New light weight Creed

I did the thumb hole because I am very used to it and I tend to have much better shot placement with them. I was not gonna do it because I wanted light but after talking with pierce, Kirby, And others anything really light is hard to shoot so I added back a bit of weight where I wanted it. .

Yes it is threaded just a really smooth seem. I'm just waiting for my can to get released from jail. Should be any day now.
I started it end of November waited on the stock for quite a while after barreled action was done. Very fast turn around. Also have pierce making a custom short ti muzzle break for it. Between that and my can it will be a lot of fun.
I'm past the 3 year mark for my .375 AM so this felt like no time.
I have a new Creedmoor project planned.


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Snox, I meant how long has your can been in jail? I have been waiting nine months on mine and my retailer is telling me it has been taking ten months. Just wondering if we were getting the same story. Edd, pretty sharp.
That is NOT fair putting a photo of your beautiful "science project" up to give the rest of lustful ideas on building their own light Creed. Our wives need shoes too, ya know.

Rich C.,
I nearly ordered a Fierce action but they won't sell it without their barrel and I absolutely want a Proof Research barrel, not a Fierce barrel.
Also I heard from another member here that their experience with Fierce was not good B/C Fierce would not stand behind their product.

Eric B.
Eric B.,

Seems like the folks at Fierce need to get their act together and get on the same page. The guy I talked to told me I could buy an action and you hear you can't. And not backing their product is a real bummer.
I applied for my vans as a truck and got them in just before the deadline in july of last year. So I'm just about at 11 months. I heard they are starting g to clear the ones that went just before mine so I should have them shortly. Sucks I had to buy five cause the first dealer said they would be in no problem but they were not so I hedged my best and bought doubles from a different dealer.
Hey, I´m wondering why the CF is not visible in my EH-1 and both stocks posted here show it under the cammo pattern. Does anyone else has a stock that doesn´t show it??


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