Newbie pronghorn hunter

I meant the handgrip on your Spartan Tripod. I thought it was from an antler/horn - but on closer inspection - it is a camo type pattern.?
No sir, the Tripod is a Primos Trigger Stick with a Spartan Davros head.
Same; good luck to you
Returned on Aug 24 from a very brief but productive and fun pronghorn hunt in NE New Mexico (Unit 56).
All three of our party had our bucks by noon of the second day, as did the other 12 hunters in our camp. (No young bucks were taken.)
This was my first experience chasing speed goats, and it was fun. Lots of driving and glassing, then planning an approach so as not to spook the target. The doe decoy worked very well. The guide and I carefully moved from 288 yards to 185 yards before the buck stood up. With that, the Gunwerks 6.5 PRC did it's job, and rolled him over, firing an ELD-X 143 gr bullet at 2642 fps
Note, the rifle in the picture is a Remington 700, .308 WIN
My newphew shot his at 375 yds, and my stepson killed his a 500 yds.
Returned on Aug 24 from a very brief but productive and fun pronghorn hunt in NE New Mexico (Unit 56).
All three of our party had our bucks by noon of the second day, as did the other 12 hunters in our camp. (No young bucks were taken.)
This was my first experience chasing speed goats, and it was fun. Lots of driving and glassing, then planning an approach so as not to spook the target. The doe decoy worked very well. The guide and I carefully moved from 288 yards to 185 yards before the buck stood up. With that, the Gunwerks 6.5 PRC did it's job, and rolled him over, firing an ELD-X 143 gr bullet at 2642 fps
Note, the rifle in the picture is a Remington 700, .308 WINView attachment 210763View attachment 210764View attachment 210765 My newphew shot his at 375 yds, and my stepson killed his a 500 yds.
Good report-Pics. Thanks
I like near a .400 ballistic coefficient or above and 3200 fps or above is a good combination for me. I can't get into higher bc's with my 10 twist .243 but the 87 gr vmax at 3300 fps and my 7 mm Weatherby (very finicky) shoots 140 gr Barnes TSX's at 3450 fps. With each gun what I lack in BC I am able to make up with speed and each is good to 500 yards so far.
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