What's your secret for getting off work to hunt?

Work and hunt at the same time. Since most of my hunting is from a blind, if I need to work I'll bring my laptop and use my cell phone as a hotspot. Had several meetings in the blind before.
I've called in with scurvy before. 🤔😂

Otherwise when I call in, I don't give a reason.
When plant manager wanted to know why I was off, I told him it didn't matter. He just had to know that I wasn't gonna be there.
I use to own my a business and always explained ahead of time that I would be absent for hunting. Now I'm retired and can do whatever, whenever within reason.
I own a business that's open five days a week in a fairly small town. Getting away during the week is almost impossible, but I fill my deer and antelope tags on weekends. I am looking forward to retiring so I can spend a LOT more time in the mountains. I hope to catch up with @Will.284 so we can catch up on being stationed in the same area of Germany, and kill something while doing it.

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