Medical Billing Errors - WTHELLO

Hey guys, I am not sure Len would like where this is going. I for one enjoy it and actually learn with these exchanges. But he does have a no politics deal hear.
So I am dropping out in respect for the forum.
Hope everyone has a good time.
Well, here is a "Wow, am I happy with my medical care story."

I was on a friend's farm and was bitten by her blue heeler - ripped a chunk of my face off. Went to the ER, where I was seen almost immediately. The doctor, who introduced himself to me by his full name (not "Dr Smith"), informed me that I would have to have plastic surgery that day or I would face (pun intended) a messed up face forever.

Was in that hospital for two days. Surgery was performed by two plastic surgeons and an anesthesiologist. Total bill? $3450.

Good care is possible for a reasonable price - but in my case, I was in Australia. A week later I slayed a bunch of water buffalo and had my stitches removed by a medical team flown in to treat the local aboriginal village (no cost to me, but I did have to wait until the aboriginals were taken care of). Our system is broken.

Some of you may recall I hit a coyote riding my new carbon fiber bicycle back in 2020. That hospital bill was $95,000.
LRNut, its a good thing they only worked on the bicycle!
It will cost zero dollars to toss them in the streets. As long as people like you are not in charge and force me to pay for something.
I'm also not saying you don't understand the system I'm saying you don't understand free markets or personal freedoms and choices.
Not a single system you mention is viable long term cost wise. Eventually you run out of others money. Name one juts one system that has not been bailed out. Social security also is the same system you continuously keep going back to everyone pays because everyone uses it at some point. Well how many times have they had to change and rob more money to pay for it it simply does work. Now it's a system that I'm paying for I'll never get back.
It's a Ponzi scheme bottom line.
As for building why should you or anyone have any say in how I build? You shouldn't.
Again it's a government system that get out of control. Why do I need to have a power outlet every 6' in my house. That has zero to do with safety. I'll tell you why because I had to pay over a dollar for every outlet when I got a permit. So they made more money.
Again you seem to not understand personal responsibility and freedom. It's not your job or the government's to tell me what is good for me. By your logic they would be far better off telling us we can't even drink soda or eat fast food.
It's a slope that never gives up power juts collects more. This demanding more of my money.
If I need 911 I would indeed call but I would also be prep to pay for the service I used not expecting someone else to pay. That's seems to be the issue. People wanting things paid for by others.
You yourself I'm sure could sell your hunting stuff stay home sell your truck and other hobbies and possibly continue to work and pay your own way but you would rather us the system to force others to.
It will cost zero dollars to toss them in the streets? The homeless don't cost americans anything at all? I think that statement alone speaks volumes about your understanding of the world and how it works.
Got pneumonia from covid and spent three days in the hospital after the ER trip. 24K later, I'm waiting to see what insurance pays. So far about 2K and I'm thinnking I'm stuck with the other 22K.
PBramble ,sounds like you signed up for Obama Care! Glad we have gov't official's that care right?
Yes you said pacs those spend money to get people elected. My point was no amount of money spend on the other persons view has swayed my thoughts or my moral compass or beliefs.
So yes it did have something to do.
Pacs are not the only problem or the major one in my book but I agree with you they are an issue.
That has nothing to do what I said. It was said that our system is unrepairable. My response was that as long as politicians are having their pockets lined by PACS, the system will remain unrepairable. Your moral compass has nothing to do with that.
It will cost zero dollars to toss them in the streets? The homeless don't cost americans anything at all? I think that statement alone speaks volumes about your understanding of the world and how it works.
Jim from Tn, Wasn't it Ronald Reagan that said ---Gov't is the problem!! and Freedom is but a generation away! Look at Ukraine and look at our own Country ---USA, so sad think were headed for some rough times that only the older generation went thru,hope I'm wrong
On a website dedicated to long range hunting, where no one can agree on anything relating to long range hunting, and heated arguments break out literally daily about subjects that are very easily quantified... somehow the worlds largest problems are going to be solved here by arguing?

Perhaps a different approach is required.

Don't be impressed with your own wisdom.
Instead, fear the Lord and turn away from evil.
Then you will have healing for your body
and strength for your bones.
Proverbs 3:7-8

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Jim from Tn, Wasn't it Ronald Reagan that said ---Gov't is the problem!! and Freedom is but a generation away! Look at Ukraine and look at our own Country ---USA, so sad think were headed for some rough times that only the older generation went thru,hope I'm wrong
I mentioned early on that you have to choose between government lazy incompetence and evil soulless greed.
I think this may be the solution. Start making the jobs a service that volunteer.
Most in government are well past retirement age anyway. Let them donate time to serve the country. That way you get people that care. Maybe.
They would if we had a nationwide open insurance market. They work because they don't want to or can't pay the insane politically controlled prices of medical insurance.
Honestly the government doesn't really care about healthcare, or incentivizing people to purchase health insurance. The simplest and best solution would be to simply make health insurance premiums, deductibles, and 100% of medical expenses tax deductible. The health insurance market would explode and you can bet your *** that all of a sudden preexisting conditions would get covered because people would be buying plans to help them mitigate their tax burden. Everyone would buy the most expensive comprehensive plans they could. If the insurers didn't adapt, no one would buy their plans and they'd go bankrupt. It would shift the power and incentive for buying health insurance back to people. Think about it. If the government said you could deduct the cost of a new vehicle from your taxes every year, would you buy a new vehicle every year? Yes. However, notice how this has never once come up as a solution to the modern healthcare crisis? It's because Uncle Sam really doesn't care that much despite all of the political rhetoric.
Is it me or what? The past year I have received multiple billings that contained billing errors that I was charged for services that were covered by Medicare and my supplemental insurance. It was ONLY after I provided evidence they were paid or have not submitted correct billing information to either Medicare or my supplemental insurance that I was able to remove the billing. Within the past month alone, the total billing errors is about $450! Dang! That's a nice chunk toward a new build! I had similar billing issues in past year that I had to correct as well.

My reason to post up is to give heads up to make sure you review EVERY line item in EVERY billing in comparison to your Explanation of Benefits to VERIFY the billing is 100% correct!

So how many elderly folks just pay the bill "trusting" the bill is correct? So is this just another layer of incompetence? Or worse? Since it is so prevalent you start to wonder.....
Sorry to hear that happened to you. I appreciate the info. I have a small copay with my normal insurance I guess after hearing this I will start keeping my receipts for much longer than I used to.

$450 could almost buy 12 pounds of Retumbo, just not at Gunbroker prices.
Hey Jim from TN
You made the comment about everyone should be forced to pay into healthcare because some day you may need it.
Let me explain freedom for you.
This juts came up with a friend of mine and I thought it proved my point.
He decided long ago he was not gonna be part of the system. It worked well for him his entire life. Now at his age he has terminal cancer. He decide he did not want to fight it.
He made his choices and he is perfectly happy with them. He has options to cover care and he still said no it's a waste of time and money. That is called freedom.
Make the choice that you think is best for you and live with it.
Not sure about you but I don't need anyone telling me what's best for me and my family.
Especially not the government.
But if you think it should all be shared I'll be waiting for you to send me your $250 a week for your share of my son's therapy. Because who knows maybe some day you Amy need speech and pt. I'll wait.
Hey Jim from TN
You made the comment about everyone should be forced to pay into healthcare because some day you may need it.
Let me explain freedom for you.
This juts came up with a friend of mine and I thought it proved my point.
He decided long ago he was not gonna be part of the system. It worked well for him his entire life. Now at his age he has terminal cancer. He decide he did not want to fight it.
He made his choices and he is perfectly happy with them. He has options to cover care and he still said no it's a waste of time and money. That is called freedom.
Make the choice that you think is best for you and live with it.
Not sure about you but I don't need anyone telling me what's best for me and my family.
Especially not the government.
But if you think it should all be shared I'll be waiting for you to send me your $250 a week for your share of my son's therapy. Because who knows maybe some day you Amy need speech and pt. I'll wait.
As long as his family is willing to let him die in his bed regardless of how bad it gets, then you are correct about this one instance in probably tens of millions. If his family can't handle the screams of pain and they send him to the hospital and they can't pay the full bill then he will be a parasite on the system.

I pay my taxes and if your son qualifies, I have no problem with him receiving government assistance with his treatments. It would be a shame if your son ended up suffering in the long run because of your decisions but thats the chances we take as parents.