Scope for long range

Yes it's hard to beat Leupold for 1000.00 glass in Mark 4. Purchasing the STAC scopes for just over 300.00 and having an MOA reticle which compares to the wind Plex Leupold uses is just to hard to pass up. I have a few STAC scopes on my rifles and they do not let down. I also feel the same with Leupold but at 3 times the price, I seem to keep going back to Sightron.
just curious how much moa/mils per revolution is the sightron ...and total moa/ mill adjustment? thanx
my father has a hard time seeing little numbers on ive been looking at scopes with more travel per revolution to make a turret with larger numbers easier to see
my father has a hard time seeing little numbers on ive been looking at scopes with more travel per revolution to make a turret with larger numbers easier to see
Well that problem is one that we all will face eventually. These turrets have very distinguishable marks and numbers as does the mark 4 scopes but even they are not easy to read when eyes start going.
Well that problem is one that we all will face eventually. These turrets have very distinguishable marks and numbers as does the mark 4 scopes but even they are not easy to read when eyes start going.
fyi kenton ind will cut a turret with large easy to see numbers...i got one with moa and yardage ...and a multi tier all yardage...
Give that review a look. The gentleman reviewing the scope was very thorough at his review as he did a very complete test of both of the models. He owns Mystic Precision and is a hunter/ shooter as well as dealer of many many top quality optics.
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