If you were limited to a single rifle/caliber, what would it be?

If it came down to only one rifle, I guess I would have to take a hacksaw and cut about 4 inches off the barrel of my 7 AM to get it down to 30 inches and then order another bucket full of 200 grain bullets.
I'd say it's doing pretty good as is, given your hunting success last fall, but a little shorter would be a little handier. I'm gonna have Kirby stretch mine out to about 32". /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/cool.gif /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif
I'm a 308 Win fan too!

If it ever comes to that I know I can count of having a few folks around that I can swap rounds with if I hurting for ammo.
id have to go with something like a 444marlin or 45/70. either could be loaded way down for little critters, or up for bear or even moose. the bores are big enuf to even load shot in them. the 444 is basically a 410 shotshell anyway... in a pinch, blackpowder would be a viable option. the big bullets would get way out there too.
i'll take my trusty ole 30-06.i've shot everything from attacking magpies to a bunch of moose and when it goes off, things die.
James- Do you happen to have a pic of your 25-06?? It sounds/looks really nice. Id have to agree with you 110%. The 25-06 will do probly 95% of my hunting needs and I wouldn't be w/out one either. Well maybe I'll swap it for a 6.5-06 AI one day, but only because the bullets are soooo much better for LR shooting.
I don't belive I do have any pictures.
If I get a chance I'll take a couple.
It's really not much to look at. The stock is in bad need of refinishing as it's one of my rifles that ride in a pickup all year. My other 2 "truck guns" are a 94 Win 30-30 and a Rem 760 243.
Here are the pics of my model 70 25-06.
Factory Winchester Model 70 XTR barreled action.
24" barrel
Harry Lawson Cochise thumbhole stock
Sightron SII 4x16x42MD scope
cheap quick adjust sling similar to the Hunter brand quick adjust but is nylon instead of leather.
stock needs refinished bad. I've had this rifle for 20 some years


The little white spot on the barrel shank is the connection for the strain gauge for pressure trace.
You cant tell by the pictures but the grip is canted making it very natural to hold while shooting.
The thumbhole makes it awkward to carry in the field though.
Hey thanks James! She dont look to bad for being a truck gun. Is the barrel factory win, or something else?? How do you like that Sightron scope?? That rifle is old as I am. Probly is an extension of your arms! Thanks again for taking the time to take pics.
Yes it's still the factory barrel. If I do ever rebarrel it it will probably be a 14 twist as I now shoot nothing but 75gr Horn HP and 75gr Horn V-Max in it. They make it a little easier to hit running coyotes.
When I purchased this setup it cost $125 for the barreled action and I believe the stock was $55, 90% inleted.
I have not used the Sightron on this rifle yet, stock needs rebedded. It previously had a Tasco 6x24MD on it.
Image quality on the Tasco was very poor but tracking was very good.
Most of my rifles wear Sightrons I find them a very good value. Image quality is very subjective but I have found that the clarity of my Sightrons as good as anything I have compared them to, that includes Leu VXIII (can't say that I have looked through a VXIV) and Zeis Conquest. With one exception. The 4x16x42MD on my 30-378 doesn't seem quite as clear as the other Sightrons I own. When I was pig hunting in OK I picked up a used 4x16x42MDST to replace the one on my 30-378 (matches the stainless action) for $200, felt a little guilty about the low price but if memory serves me I purchased the one currently on it for $190 on ebay.
I have a 6x24x42MD on my 338LM and I have to say that I prefer the 4x16 over the 6x24 because of the reduced field of view. Running game is a little hard to pick up with the 6x24. The models I have were just discontinued and are being replaced by the Big Sky model which reportedly has better image quality and a higher price tag.

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