Here is another new light weight Hammer

I have 200 gr hammer hunters running 3070 fps down a 12 twist cut rifled Fred Wells barrel in my 358 Norma. Shoots half moa all day long. (77.0 gr H4350).
Not always quick. We are just now for the 1st time in months working on some new stuff. Gotta throw a thank you for the nudge to make this 140g pill for the 35's. We had no idea that it would stir up as much attention as it has.
Got a Marlin 336 in 35 rem. wanting to make a hog gun out of it. Love the sound of the new140. Already ordered some but where to find Data??
Have not used this load but have in my book to try one day on my 35, 150 Core Lokt, Federal 210m(MATCH LARGE RIFLE), IMR 3031 40.0 grains. This might be a good staring point. for the 140 hammers.
Have not used this load but have in my book to try one day on my 35, 150 Core Lokt, Federal 210m(MATCH LARGE RIFLE), IMR 3031 40.0 grains. This might be a good staring point. for the 140 hammers.
Cool! Thanks! I was looking into this last night. I figured IMR 3031 too!
Have not used this load but have in my book to try one day on my 35, 150 Core Lokt, Federal 210m(MATCH LARGE RIFLE), IMR 3031 40.0 grains. This might be a good staring point. for the 140 hammers.
Have not used this load but have in my book to try one day on my 35, 150 Core Lokt, Federal 210m(MATCH LARGE RIFLE), IMR 3031 40.0 grains. This might be a good staring point. for the 140 hammers.
Thanks, Going to try that to start with. Also have a 35 Rem pistol I like to play with.
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