If you could move to any state for Hunting, what would it be?

I would definately go with the big sky country as well. Hopefully in a couple years, or after I draw my big bull tag I"ve been waiting 10 years for, I'll be moving to a lot better hunting state then Oregon. My top 3 choices would be Montana, Wyoming, and Idaho, in that order. Theres to many people and out of state hunters that hunt Colorado, your not gaining much there IMO. The other 3 states have plenty of animals and not half as many people. Oregon is about worthless unless you own land and then you can get LOP (land owner preference) tags every year. Otherwise you'll be lucky to hunt antelope and big bulls once every ten years. Yah you'll get a deer tag about every year and hunt fall bears every year, but I like to hunt elk and antelope as well. Washington is worse then ORegon as far as I"m concerned. They have no LOP tags and its hard as heck to draw a big bull tag in Washington. You can however buy deer tag over the counter but has to be 3 pt or larger.

Anyways, not much of a fisherman so am not much help here. As far as hunting though, you cant beat Montana, Wyoming, or Idaho...
Ol Mike, we otta get together some time. There's a lot of empty space between groups of animals. It takes a little getting used to.

As for me I'm here and I'm stayin'.

However, I've been thinking of a year and a half down in NZ would be pretty sweet.
Yuup takes some getting use to -i ain't leaving either -it's my home to.

I'll get over your way and look you up someday for sure.
NZ aahh yeah -i drool everytime those guys post pictures of that place.
WY is no good either, cold cold winters, no people, gravel roads, barely any walmarts, etc., it's just ugly and barren. Air's a little thin as well. Best to go south.;-}
Hands down northern Idaho! or north eastern Oregon!

There are a few honey holes left that people don't like to trek into. Pesky road hunters are really missin out!!!!
I think the guy is leaning towards Denver, CO. It's a big city with about everything you could want just a short drive away.
Great thread! I have a dream of living in Montana. I am very lucky to have a friend with a large chunk of private ground SW of Helena that I can hunt. I will be in the area in a few weeks looking at properties. Know anyone that wants to trade for a waterfront home on lake of the Ozarks?? I have 3 and when they are sold we are on our way.

I don't think you'll find too many people that want to pack up and move to missourri. I've always dreamed of living out west and I'm envious of the people who do. I hope everything works out for the guy who is thinking of moving. It's a different animal all together going to a different state where you don't know anyone.
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