Newbie pronghorn hunter

Once again, too much gun can be a mistake. I have lived here most of my adult life and I'm an old fart. I don't think your shots will be that long. I was working in that area last week and the populations are good to excellent. They are not big critters. Have fun and stay safe and once you get here welcome to the best state in the country.
I got a new 6.5 PRC and got it to the range today. This is a 3 shot group at 300 yards with Hornady 143 EDLX's. Not sure if I got lucky, but it was getting hot (94 degrees), so my barrels were heating super fast.


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Once again, too much gun can be a mistake. I have lived here most of my adult life and I'm an old fart. I don't think your shots will be that long. I was working in that area last week and the populations are good to excellent. They are not big critters. Have fun and stay safe and once you get here welcome to the best state in the country.

When speaking to the owner he said the average shot distance is 200-250 yards. Most are shot within 150.
When speaking to the owner he said the average shot distance is 200-250 yards. Most are shot within 150.

I'll be in unit 56 (are we on the same ranch?). Took mine last year at 199 yds, dawn of the third day. Closest shot opportunity I had the previous two days was 268 but the rangefinder was arguing about whether I was glassing the buck or the bush 75yds past him. He saw me and bolted. The next closest shot I had was 443 but I was walking and he didn't stick around. Had several from 500-900. What amazed me most was the distances out there. With nothing but low shrubs, what I would guess was 150-200 was 300-350. There are little swails and such that you don't see how fast it all adds up - no trees for getting a feel.
Something to think about this year. As of now NM is in a 14 day quarantine for anyone spending the night there. I've tried to get ahold of NMFG To ask questions about this but got tired of being on hold.

Possibly might have to find a way to spend the night without staying in a hotel.
This is what the state dictates from our current dictator aka governor. You should not encounter any problems as most of our law enforcement agencies refuse to comply with this edict, (they have much bigger issues to deal with). Enjoy your hunt.
I guess we will have to enter the state 2 weeks early and campout for 14 days before proceeding to our outfitter's location. ;)
Thanks for the heads up.
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