Newbie pronghorn hunter

It's been said but choose the one you're most confident with, then practice a lot with it. You'll have to compensate for wind regardless of your choice, but all are plenty of energy for an antelope. FWIW, I've shot several antelope with 6.5 creedmoor 140grain at 400-600 yards and would not hesitate to do the same with 90-110 grainers out of a 6mm. If you get them in the lungs they will not go far. 80 grains is a pretty light 25 cal bullet, still would do the job no problem. Take a good range finder and make sure you're ranging the antelope, don't range a hill behind them. And don't underestimate their ability to see you several hundred yards away, they have great eyesight. Sounds fun, hope you shoot a giant, NM has giants.
Heading to NE New Mexico to rifle hunt pronghorn
Question is... which cartridge to use. I'm leaning towards a 6.5, but my 270 WSM and 270 Roy are sick accurate.
Options are 80 grain TTSX 257 Roy, 143 ELDX 6.5 CM, 130 ELDM 260, 143 ELDX 6.5 PRC, 130 VLD 270 Win, 130 AB 270 WSM and 150 ABLR 270 Roy.
All are 1/2" or smaller shooters. 270 Roy is the heaviest 8.5#; Lightest 6.5 CM/260 around 6.4#.
Which one would you choose and why?
Thanks for your opinions.
270 WSM!
I Love my Weatherby Ultralight in 270 Win with a 130 Grn Nosler ballistic Tip at 3050 FPS , but if you expect to shoot in the 400 to 500 Yard range , I'd prefer my 270 Roy , 26 Inch bbl. Same bullett , But 3375 FPS . I had Mine set for 300 Yard zero For my First Antelope/ Mule deer Combo hunt ! 1979!! Don't use a Tough Bullett on antelope!!! That was my Big Mistake ! 150 Grn Speer grand slams were in the Rifle When we say the antelope ! All 4 bullets passed clean through him ! Never again !!! My 2 Cents!!
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