What would be your Dream Hunt???????

My dream hunt would have Ted Nugent at MY hunting cabin with my regular buds for a typical weekend. Shemane could come, too.
Northern Quebec Caribou with Sammy Cantifilo and Bucky Adams as my guide. Or a woodland caribou in NW Territories with Jim Shockey. As stoved up as I am now though, those are only dreams. So I guess I will be happy with what I have here in Montana.
While Alaska is appealing, the requirement to have a guide is not. The hunt I send my money in on is the one that Uncle B went on. Southern Utah is a strange, desolate, lonely and exceedingly beautiful place and the challenge of the desert bighorn is extreme. Long ago I spent five days by myself in that country and it is just different beyond words. Plus it is nice and warm and there is no snow. However, I would hope not to have to hunt from a house boat.
Right now, I would say I would rank my dream hunts as follows:

#4. New Zealand Red Stag hunt

#3. Hard horned Caribou hunt

#2. Yukon moose hunt during the rut

#1. Trophy big horn ram hunt, do not care where.

Kirby Allen(50)
While Alaska is appealing, the requirement to have a guide is not. The hunt I send my money in on is the one that Uncle B went on. Southern Utah is a strange, desolate, lonely and exceedingly beautiful place and the challenge of the desert bighorn is extreme. Long ago I spent five days by myself in that country and it is just different beyond words. Plus it is nice and warm and there is no snow. However, I would hope not to have to hunt from a house boat.

Your description of this area is very good, if you ever draw this tag luckily for you being a non-resident you can hunt 3 different sub-units (the East Kaiparowits, the West Kaiparowits or the Escalante). being a resident you can only hunt 1 unit, I drew out for the East Kaiparowits that might be the most beautiful and scenic in places but the most remote and devoid of any signs of life in other places.
If you ever draw this tag me and goodgrouper will be more than happy to help you out but we will be checking out the west unit in your Escalade for weeks before we try the Escalante and the East only as an act of desperation.

This was my dream hunt, but it was more work and effort than going to WORK. but in retrospect it was all worth it. If it would have been some other type of hunt that I could have done another time like Deer,Elk etc. I would have put this hunt in the dumpster and been done. since it was a once in a lifetime tag, and this was THE ONE I really wanted, it was worth the HELL that I have paid since (one ****ed off customer after another quizzing me "how can you take a day off work, I need you NOW").
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