Staball Powder

Do I need to bring some Coleslaw???? And I can tell you what @7stw did with his Staball, If memory serves he started a nice fire with it and grilled Brat's and peppers and I do believe a cool adult beverage was involved
Where's the baked beans?😅. My short stint with StaBull, was just that. Advertised velocities were no where near published, even with longer barrel. I found it to be finicky and touchy when you approached max load. That being said, the velocities, and es, were not even close to advertised, but pressures were. I personally think its relabeled Superformance, which really never caught on, and the lot to lot difference was crazy.
My hat tip goes to Varget, all day. My second choice is Cfe223.
Happy Holidays to all, safe hunting, and let's all hope they get this Election mess straight!🦌🦌🦌🦌🦌
Note the Bull, in StaBull!🐃

Sorry, I have been busy getting everyone's rifles finished for deer season and have neglected My projects. Now that I have caught up I will get back to some of the projects/test that I wanted to do.

I have read that some have had good results with Staball , so I am still interested in trying My luck with it. I have several rifles that are sub 1/4 MOA rifles and they should give me some real world results. Stay tuned 👍

Where's the baked beans?😅. My short stint with StaBull, was just that. Advertised velocities were no where near published, even with longer barrel. I found it to be finicky and touchy when you approached max load. That being said, the velocities, and es, were not even close to advertised, but pressures were. I personally think its relabeled Superformance, which really never caught on, and the lot to lot difference was crazy.
My hat tip goes to Varget, all day. My second choice is Cfe223.
Happy Holidays to all, safe hunting, and let's all hope they get this Election mess straight!🦌🦌🦌🦌🦌
Note the Bull, in StaBull!🐃

Could it also be a relabeled h100v?

I thought that powder was intriguing due to the stated performance and supposed temp stability and the fact that I can still find it on shelves. But when reading some people's experience with it, it sounds very similar to people's experience with staball and superperformance.
I am testing some more tomorrow at 200 meters with 6 creedmoor and a friend shooting his 6gt it has worked good for me so far but I have other powders that work as good
Today 11/21/20 60F I have not turned a knob on my scope in a while and I think it's because of 6.5 staball but I don't know that for sure.3 shots 200 meters 60F 41.3 staball 205 Berger hybrid target


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I just loaded 15 rounds (6.5 creed), 5 of superformance, 5 of 100V, and 5 of 6.5 starball. All are running the same bullets, same seating depth but different charge weight on the superformance. I may get out thanksgiving week after working the front half of the week to test these loads out. Since this will be just 100 or 200 yrd grouping test I'm not to worried about the velocity at this point; but I'm about at the 3/4 point of the book load data so I still have a little room to play. I could shoot with the magneto speed but I think it effects the groups. My end goal for this gun is trying to get the 142 ABLR bullets to shoot like the Berger do are at least get them to shoot 1/2MOA. I may be asking for to much, not sure. To this day I have never had the best of luck with them but I'll keep trying. At some point I'm going to do a seating depth test on this 6.5 creed with the ABLR's but right now I'm just messing around with a couple of powders to see the difference. I'm using once fired HSM brass don't know actually which company makes the stuff but it has a star on it, its been resized, trimmed, and cleaned. All primers are BR-2 large rifle primers. I currently think the superformance may offer the highest velocity but the other 2 looked pretty good also at the book data. I've shot a lot of the 100V. It shoot good up to about 70 possible 75 degrees and then it spikes in pressure when you are running max charges. So that will be something for me to think about if I want to go bang rocks in the summer at LR. Will see what happens.
Hey, here's a 6 creed load that works for me. 115 gr Burger VLD-H, 42 gr StaBall, 1st load on a hornady case, Rem 9.5 primer, 3.225 using hornady comp, 2790 FPS with SD 11. I'm mainly a hunter so I usually just shoot 3 round groups. Gun is a heavy barreled Howa, bought the barreled action from Brownells, put an AT 1 stock on it from Stocky's, glass bedded it, muzzle brake from APA. Needs a better trigger, but I'm happy with the way it's breaking in.
Take Care


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Hey, here's a 6 creed load that works for me. 115 gr Burger VLD-H, 42 gr StaBall, 1st load on a hornady case, Rem 9.5 primer, 3.225 using hornady comp, 2790 FPS with SD 11. I'm mainly a hunter so I usually just shoot 3 round groups. Gun is a heavy barreled Howa, bought the barreled action from Brownells, put an AT 1 stock on it from Stocky's, glass bedded it, muzzle brake from APA. Needs a better trigger, but I'm happy with the way it's breaking in.
Take Care
Nice Ricky C you don't have to spend a fortune to get good accuracy I have a couple shooters I built on a budget and some that cost quite a bit but I love my 6 creedmoor budget sniper match rifle it got me 2nd place a week ago
Well I'm gonna have to eat some Crow, In my search for speed out of my 25-06AI with the 90g Absolute Hammer's I was at a standstill, I tried everything I knew to do and it shot the same as the 92g Hammer Hunters so I studied on for a week or so and then I saw the Staball can, I had enough to load 6 rounds as I had been starting fires with it, I couldn't believe the results, there it was, 3900's, i almost made it to 4000fps but it was getting sketchy, needless to say I frantically went on the search for some more and lucked up and found some local, Sending them downrange at 3923fps, It's hard on brass but anyone that knows me knows that I don't care ;)

For what its worth, Crow on the spit over hickory with some Sweet Baby Ray's is really good
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