Newbie pronghorn hunter

Best of luck. When I drive through flat open spaces - I like to try and estimate distances -and no question - if there are no vertical signposts - it gets tougher.

I am happy if I can guesstimate 300-350 yards - but some of ye ping further. :)
here's what seems appropriate for us. Go to your hunt, stay there, go home.

Do out of state visitors have to self-quarantine even if they own a home in New Mexico?

Yes. If visitors or part-time residents plan to stay in New Mexico longer than two weeks for any reason, you must self-quarantine for the first 14 days when coming in from another state.

If you are staying in New Mexico for fewer than two weeks, you also must self-quarantine for the duration of your stay or up to 14 days, whichever is shorter. (For example, if you plan to stay at a hotel for two nights before leaving the state, you must self-quarantine for the duration of your stay.)

here's what seems appropriate for us. Go to your hunt, stay there, go home.

Do out of state visitors have to self-quarantine even if they own a home in New Mexico?

Yes. If visitors or part-time residents plan to stay in New Mexico longer than two weeks for any reason, you must self-quarantine for the first 14 days when coming in from another state.

If you are staying in New Mexico for fewer than two weeks, you also must self-quarantine for the duration of your stay or up to 14 days, whichever is shorter. (For example, if you plan to stay at a hotel for two nights before leaving the state, you must self-quarantine for the duration of your stay.)

This clarifies it and is helpful. We will just stay at the hunting camp, hunt, and go home with our trophies and meat.
Thank you!

It was a good evening!
Got a dandy of a buck yesterday. 526 yards with my 6.5 PRC


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