Long range scope

I have one and agree for the most part. My only issue with them is glass quality is night and between it and the SIII
Yeah I agree, not sure down there but up here there's $600 price difference, at least at the time I bought my stac, but I thought I'd mention them, I use mine on my 308 have dialed it accurately 67 Moa up and attended multiple matches with it and it gets the job done, albeit not as nicely as a lot of other scopes lol
If you can hit the spot on the plate that you aim at, what is different about hitting the spot on a 'vital' that you aim at? I guess some guys have to bring in 'care' of the animals, and other 'e t h i c' stuff to justify their superiority, and needing more 'X's' to do so....
If you can hit the spot on the plate that you aim at, what is different about hitting the spot on a 'vital' that you aim at? I guess some guys have to bring in 'care' of the animals, and other 'e t h i c' stuff to justify their superiority, and needing more 'X's' to do so....
Hey Huntsman! No sense in getting offensive, it's my opinion on a scope choice. Nothing superior, just my opinion. If you don't like it, I don't care.
Use whatever scope you want, I'll do the same!
...I think this whole forum is about picking each other's brains and maybe improving results or buying the right tools...so it almost always boils down to opinions about something. I just want to get a decent scope for 1000 yards with a 300 WM rem 700. Money is tight. I was thinking if it's a $400 rifle, put a $400 scope on it...then slowly shoot $400 of ammo through it...years later...done. pass it on.
...I think this whole forum is about picking each other's brains and maybe improving results or buying the right tools...so it almost always boils down to opinions about something. I just want to get a decent scope for 1000 yards with a 300 WM rem 700. Money is tight. I was thinking if it's a $400 rifle, put a $400 scope on it...then slowly shoot $400 of ammo through it...years later...done. pass it on.
That Athlon Ares 4-27 is a great scope, it is worth its retail price, midway is blowing them out at 400$ it's a absolute steal at that price. I have one and like it very much.
...I think this whole forum is about picking each other's brains and maybe improving results or buying the right tools...so it almost always boils down to opinions about something. I just want to get a decent scope for 1000 yards with a 300 WM rem 700. Money is tight. I was thinking if it's a $400 rifle, put a $400 scope on it...then slowly shoot $400 of ammo through it...years later...done. pass it on.

I put a $1,500 Swarovski on a $400 Savage. Your argument makes no sense to me.
That Athlon Ares 4-27 is a great scope, it is worth its retail price, midway is blowing them out at 400$ it's a absolute steal at that price. I have one and like it very much.
Thanks for the heads up. Got this ares at midway on sale as you said. 30mm burris zee rings. Not mounted yet. Looks and feels awesome.!


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