Medical Billing Errors - WTHELLO

That's what you don't understand about freedom.
I don't look for you to pay. Who decides what worth it. His particular disability does not qualify because is so rare they don't know what cause it or have any treatment that is proven. So we try.
What you don't get either is I am responsible for my family. I forgo trips rifle and lots of other things to make the need choice to purchase insurance for us. That's a choice I weighed the risk and got into the system. My point is you should t have to.
Still waiting for your portion of things I deem needed. That's the problem with your ideas who determines what people need. When you have that what's next it's a never ending rabbit hole that leads to more and more taxes till they run out of people to steal from.
That's what you don't understand about freedom.
I don't look for you to pay. Who decides what worth it. His particular disability does not qualify because is so rare they don't know what cause it or have any treatment that is proven. So we try.
What you don't get either is I am responsible for my family. I forgo trips rifle and lots of other things to make the need choice to purchase insurance for us. That's a choice I weighed the risk and got into the system. My point is you should t have to.
Still waiting for your portion of things I deem needed. That's the problem with your ideas who determines what people need. When you have that what's next it's a never ending rabbit hole that leads to more and more taxes till they run out of people to steal from.
Do you think you are the only one who makes sacrifices for their children? I would be retired right now if I did not have children. Like I said, I pay my taxes so you can get my money from the government. You have my permission.

Making people pay for the services they use is not stealing. Walking out on a medical bill is.
Do you think you are the only one who makes sacrifices for their children? I would be retired right now if I did not have children. Like I said, I pay my taxes so you can get my money from the government. You have my permission.

Making people pay for the services they use is not stealing. Walking out on a medical bill is.
Yes is it stealing if you take it without permission.
What about those that never need it like if you die before health issues?
You forced money from them for something they didn't want or get. Walking out on bills is theft and we have laws for that and a legal system. Not nice try to pivot.
And no I'm not asking other tax payers for money because it never ends. Next thing you know healthcare involves a man turning his penis inside out to be a woman that I have to pay for with taxes they take from me so I can't use them for my family.
If you take something from someone without consent it's stealing bottom line. If you fail to pay a bill it's also stealing.
So by your own admission we should arrest every it's agent for theft. I'm not arguing that but by your logic you are.
Think how soon you could have retired if you were not forced to pay for other people's craps unless you choose to.
Again I'll say it you have no idea about freedom.
Yes is it stealing if you take it without permission.
What about those that never need it like if you die before health issues?
You forced money from them for something they didn't want or get. Walking out on bills is theft and we have laws for that and a legal system. Not nice try to pivot.
And no I'm not asking other tax payers for money because it never ends. Next thing you know healthcare involves a man turning his penis inside out to be a woman that I have to pay for with taxes they take from me so I can't use them for my family.
If you take something from someone without consent it's stealing bottom line. If you fail to pay a bill it's also stealing.
So by your own admission we should arrest every it's agent for theft. I'm not arguing that but by your logic you are.
Think how soon you could have retired if you were not forced to pay for other people's craps unless you choose to.
Again I'll say it you have no idea about freedom.
Statistically, very few people die without ever using the system. You pretty much need to die out in the woods and become consumed by the local wildlife and never to be seen or heard from again. Also, probably helps if you have no family who might alert authorities to your disappearance. All of that requires tax dollars. As for people walking out on their medical bills, there really isn't any law preventing you from doing it. Its one of the factors in the cost of healthcare. I am not even sure it affects your credit rating anymore. The law has kind of bounced back and forth on that. Up until the 90's it would not show up on your credit report and at some point in mid 90's they changed that so it would show up on your credit report. I think in the early 2000's when the whole EHR got started, they may have reversed it along with adding pre-existing condition protections. The protection being that if you were insured continuously for a year, you could not be denied for pre-existing conditions whether it was the company that had insured you for that year or it was a new insurance company as long as you did not have any breaks in the time you were insured.
I'm understand what your saying but my pint still stands. If you take someone's money without them wanting you to it's theft.
I never said I didn't put into the system. It's about freedom to choose. You are still currently held accountable for unpaid bills. Healthcare should have to operate the same way as a normal business when people don't pay use the legal system.
I know it's not perfect but I always stand of the side of freedom. It's never the wrong choice.
Even if the government covered it it would be disproportionate. If I was allowed to keep all my tax dollars I could easily provide health care for my family. Most would juts think of how much you pay with all the taxes. I bet I pay close to 50 percent of my income goes to them. I'm taxed at every turn and you want to do increase that?
That a real question, at what rate do I stop working because it's not worth it. When I could sit at home get a home, power, food and healthcare?
That a serious question what happens when less of me exists and more of you thought. Then people stop working to pay taxes and no money is left? Then what?
The only accountability for healthcare bills is the possibility of it showing up on your credit report. Thats why so many people go to the emergency room and its the main cause of rural hospitals closing down around the country.

The advantage of a public option is that it provides everyone with an affordable healthcare option and in the long run will save money for people like me who have been paying into the system since birth. I don't know that there has been a day in my life in which I was not insured. The amount that my taxes will increase will be less than what I am currently paying for insurance. That is more money in my pocket. The only people who would be paying more are those that are uninsured. I am sorry but those people are a blood sucking parasite on the system. It is a statistical fact. Like I mentioned before, it is the reason rural hospitals are closing in record numbers. There are simple ways to tax the poor to get them to help pay. Tobacco tax, alcohol tax, and junk food tax would force the poor to pay into the system if they are going use what little money they have to purchase those luxuries. I know, more evil taxes but its the only way to get some people to contribute when they have a low income. I want everyone to contribute. The more others contribute, the less money comes out of my pocket. I know you think I am a commie liberal but the fact is that liberals hate my idea because they don't think the poor should pay anything. I annoy both sides actually and I am not sure which one more. These people are going to use the system, they aren't going to pay, and we aren't going to turn them away. Turning them away will never be an option so you can go on about how we should not give them care and let them die in the street but it ain't happening. Its not reality.
Statistically, very few people die without ever using the system. You pretty much need to die out in the woods and become consumed by the local wildlife and never to be seen or heard from again. Also, probably helps if you have no family who might alert authorities to your disappearance. All of that requires tax dollars. As for people walking out on their medical bills, there really isn't any law preventing you from doing it. Its one of the factors in the cost of healthcare. I am not even sure it affects your credit rating anymore. The law has kind of bounced back and forth on that. Up until the 90's it would not show up on your credit report and at some point in mid 90's they changed that so it would show up on your credit report. I think in the early 2000's when the whole EHR got started, they may have reversed it along with adding pre-existing condition protections. The protection being that if you were insured continuously for a year, you could not be denied for pre-existing conditions whether it was the company that had insured you for that year or it was a new insurance company as long as you did not have any breaks in the time you were insured.
Statistically, when something is taken from you by force by the government, and given to someone else without your consent... that's tyranny. That's not freedom.

Statistically, I'd like someone to explain to me how a politician can come into office with $100,000 to their name, and within 5 years be worth 100 million dollars. Statistically, that shouldn't be possible. (or allowed, statistically.)

However, statistically, no one cares what I think about any of this, and statistically that's probably fine.
The only accountability for healthcare bills is the possibility of it showing up on your credit report. Thats why so many people go to the emergency room and its the main cause of rural hospitals closing down around the country.

The advantage of a public option is that it provides everyone with an affordable healthcare option and in the long run will save money for people like me who have been paying into the system since birth. I don't know that there has been a day in my life in which I was not insured. The amount that my taxes will increase will be less than what I am currently paying for insurance. That is more money in my pocket. The only people who would be paying more are those that are uninsured. I am sorry but those people are a blood sucking parasite on the system. It is a statistical fact. Like I mentioned before, it is the reason rural hospitals are closing in record numbers. There are simple ways to tax the poor to get them to help pay. Tobacco tax, alcohol tax, and junk food tax would force the poor to pay into the system if they are going use what little money they have to purchase those luxuries. I know, more evil taxes but its the only way to get some people to contribute when they have a low income. I want everyone to contribute. The more others contribute, the less money comes out of my pocket. I know you think I am a commie liberal but the fact is that liberals hate my idea because they don't think the poor should pay anything. I annoy both sides actually and I am not sure which one more. These people are going to use the system, they aren't going to pay, and we aren't going to turn them away. Turning them away will never be an option so you can go on about how we should not give them care and let them die in the street but it ain't happening. Its not reality.
Well the whole problem is you assume public health care is affordable it is not.
Statistically, when something is taken from you by force by the government, and given to someone else without your consent... that's tyranny. That's not freedom.

Statistically, I'd like someone to explain to me how a politician can come into office with $100,000 to their name, and within 5 years be worth 100 million dollars. Statistically, that shouldn't be possible. (or allowed, statistically.)

However, statistically, no one cares what I think about any of this, and statistically that's probably fine.
Lotsa folks care what you think orkan, especially if it's related to bench mounted 50 BMG priming tools.

Which politician made 100 million in 5 years? Was it Granny Botox?
Google public option
I'll google that if you point to one country who has been able to make it work for a significant amount of time. It's a Ponzi scheme just like social security.
How's that working out? Great for baby boomer nothing left for me yet I pay into the system.
Not to mention you never address the fact that all public options are paid for by stealing someone's money by force and giving it to another.
I have zero rights to take anything for you and you do t from me.
Try googling the bill of rights
Maybe if you spent time on that instead of cnn you would have a different view.
This reminds me of the old saying.
If your not a liberal in your youth you have no heart. If you not a conservative in you adult years you are dumb!
Seem to fit a lot of the time.
It always seems people like Jim want to spend other people's money.
Nothing stops you from donating more to help with healthcare of another. I indeed do that a good amount through donations and gift paying bills.
But it my choice not some government agencies forcing me to.
I'll google that if you point to one country who has been able to make it work for a significant amount of time. It's a Ponzi scheme just like social security.
How's that working out? Great for baby boomer nothing left for me yet I pay into the system.
Not to mention you never address the fact that all public options are paid for by stealing someone's money by force and giving it to another.
I have zero rights to take anything for you and you do t from me.
Try googling the bill of rights
Maybe if you spent time on that instead of cnn you would have a different view.
You have absolutely no idea what the difference is between a public option and universal healthcare. Keep working on that hobby.