getting ripped off

I thought our deal went well .:D

Terry, yes our deal went well. But I was the one selling you the stock. Not everyone is a straight shooter like me. I waited until you got the stock and was happy with it before I cashed your check.
Terry, yes our deal went well. But I was the one selling you the stock. Not everyone is a straight shooter like me. I waited until you got the stock and was happy with it before I cashed your check.
yes it was a great deal. I wish all would be like that deal there was no B/S . I need to get some pic.s up of my a-bolt .
My check was sent out 4/19 and i received the action through my FFL today... a lot longer wait than expected. Action was not a 112 as listed but a 116... no "super light" trigger as was also listed in ad... also no mag assembly as we dicussed on the phone. I guess at this point theres no reason to drag his name through the mud. I'll order what i need to finish the project and get on with life....................

Attn: Len! getting ripped off

I am a member of its a toyota forum and they are set up exactly like this forum, except each person has a rating based on what other members give them when buying,selling and trading. that would help with stuff like this a lot! If you read this Len what would it take to do something like this? or are you interested in persuing that? It is basically like the ratings on gunbroker or ebay.
I don't know if a rating system will make a dishonest person honest but it darn should would make you stop and think before doing business with a person with a bad rating! I have been lucky and all my problems have been resolved but it shouldn't take a thread like this to get a deal finished.
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