Newbie pronghorn hunter

Thank you. I always try to close the distance on animals I'm after, but I do understand how spastic and nervous they can be so longer shots are sometimes the norm
Absolutely, and if they have been hunted much they can be pretty spooky. My niece shot a goat that was just shy of 80" this last season, we glassed it at around 1000-1200, and closed ground to a good shooting position over the open field he was in. Initially ranged it at 550ish, but he was running his does, she almost took shots at 520, 610, 715, 765, and finally took him at 640. Winds were about 10ish mph L to R, having the 6.5 156 Berger going 2940 sure helped with wind dope, didn't have to make many adjustments in all that, and when the shot presented itself in the fading evening light she was able to just hold off a touch from her last adjustment and make a perfect shot.

Meat hunts vs something special for the wall. Now or never, vs come back tomorrow when conditions are more favorable.
Yup. For our doe hunts, we have a long season, like 2 months, and where we hunt is within 30 minutes or less. We don't go out on overly hot days, and try to avoid really windy days as well, it is more like goat shopping with the does, they are always in the alfalfa fields we hunt, and we can go out pretty much any time we want. Bucks on the other hand....we usually glass 100-300 goats easy before we find a shooter, and if you get a good shot within your capabilities, you better take it. So it is best to have all the advantages on your side.

Sadly I'll only have 3 days... Buck only
I would definitely take your rifle with the best ballistics then, even if it is totally overkill, that isn't really a big issue. If you can't get any closer than 700 yards to the buck you want, and the wind is goin pretty good, you don't want to be hindered simply because of a poor bc. Just run the numbers, at 3850 the .257 wby may do pretty decent, but if it is outran by some of the others you may want to take that into consideration.
Sadly I'll only have 3 days... Buck only

Just something to ponder ... "never pass a buck on your first encounter that you are willing to shoot on the last day." I am NOT a trophy hunter but all my hunts are trophies. My only NM antelope while stationed at Kirtland AFB, NM was only a 12" buck but it was a trophy in my book. Antelope is one of my favorite game to hunt. If you do a quick search, I have a few posted, including in the cooking section ... makes excellent good eats when prepared properly afield and at home. What they feed on also makes the difference, sagebrush vs alfalfa/wheat, etc. But the bottom line, have fun with it.
ANY and ALL of those choices will work excellent for pronghorn. Take what you are most proficient and comfortable with. And take TWO of them!

What unit in NM? I will be in 56 Aug 15th too.
This is my third pronghorn hunt in NM.
2018, 183 yards, 6.5SS pushing a 150 SMK @ 3113. DRT.
2019 w. My daughter, 391 yards w. her 6.5SLR pushing a 130 OTM @ 2901, DRT & 450ish w. my 6CM pushing a 105 Hyb @ 3101, DRT.
This year, we will be using a 6.5SS pushing a 156 Elite @ 2975, a 6.5SS pushing a 150 SMK @ 3038, or a 25SST pushing a 131 BJ @ 3238. Have two tags to fill in 3 days.
If it were me 257 WTBY all the way. Killed several good bucks a little north in Montana and used lots of 25 cal 257 roberts 25-06 257 WTBY 25 WSSM Even shot one doe with 256 win pistol. Use what you shoot best and practice to a distance where you are confident and limit shots to that distance. You'll do well good luck and post some pics of the buck you shoot...
Heading to NE New Mexico to rifle hunt pronghorn
Question is... which cartridge to use. I'm leaning towards a 6.5, but my 270 WSM and 270 Roy are sick accurate.
Options are 80 grain TTSX 257 Roy, 143 ELDX 6.5 CM, 130 ELDM 260, 143 ELDX 6.5 PRC, 130 VLD 270 Win, 130 AB 270 WSM and 150 ABLR 270 Roy.
All are 1/2" or smaller shooters. 270 Roy is the heaviest 8.5#; Lightest 6.5 CM/260 around 6.4#.
Which one would you choose and why?
Thanks for your opinions.
Use 270wsm great caliber and well overlooked
ANY and ALL of those choices will work excellent for pronghorn. Take what you are most proficient and comfortable with. And take TWO of them!

What unit in NM? I will be in 56 Aug 15th too.
This is my third pronghorn hunt in NM.
2018, 183 yards, 6.5SS pushing a 150 SMK @ 3113. DRT.
2019 w. My daughter, 391 yards w. her 6.5SLR pushing a 130 OTM @ 2901, DRT & 450ish w. my 6CM pushing a 105 Hyb @ 3101, DRT.
This year, we will be using a 6.5SS pushing a 156 Elite @ 2975, a 6.5SS pushing a 150 SMK @ 3038, or a 25SST pushing a 131 BJ @ 3238. Have two tags to fill in 3 days.

I'll be in unit 56 as well!
Good luck
Like most everyone else said all great and take which ever one you are most comfortable with. I have shot them with 223 Rem, 6mm Rem, 25 WSSM, 270 Win, 270 WSM, and 7 STW Improved from 50 yards to 600. I usually always take my 25 WSSM with 100gr TTSX and one other rifle. Most of the time we could shoot 2 or 3 goats so I brought different guns to mess around with. If I make it this year I will be bringing my 25 WSSM and my 264 Win mag. I was mainly hunting South Central Montana but have hunted Wyoming also. Never New Mexico.
I've used a 6.5 CM the last three years in NE WY using the Berger 140 gr VLD Hunt. I see it wasn't one of your choices for bullets, but very accurate and deadly on the "speed goats". And your 6.5 was your lightest rifle.

I assume from your log on name you were an 03...I was an 0311 in RVN in 1965-66. Semper Fi!
I've used a 6.5 CM the last three years in NE WY using the 140 gr VLD Hunt. I see it wasn't one of your choices for bullets, but very accurate and deadly on the "speed goats". And your 6.5 was your lightest rifle.

I assume from your log on name you were an 03...I was an 0311 in RVN in 1965-66. Semper Fi!

My 6.5 CM likes the 143 ELDX, didn't seem to like the 130 or 140 VLD's.

Yes sir... 0331 93-97 and Army 11B 97-03
Semper Fi salty devildog! Whew... RVN😳
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