Medical Billing Errors - WTHELLO

Crazy we are so unhealthy me included but it's amazing we have that option. Free will is amazing and sad all at the same time
totally agree, go eat at mcdonalds every day and smoke and drink as much booze as you want. i dont care. it's when you want me and my dollars to pay for it that i care. i have a job that subsidizes health insurance for me, if i want it. i have the right to waive coverage and take a chance if i want. i dont because i'm like tim taylor when it comes to injuring myself.
Jim your basic lack of understanding is shocking and scary.
You brought up the Pepsi and coke thing not me my argument was rc cola was a viable options. Scroll up and try to retain a previous post.
Second I do understand a bit about it because of my mother. The fact I got to listen to how things were done and issues they faced on a nightly basis during family dinner. Same with my father. He was a builder and amazing successful business man. I followed in his footsteps and learned a lot. So no I didn't learn everything but more than most.

Simple answer for homeless yes let them sleep on the streets. Not my responsibility to make sure someone else is taken care of only me and my family. Bleeding heart will bleed you dry.
Again you are framing it as cruel because of the way I want to let people support them self's. But you don't seem to see the cruelty in making me work and taking my money from my family to support people that won't be responsible.
Glad you brought up house. Most our housing issues are caused by government, the same government you want to screw up healthcare. I juts built a house the amount of red tape and money I spent for permits and inspections for I house I built, on land I own for my family. Cost me thousands extra. Why can't someone build what they want.
It's all down to freedom of choice and you are clearly not for that.
You want someone to take care of you and do it by forcing the productive to take care of non productive people.
Honestly seem like a socialist country would indeed be a better fit for you than TN.
If I found a country that lined up with my beliefs better than US I'm sure I would move.
Please keep in mind I have no issues with you sir I'm sure you are a fine fellow and we would have more in common than not.
But I will never be convinced of taking from someone who doesn't agree to give to another.
I may indeed one day draw from your said system. Or I should at least be able to opt out of it and possibly not be able to get health care. But is should always be my choice not yours or anyone else's by force.
My lack of understanding comes from 30 years in healthcare IT working on things like patient accounting, insurance clearinghouse, insurance contract management, claims processing, as well as hospital collections. I have also worked on the clinicals side as well which involves some coding.

Pepsi and Coke both raised their prices and yet they did not lose any business to RC and RC didn't sell anymore as a result. RC didn't steal McDonalds or any other fast food chain or restaurant from Coke or Pepsi. RC used to be a competitor to Pepsi and Coke, now they have fallen to the wayside but are still able to stay afloat. I am sure there are RC doctors out there and there is nothing stopping you from seeing them.

My father used to bring his work home and talk about it at the table also.

What do you think would happen if we threw everyone who is currently receiving government assistance into the streets with the homeless? Do you really think it won't cost you money? Do you actually believe that it won't end up costing more money than simply giving them the assistance? What is to keep them from setting up camp in your front yard and break into your house whenever they want something to eat?

As for building a house, you can't get around those pesky codes put in place by you local government. How dare they make you get a septic that perks if you don't have sewer. How dare they make you put in your drains so that the water flows downhill. How dare they make you put in a firewall between your house and garage in order to help save your family from dying in a fire. How dare they stick their nose in the wiring of your house. I have heard that some places won't even let you have chickens and hogs in your yard. You know if you were to disappear in the wilderness of Alaska and build a house out there, you wouldn't have to worry about things like codes and permits.

As for withdrawing from my sad system, you are welcome to as long as you are willing to die outside of that system. My guess is that even as tough as you are, if you think you are going to die, you will call 911.
Sounds like we have an unrepairable health care system and no one in office cares as he and his family have it made!
nope, our elected officials have cadillac plans for life that we subsidize. medicare for all is a campaigning lie to get votes. remember, they had to pass obamacare to find out what was in the plan? if obamacare was so great, why didnt they participate in it?
I got one from the power company. For my old house no one living in it currently. $211 thought no way.
180 of it was an access fee. Huh?
They tried that crap at our local PUD's. Tried to claim we had to mow and shovel snow so they could get to meter. Bunch of ****ed off people had trucks, equipment, dogs off chains, and gates closed. Didn't last one billing cycle. The meter readers apologized to anyone they saw for whining and being new age little female dogs.
As long as we allow PACS to pour money into elected officials pockets, all of our systems are unrepairable forgot 99.9 percent of the lists. I would be happy just cutting out anything from anyone outside of the politicians wages.
Just got one a couple days ago. Wife and kid went to get the government virus test so they could travel. Swabbed noses right after each other with same person in same room. Yep insurance denied one of them.
Insurance said it wasn't coded right.
We asked....You realized and knew it wasn't coded correctly correct. Her....yes. why didn't you just mark incorrect code on your computer screen and hit return?
Her...It is not our responsibility to code the medical provider must enter the correct code. you remember the question I just asked you. Could you please answer only that question
Her....repeated herself not their responsibility.
We had to call the hospital and get it corrected. No discount no sorry no f'n nothing for us doing two multi 100 million dollar business's jobs.
My lack of understanding comes from 30 years in healthcare IT working on things like patient accounting, insurance clearinghouse, insurance contract management, claims processing, as well as hospital collections. I have also worked on the clinicals side as well which involves some coding.

Pepsi and Coke both raised their prices and yet they did not lose any business to RC and RC didn't sell anymore as a result. RC didn't steal McDonalds or any other fast food chain or restaurant from Coke or Pepsi. RC used to be a competitor to Pepsi and Coke, now they have fallen to the wayside but are still able to stay afloat. I am sure there are RC doctors out there and there is nothing stopping you from seeing them.

My father used to bring his work home and talk about it at the table also.

What do you think would happen if we threw everyone who is currently receiving government assistance into the streets with the homeless? Do you really think it won't cost you money? Do you actually believe that it won't end up costing more money than simply giving them the assistance? What is to keep them from setting up camp in your front yard and break into your house whenever they want something to eat?

As for building a house, you can't get around those pesky codes put in place by you local government. How dare they make you get a septic that perks if you don't have sewer. How dare they make you put in your drains so that the water flows downhill. How dare they make you put in a firewall between your house and garage in order to help save your family from dying in a fire. How dare they stick their nose in the wiring of your house. I have heard that some places won't even let you have chickens and hogs in your yard. You know if you were to disappear in the wilderness of Alaska and build a house out there, you wouldn't have to worry about things like codes and permits.

As for withdrawing from my sad system, you are welcome to as long as you are willing to die outside of that system. My guess is that even as tough as you are, if you think you are going to die, you will call 911.
It will cost zero dollars to toss them in the streets. As long as people like you are not in charge and force me to pay for something.
I'm also not saying you don't understand the system I'm saying you don't understand free markets or personal freedoms and choices.
Not a single system you mention is viable long term cost wise. Eventually you run out of others money. Name one juts one system that has not been bailed out. Social security also is the same system you continuously keep going back to everyone pays because everyone uses it at some point. Well how many times have they had to change and rob more money to pay for it it simply does work. Now it's a system that I'm paying for I'll never get back.
It's a Ponzi scheme bottom line.
As for building why should you or anyone have any say in how I build? You shouldn't.
Again it's a government system that get out of control. Why do I need to have a power outlet every 6' in my house. That has zero to do with safety. I'll tell you why because I had to pay over a dollar for every outlet when I got a permit. So they made more money.
Again you seem to not understand personal responsibility and freedom. It's not your job or the government's to tell me what is good for me. By your logic they would be far better off telling us we can't even drink soda or eat fast food.
It's a slope that never gives up power juts collects more. This demanding more of my money.
If I need 911 I would indeed call but I would also be prep to pay for the service I used not expecting someone else to pay. That's seems to be the issue. People wanting things paid for by others.
You yourself I'm sure could sell your hunting stuff stay home sell your truck and other hobbies and possibly continue to work and pay your own way but you would rather us the system to force others to.
As long as we allow PACS to pour money into elected officials pockets, all of our systems are unrepairable
Im not sure that the problem. Never I'm have I ever been swayed no matter how much money the Progressive spend. It's simply lack of knowledge and education of the people voting. I agree take money out of politics but that almost impossible. I think term limits is the best bet. But even that won't solve it.
Very complex things I don't have the answer to make perfect. But I know what hasn't worked ever. forgot 99.9 percent of the lists. I would be happy just cutting out anything from anyone outside of the politicians wages.
I think this may be the solution. Start making the jobs a service that volunteer.
Most in government are well past retirement age anyway. Let them donate time to serve the country. That way you get people that care. Maybe.
Im not sure that the problem. Never I'm have I ever been swayed no matter how much money the Progressive spend. It's simply lack of knowledge and education of the people voting. I agree take money out of politics but that almost impossible. I think term limits is the best bet. But even that won't solve it.
Very complex things I don't have the answer to make perfect. But I know what hasn't worked ever.
Does that have anything to do with what I said?
nope, our elected officials have cadillac plans for life that we subsidize. medicare for all is a campaigning lie to get votes. remember, they had to pass obamacare to find out what was in the plan? if obamacare was so great, why didnt they participate in it?
Ah yes remember you could keep your doctor, it will lower cost. According to Jim from TN we should have had steep price drops cause everyone had to get it. Oh wait it did exactly what I said happens to every thing run by government it didn't work and cost more.
Yes you said pacs those spend money to get people elected. My point was no amount of money spend on the other persons view has swayed my thoughts or my moral compass or beliefs.
So yes it did have something to do.
Pacs are not the only problem or the major one in my book but I agree with you they are an issue.
Does that have anything to do with what I said

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