Staball Powder

It's confusing why Remington chose to establish the 280 at reduced psi compared to the 270. If the firearms are the same you can load them to the same psi.

Since the 280 has slightly more area (larger diameter) and the shoulder is moved forward for more case capacity it can out run the 270 slightly.

Its easy to approach 3100fps with a 140 in the 280. Higher with HSP and SB6.5. Basically a 280 will equal the velocity of the 270 with 10 gr heavier bullets (equal sd's).

when loaded to the same psi the 280 AI only outpaces the 280 by about 40-50 psi.

Good luck.
It's confusing why Remington chose to establish the 280 at reduced psi compared to the 270. If the firearms are the same you can load them to the same psi.

Since the 280 has slightly more area (larger diameter) and the shoulder is moved forward for more case capacity it can out run the 270 slightly.

Its easy to approach 3100fps with a 140 in the 280. Higher with HSP and SB6.5. Basically a 280 will equal the velocity of the 270 with 10 gr heavier bullets (equal sd's).

when loaded to the same psi the 280 AI only outpaces the 280 by about 40-50 psi.

Good luck.

Remington introduced the 280 in their pump action and loaded at lower pressure from the start. When loaded to 60k the 280 is a great round.
Remington introduced the 280 in their pump action and loaded at lower pressure from the start. When loaded to 60k the 280 is a great round.
They also has the 270 in the 760 at the same time so that explanation has never held water.
Well I'm gonna have to eat some Crow, In my search for speed out of my 25-06AI with the 90g Absolute Hammer's I was at a standstill, I tried everything I knew to do and it shot the same as the 92g Hammer Hunters so I studied on for a week or so and then I saw the Staball can, I had enough to load 6 rounds as I had been starting fires with it, I couldn't believe the results, there it was, 3900's, i almost made it to 4000fps but it was getting sketchy, needless to say I frantically went on the search for some more and lucked up and found some local, Sending them downrange at 3923fps, It's hard on brass but anyone that knows me knows that I don't care ;)

For what its worth, Crow on the spit over hickory with some Sweet Baby Ray's is really good
Thumbs Up on the Sweet Baby Ray's!
Quick update; a friend has been trying SB6.5 in a Kimber Mtn Assent 6.5 CM. I shot with him today: 2800 fps and 5/8" groups with that pencil thin barrel and 143 ELDX's. I call that "good enough"!

What say you?
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139 sst 50.0 staball once fired and annealed Norma brass kissing the lands.calling for rain tomorrow.hope it don't rain hard.oh and 3 with 50.5


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50.0g on the left and 50.5 on the right.shot good but raining steady. I shot it like I was shooting from a stand (elbow rest) 4 just under the bullseye and two I want to mention but the first 3 with 50.0g staball and 139 sst was good 50.5 had a noticeable difference in kick.when the weather gets better I will have my brother in arms bring out the radar


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