Here is another new light weight Hammer

So about 3 weeks ago, I called hammer and asked "can you make....?" Last night, I got a call saying "your bullets are done and on the website. They came out to 140 grains." Moral of the story, not only will hammer make something when you ask, they will make it quick.
Not always quick. We are just now for the 1st time in months working on some new stuff. Gotta throw a thank you for the nudge to make this 140g pill for the 35's. We had no idea that it would stir up as much attention as it has.
So about 3 weeks ago, I called hammer and asked "can you make....?" Last night, I got a call saying "your bullets are done and on the website. They came out to 140 grains." Moral of the story, not only will hammer make something when you ask, they will make it quick.
ALL HAIL THE PATRON ST. M JAGER! Thanks for your request. Maybe we need a Hammer Hunter 130gr?
I'm going to send you a singing telegram with a hug! I was soooooo hoping you would make a lighter bullet for the 35 REM! AND YOU DID! 😍🥰😘
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Don't want to see this again! 200gr HDY RN 2100fps MV Hog 100yds.

Beautiful old Model 8? That was my dads favorite rifle in 35 Rem. Some scumbag stole it out of his pickup in the late 70s
Not always quick. We are just now for the 1st time in months working on some new stuff. Gotta throw a thank you for the nudge to make this 140g pill for the 35's. We had no idea that it would stir up as much attention as it has.
Quick or not, it made my day when I called and you said "yep, we can make that." The fact that it was so quick is just a bonus. I sent the barrel blank off to a smith this week so it will be awhile before I get to test.
ALL HAIL THE PATRON ST. M JAGER! Thanks for your request. Maybe we need a Hammer Hunter 130gr?
Haha. Thank Iowa and their stupid caliber restrictions. Almost built a 35 whelen with a 355 barrel to shoot 350 legend bullets. Fortunately I wised up before going down that rabbit hole and called hammer. I expect the 140 is going to awesome on whitetails and black bear.

And in all seriousness, thank Steve for being maybe the only company that you can make such a request to and get results.
What twist rate for the 140 hammer. I have a 12 twist barrel coming from James at northland shooters supply to build a 35 whelen to hunt deer in iowa. Love the thought of 3300 + hammer for deer. Maybe elk?
What twist rate for the 140 hammer. I have a 12 twist barrel coming from James at northland shooters supply to build a 35 whelen to hunt deer in iowa. Love the thought of 3300 + hammer for deer. Maybe elk?
Hammer says 1-22 so you are more than good. I believe my blank is a 12 as well.
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