Medical Billing Errors - WTHELLO

So you are saying that your rural town does not get any of the taxes collected at the state level? Your little town is completely funded by taxes collected at the local level. Your state's largest metropolitan area is really small. Also, South Dakota receives more money from the federal government than it pays in so they are receiving a distribution of wealth. To be fair, its not nearly the level of states like Kentucky, Alabama, and Mississippi.
Here is the problem with your idea of them taking more from feds than they put in
. It's called salt tax and doe come and go.
California indeed pays in a ton to feds for taxes but if you can write off all your taxes at at the federal leave or state level what good does it to for the rest of they pay all the taxes only to use that tax as a deduction?
All it does is make them feel good and give you a way to say look they pay more.
Second Jim you still don't understand nobody or state should be subsidized. I'm not fine with it and you shouldn't be.
And in fact I know because I was on the board of my small town we indeed pay more into the coffers than we received. So your base is way off.
Michigan receives more federal funding than it pays so it is also receiving a redistribution of wealth.
Again it's wrong but you keep saying large cities , I just gave you three examples in my state. This is a perfect example of what I say when I point out you pivot. Your initial statement was big cities pay more and give to small cities. Then I proved you wrong and you pivot to the national level. What about Chicago that's also a drain on the rest of the date and going bankrupt. I can find these all over.
Stop pivoting and admit you were not correct.
Also are you for the feds redistribution of wealth? Cause I believe tenn. also received more more than paid in.
Are you ok with this or not. You sound like you are not. That means we both agree the taxes should go down and leave the dates to do what they need to. They need to find out how to live within the budget.
Problem is states do favors for federal projects then get favors from the feds with pork projects.
So you're basing the entire argument on the premise that rural areas are getting money from the cities. Can you prove this is happening?

In my little rural town, money for projects doesn't come from cities. It comes from the residents here.
I think he's a paid troll to be honest.
Look at his history he's on a hunting site and never posts about that. Only these then post things form site like cnn who have been caught lying more than a few time this year. Then when confronted with a fact he pivots to something new juts like he did here. Stated by saying small towns then went to the country.
Might be time to stop feeding the troll.
So you are saying that your rural town does not get any of the taxes collected at the state level? Your little town is completely funded by taxes collected at the local level. Your state's largest metropolitan area is really small. Also, South Dakota receives more money from the federal government than it pays in so they are receiving a distribution of wealth. To be fair, its not nearly the level of states like Kentucky, Alabama, and Mississippi.
You seem to have difficulty answering questions. So I won't make the mistake of engaging you further.

Most South Dakotans would be perfectly happy rejecting all money from the federal government, if it meant that the federal government couldn't take any of our money or interfere in our affairs.

You seem to not understand that most have no issue with paying taxes. It's what those taxes are spent on that we have a problem with. I will continue to pray to God that this "collective" mindset is defeated in this country, and the spirit of individual liberty and individual failure makes a comeback. I won't be holding my breath, and I certainly won't waste any more of it on this ridiculous discussion. As is usually the case, if the participants don't already agree on it, then they won't. No one's mind will be changed here. Hopefully enough will be taken from you by force to cause you to realize any amount isn't proper.

So you and yours just keep trying to take what I earn, and I'll keep trying to stop you. History will see who won and who was right.
Again it's wrong but you keep saying large cities , I just gave you three examples in my state. This is a perfect example of what I say when I point out you pivot. Your initial statement was big cities pay more and give to small cities. Then I proved you wrong and you pivot to the national level. What about Chicago that's also a drain on the rest of the date and going bankrupt. I can find these all over.
Stop pivoting and admit you were not correct.
Also are you for the feds redistribution of wealth? Cause I believe tenn. also received more more than paid in.
Are you ok with this or not. You sound like you are not. That means we both agree the taxes should go down and leave the dates to do what they need to. They need to find out how to live within the budget.
Problem is states do favors for federal projects then get favors from the feds with pork projects.
Funny, Illinois is one of the few states that pays out more than it receives. They are subsidizing your state.

I don't deny that TN is on that list but I am not crying about redistribution of wealth and how unfair taxes are plus my income is well above the median income in my state and I am salaried, single, and no dependents so I am paying a higher tax rate than most in my state. I contribute my fair share.
You seem to have difficulty answering questions. So I won't make the mistake of engaging you further.

Most South Dakotans would be perfectly happy rejecting all money from the federal government, if it meant that the federal government couldn't take any of our money or interfere in our affairs.

You seem to not understand that most have no issue with paying taxes. It's what those taxes are spent on that we have a problem with. I will continue to pray to God that this "collective" mindset is defeated in this country, and the spirit of individual liberty and individual failure makes a comeback. I won't be holding my breath, and I certainly won't waste any more of it on this ridiculous discussion. As is usually the case, if the participants don't already agree on it, then they won't. No one's mind will be changed here. Hopefully enough will be taken from you by force to cause you to realize any amount isn't proper.

So you and yours just keep trying to take what I earn, and I'll keep trying to stop you. History will see who won and who was right.
You never answered the question as to whether your town received any of the state taxes collected. If they do, do you know if it was more or less than your town contributed? As for federal taxes, it seems like you are getting your taxes back with interest. Perhaps you should be questioning how your state is using those taxes.
Ah yes the brookings institute. You realize they are notoriously left leaning right?
Yes my town pays more than it receives
. Second again why are you ok with redistribution?
Like I said you pivot again, you started by saying big cities fund small ones. I proved you wrong with Detroit, flint, and Lansing. Well know that they take more than they give at the state level. Then you turned it into a federal thing because you were wrong.
since you set the rules where a pandemic also counts for general policy. If we play by those rules not only IL, but CA, And New York took more tax dollars than they payed in so again you are even wrong when you are trying to be right.
See this is the problem with people like you. You constantly shift the narrative and when the situation fits your narrative. So when trumps economy fell apart under covid shut downs it counts. Now that same time all these states you say received more fed money than they put in so now they are a drain on the system and states like Florida and Texas paid most of the bill.
See how much consistency matters.
I bet you are also one of those people who think the rich should pay more even thought they pay the vast majority of taxes already.
But then again you still think it's ok to steal money to redistribute. So you sir are indeed ok with being a thief. Again until you can explain why it's ok to steal you have no moral authority over anyone here.
Like I said I think you are paid on here to post crap like this dribble that can easily be proven wrong or when looked at in context doesn't line up with what you are saying so you pivot.
Again very weird you are on this hunting site but never talk about hunting. Only political stuff. That why I think you are paid to do this.
Again Jim please don't think that I don't like you. I wish you all the best as a person. But we just will not see eye to eye on freedom every.
I juts don't see how it's my responsibility to pay for anyone else's stuff.
Just also want to point out that cities need rural America more than we need then. What if we decide making food is much more important than someone like you typing on a keyboard all day. One I can live without the other you can't.
Rural areas often feed the larger urban areas.

Due to the positioning of certain key strategic assets in states like MT, SD, and Wy they have already paid back everything owed to the Feds. Especially if the worst case scenario happens, which is increasing in likelihood daily.
Ah yes the brookings institute. You realize they are notoriously left leaning right?
Yes my town pays more than it receives
. Second again why are you ok with redistribution?
Like I said you pivot again, you started by saying big cities fund small ones. I proved you wrong with Detroit, flint, and Lansing. Well know that they take more than they give at the state level. Then you turned it into a federal thing because you were wrong.
since you set the rules where a pandemic also counts for general policy. If we play by those rules not only IL, but CA, And New York took more tax dollars than they payed in so again you are even wrong when you are trying to be right.
See this is the problem with people like you. You constantly shift the narrative and when the situation fits your narrative. So when trumps economy fell apart under covid shut downs it counts. Now that same time all these states you say received more fed money than they put in so now they are a drain on the system and states like Florida and Texas paid most of the bill.
See how much consistency matters.
I bet you are also one of those people who think the rich should pay more even thought they pay the vast majority of taxes already.
But then again you still think it's ok to steal money to redistribute. So you sir are indeed ok with being a thief. Again until you can explain why it's ok to steal you have no moral authority over anyone here.
Like I said I think you are paid on here to post crap like this dribble that can easily be proven wrong or when looked at in context doesn't line up with what you are saying so you pivot.
Again very weird you are on this hunting site but never talk about hunting. Only political stuff. That why I think you are paid to do this.
Again Jim please don't think that I don't like you. I wish you all the best as a person. But we just will not see eye to eye on freedom every.
I juts don't see how it's my responsibility to pay for anyone else's stuff.
Actually, its notoriously considered a liberal leaning institute by right wingers because they don't understand the concept of centrist much less nonpartisan. In allot of conservative as well as liberal eyes, centrists as well as moderates are the worst of all. The fact that it is centrist/nonpartisan makes one of the more reliable think tanks.

Another concept that may seem foreign to you is that just because a city has debt does not mean it is not paying more taxes into the state which is then redistributed to smaller municipalities so your facts about Detroit, Flint, and Lansing are irrelevant.

As for the pandemic, yes those states may have taken more out than the put in but what about the last 50 years and the next 50 years. Overall they have contributed more and taken less and they will continue to do so and Michigan and Tennessee will continue to live off the backs of the people in those states.

You got the whole thing about me not posting anything about hunting from another member who never actually looked which is pretty much what I assumed about how you get most of your information.
Actually, its notoriously considered a liberal leaning institute by right wingers because they don't understand the concept of centrist much less nonpartisan. In allot of conservative as well as liberal eyes, centrists as well as moderates are the worst of all. The fact that it is centrist/nonpartisan makes one of the more reliable think tanks.

Another concept that may seem foreign to you is that just because a city has debt does not mean it is not paying more taxes into the state which is then redistributed to smaller municipalities so your facts about Detroit, Flint, and Lansing are irrelevant.

As for the pandemic, yes those states may have taken more out than the put in but what about the last 50 years and the next 50 years. Overall they have contributed more and taken less and they will continue to do so and Michigan and Tennessee will continue to live off the backs of the people in those states.

You got the whole thing about me not posting anything about hunting from another member who never actually looked which is pretty much what I assumed about how you get most of your information.
Nope doesn't work that way I was not referring to debt Detroit has taken in more money from the state than it pays. I was not talking. About debt
. Second I'm playing by your rules I don't have to look at the last 50 years just like you wouldn't give trump credit for the Greta economy he had before the pandemic.
Remember this is your rules we are playing by. Fact is they took more money than they gave bottom line. Also fact trumps economy had the lowest unemployment rate in a very long time till covid but you said yourself that by the time he left office. I printed out we shouldn't count the shutdown.
You said nope it counts. So this is your rules.
This is what I keep saying you conveniently use things when they work for you but when they don't it's oh but this.
Plus what good doe it do if a cities like Chicago and states like Ca pay all those taxes to the government if they are going bankrupt? Then who bails them out the government much like with covid.
So no they won't be paying.
Or do you propose we let them go completely bankrupt and see what happens . No you will say we need to bail them out with again other people's money. Not your other people.
What good is it if I give so much money to a group but it causes me to take on debt and go bankrupt?

Until you admit that you are ok with theft. You really need to spend all your extra time reading the declaration of independence, and all documents that lead to the founding of this country and maybe you will understand freedom a bit more.
Nope doesn't work that way I was not referring to debt Detroit has taken in more money from the state than it pays. I was not talking. About debt
. Second I'm playing by your rules I don't have to look at the last 50 years just like you wouldn't give trump credit for the Greta economy he had before the pandemic.
Remember this is your rules we are playing by. Fact is they took more money than they gave bottom line. Also fact trumps economy had the lowest unemployment rate in a very long time till covid but you said yourself that by the time he left office. I printed out we shouldn't count the shutdown.
You said nope it counts. So this is your rules.
This is what I keep saying you conveniently use things when they work for you but when they don't it's oh but this.
Plus what good doe it do if a cities like Chicago and states like Ca pay all those taxes to the government if they are going bankrupt? Then who bails them out the government much like with covid.
So no they won't be paying.
Or do you propose we let them go completely bankrupt and see what happens . No you will say we need to bail them out with again other people's money. Not your other people.
What good is it if I give so much money to a group but it causes me to take on debt and go bankrupt?

Until you admit that you are ok with theft. You really need to spend all your extra time reading the declaration of independence, and all documents that lead to the founding of this country and maybe you will understand freedom a bit more.
If you are playing by the rules then you take the overall average. What upset you so much is that Trump's worst year was averaged into all of his years in office. If you take out any president's worst year, their numbers go up. If you play by the rules then you have to do the same thing with the states and take the average.

California has a budget surplus. Some cities are in trouble. Illinois is in financial straits but they are still paying out more in federal taxes than they are receiving. I guess the federal government does not take into account the financial situation of the state when doling out their money to other states.

I don't consider making people pay their fair share for the services they use theft.
No what makes it stupid is how can you average that into the equation when it definitely was not a normal deal the whole word shut down.
Second you say the last 50 years try remembering some history. CA was a conservative state until about the 90's so again if we use your rules of the past 50 years again a red state of California was indeed doing great with less debt and paying more into the system. I still don't agree with it but see how we can play this game.
So let's look at what policies you like. It ran most blue states into a huge debt, in a very short time.

Again matter how you wanna frame it if you forcefully take from one to give to another how is that not theft.
First I pay an insane amount in taxes.
I have never received, unemployment, welfare, health care, or any of that assistance you refer to.
So I am not using those services yet they take my money to give it to others. That's theft even by what you just stated because I don't use the services.
So what do you say to that if 2/3 of our government spending is social programs and I do not receive those but am forced to pay in. How is that not theft.
Please please please explain.
Not some you may because I will not rely on the government. Mainly because I do t believe it's right. It's called values.
I don't want your repeated. (Oh you use roads, and other things.) yes I use roads and I also pay .38.7 a gallon gas tax to pay for that.

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