New LabRadar LX

Where Garmin Zero hits the mark is seamless connection connectivity with iPhone, etc. I sit down at my shooting bench, turn Garmin unit on, shoot, turn unit off, go home, turn my iPhone on and have all this wonderful data just waiting for me. So so simple and remarkably error free. This is all that I ever wanted out of a chronograph and now I have.
Even though I can afford, I cannot justify keeping up with the Joneses. I will keep my LabRadar until I am due to upgrade. I am waiting for the version that brews me coffee while at the range. 🤣 😍 😇

BTW, I still have my old Shooting Crony F1, and it still works.
I have my old Crony as well, in fact two of them. Maybe they can be made to brew coffee! 😀😀😀😀
Interesting info on the Labradar LX. I know it is just a brief description, but it sounds quite similar to the Garmin Xero. I am wondering what makes the Labrador people think folks are going to buy their product over the Garmin unit, which will have been on the market 6 months before the new Labradar product is release.
Maybe just availability, who knows.
Even though I can afford, I cannot justify keeping up with the Joneses. I will keep my LabRadar until I am due to upgrade. I am waiting for the version that brews me coffee while at the range. 🤣 😍 😇

BTW, I still have my old Shooting Crony F1, and it still works.
That's hilarious, I still have and use both myself. LR does all I need, but I'm not trying to hit a 6" target at 1000 or less, my room for error is a bit more, but it is cool to hit the flapper again and again.
Not quick enough.
LR had the best player in the game, and sat back and laughed all the way to the bank.
Not sure how long this has been in development, but they should have introduced this before the Garmin. Now, it just looks like they are scrambling trying to get the market share back after a new product came out and started wiping the floor with them. I am sure sales plummeted as I have seen about half the guys I know swap from LR to Garmin since November.

Good thing is, secondhand sales of used LRs sure make it easier for the guys wanting an upgrade from their Chrony to get into a LR cheap!
I'm kinda more curious if someone leaked info to Garmin about what LR was working on. Kinda odd for Garmin to drop something before shot show isn't it? I can almost guarantee LR was working on this before Garmin dropped... they can not r&d and then produce something in just a few months just because of Garmin. My guess this has been in the works awhile.
I broke the display on my MagnetoSpeed about 4 months ago, and as usual I procrastinated on replacing it. Glad I did - my new Garmin arrives on Saturday. I'll be reloading for the 257 Roberts AI then shooting and testing the Garmin on Sunday. I'm kinda excited I must say. I do appreciate the functionality of the LR, but it was too bulky and finicky for me - per everyone's feedback. I carry too much stuff to the range as it is.
I'm kinda more curious if someone leaked info to Garmin about what LR was working on. Kinda odd for Garmin to drop something before shot show isn't it? I can almost guarantee LR was working on this before Garmin dropped... they can not r&d and then produce something in just a few months just because of Garmin. My guess this has been in the works awhile.
Garmin is not a company to rush into putting out a product. They are well known for a lot of amazing electronic tools.
Well I did not see the new breed tiny super radar products' coming!! I purchased my used OLD style Lab Radar only 6 or 7 months ago. I happen to love it!! So I went from Nothing at all to the big orange box. !! So I guess someday I may catch up to you young modern shooters! The data is important to us no matter how big the box is !!

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