2's with it. So far it has been very accurate and not a darn issue out of the rifle. I haven't tried it in much else, but so far, I am very happy with it.

Looking forward to trying it out in my 7-08, seems to look like a good one for that cartridge.

I've heard more good reports out if the .30-06 than others. Have you checked out your ES/SD? I tried switching to a magnum primer to make mine better because I had pretty good numbers and then 2 or 3 shots out if ten that would be way off the others. It seemed to help.
I've heard more good reports out if the .30-06 than others. Have you checked out your ES/SD? I tried switching to a magnum primer to make mine better because I had pretty good numbers and then 2 or 3 shots out if ten that would be way off the others. It seemed to help.

My mistake, I am using CCI250's in mine, not BR2's.

I haven't put the magnetospeed on the rifle since I worked up the couple nodes. Maybe this weekend I'll run 5 over it and see what comes out.
I tried it in a 6 creed with the dtac and it did okay. My velocities were slower than advertised and I found it worked best in a narrow window up near max pressures. And over pressure came on quick. Superformance was about the same. I have had best luck with ramshot hunter as far as ball powders in the 6 creed.
Tried some of the StaBall in a 6GT and so far have found stellar results at the low end of the range. Its so dang hot here in west TN right now its taking me some time to get it done but Ive got some more loaded and hoping to get out this afternoon to finish up.
It produced very near book velocities and as I mentioned a node on the low end produced single digit SD and ES with the Berger 105 hybrid averaging just under 1/2 moa @ 100yds. Good information here about pressure coming on fast at the top end, Ill be mindful as it gets closer!
Varget gives better case fill but runs about 50fps behind Staball with the same bullets but accuracy has been great with every bullet and seating depth so far as is the norm with most loads using Varget.
Tried it in my 6.5 creed with the 131 Hammer Hunter and 143 Hornady ELD-X when I ran out of a Reloder 16. Found wide velocity nodes with both bullets just below max, but could not get acceptable accuracy. Luckily, my 6mm Rem loves the stuff.
Tried it in my 6.5 creed with the 131 Hammer Hunter and 143 Hornady ELD-X when I ran out of a Reloder 16. Found wide velocity nodes with both bullets just below max, but could not get acceptable accuracy. Luckily, my 6mm Rem loves the stuff.

I also found wide nodes, particularly on the low end.


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I recently bought some of this powder to see if it would improve the heat sensitivity of the powders I hunt with in Texas, Average temperatures during hunting season here is 25o F to 65o F and loads were worked up around 50o F. cartridges are the 260 Rem and the 7/08 Rem.

Fastest powder at SAMMI pressures has been Varget, Most accurate has been H 414. H 414 does not work @ temps over 90o F because pressures exceed SAMMI recommendations due to it's heat Insensitivity.

I was hoping that the Staball would cure this and still give good accuracy. The Video did not show this unfortunately so I will have to find out for my self. My intent is to duplicate the test In my rifles at hunting temperatures and Off season Highs (90o +). I see no reason the heat my ammo above ambient temp up to 100o F, so my test will/should be real world test. And use the low average ( 40 o to 50 o F For the cold temperatures).

H 4350 did well in the video but I cant get the accuracy I do with H 414 so it has been my back up powder.

Any experience with this powder that could be shared would be greatly appreciated.



Hard to beat Varget in the 7mm08. Temp stability is very reliable and you can develop an accurate load from it.
I recently bought some of this powder to see if it would improve the heat sensitivity of the powders I hunt with in Texas, Average temperatures during hunting season here is 25o F to 65o F and loads were worked up around 50o F. cartridges are the 260 Rem and the 7/08 Rem.

Fastest powder at SAMMI pressures has been Varget, Most accurate has been H 414. H 414 does not work @ temps over 90o F because pressures exceed SAMMI recommendations due to it's heat Insensitivity.

I was hoping that the Staball would cure this and still give good accuracy. The Video did not show this unfortunately so I will have to find out for my self. My intent is to duplicate the test In my rifles at hunting temperatures and Off season Highs (90o +). I see no reason the heat my ammo above ambient temp up to 100o F, so my test will/should be real world test. And use the low average ( 40 o to 50 o F For the cold temperatures).

H 4350 did well in the video but I cant get the accuracy I do with H 414 so it has been my back up powder.

Any experience with this powder that could be shared would be greatly appreciated.



I have been using it for about a month and cleaned my rifle after each match about 20-30 rounds then cleaned my barrel and finding heavy black on 4-6 patches I was using imr4831 then h4350 and never seen this not sure if it's carbon.i have a bartlein m24 that always cleaned up quick would like your opinion.100f at last match and poi at 200 was right on and bolt lift felt normal
I have been using it for about a month and cleaned my rifle after each match about 20-30 rounds then cleaned my barrel and finding heavy black on 4-6 patches I was using imr4831 then h4350 and never seen this not sure if it's carbon.i have a bartlein m24 that always cleaned up quick would like your opinion.100f at last match and poi at 200 was right on and bolt lift felt normal

I found that it was extremely dirty burning in my usage too
I've had really good luck with 4064 in all these short action rounds, 6 creed, 6.5 creed, 7-08 etc.

Good velocity and accuracy.. If it ain't broke -----
Dont forget to leave them cartridges on the dash so you can get that extra "push". Lol. I accidentally left two .308s on my dash one 105 degree day chasing pigs and came back to a cracked windshield, brass frags, unburnt powder kernels and the smell of 4895 in the cab. I just bought a can of Staball, looking forward to your test info.
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