Long range scope


I suggest you don't compromise on either having a low enough power for close shots or on having a really high power to aim small and hit small at long range. What scope can do that you ask? Take a look at the Bushnell Elite 6500 4.5X to 30X. I have 2 of them - one on a full custom 338 RUM and the other a 300 RUM. While the optical quality is not as good as my PSTs or VX6s they are not far behind and are plenty good enough. By the way the Vortex HSs are not as good optically as the PSTs (at least the several that I own). As far as reliability goes, I have 600 rounds down the tube of that 338 RUM and the Bushnell just keeps on ticking. Also it is kind of nice to spot bullet holes at 600 yards when target shooting which you can do at 30X. It takes low mirage conditions and the right light to be able to do that but that will give you an idea of what is possible.
I've owned 5 vortex vipers and three of them failed and had to be sent back, two never would hold a zero at all brand new.

Vortex has some of the best warranty/customer service in the industry but the scopes are not reliable enough for me to count on so I no longer own any.

For what you are doing I'd strongly urge you to give the Leupold VX-6 line a hard look.

I have four of the 4-24x50's with the Boone and Crocket Reticle and absolutely love them.

When it comes to glass I always have the same recommendation, figure out how much you can afford, save it up then save up another 20-30% and buy the very best you can get your hands on.

You can put a 200.00 scope on a 4k custom nail driver and still not hit what you are shooting at. You can put a 2000.00 scope on a decent factory rifle and likely come out far better.

Some good advice I was given long ago is to be willing to spend at least as much on the scope as you did the rifle.
i have a sightron 6x24 LRMOA. like the mechanics and the optics. however for hunting if you go with a fine reticle, consider to get one with illumination. any fine reticle will be hard to see at early dawn and dusk, this is my only complaint of mine, but can't fault the scope.

I suggest you don't compromise on either having a low enough power for close shots or on having a really high power to aim small and hit small at long range. What scope can do that you ask? Take a look at the Bushnell Elite 6500 4.5X to 30X. I have 2 of them - one on a full custom 338 RUM and the other a 300 RUM. While the optical quality is not as good as my PSTs or VX6s they are not far behind and are plenty good enough. By the way the Vortex HSs are not as good optically as the PSTs (at least the several that I own). As far as reliability goes, I have 600 rounds down the tube of that 338 RUM and the Bushnell just keeps on ticking. Also it is kind of nice to spot bullet holes at 600 yards when target shooting which you can do at 30X. It takes low mirage conditions and the right light to be able to do that but that will give you an idea of what is possible.

I hear you on the bush bel elite series. I have a 3-9x40 3200 on the gun right now and have absolutely no complaints about it. I installed and sighted it in and have never touched it since. Excellent optics. I have no experience with any other brand. All I have ever had is bush bell. Was just hoping to try something different. I'll look at the bush bell again though. Never really ever was crazy about the leupolds. A buddy spent near double on one the same time I bought my bushnell and mine had better optics at least on that particular scope. They all have their pros and cons, greats and not so great. Im sure most of the major brands are all good. I guess I'm gonna have to look through some and go from there. I guess I just need to know what I want from a scope so I can get the right one. I know I want exposed adjustable turrets, some kind of windage hold on the reticle, and I'm not sure about first or second focal plane.
There are a few out there that I would recommend such as any NF and the leupold VX6. I have both an really like their quality and repeatability. I also would not recommend Vortex. I purchased a PST and found the quality of the glass not what I expected, however there are some folks who like the product.
Just received an email from Len, apparently he now has the Huskemaw Blue Diamond 5-20x50 scope in stock. I bought mine in 2011, this scope for $1,499.00 is phenomenal!

What I love about mine and why I did not buy a NF is because of it's weight, the NF in comparison is a heavy tank as far as I am concerned. I have out shot friends that own an over priced and over weight NF all day long, got a lot of free beer to boot so I saved money there as well hehe. :D

The after sale customer service at Huskemaw is World Class and provided by hard working Americans, those guys are exceptional in every way! If light is what you want in your new rig, take a look at one you will not be disappointed! :) gun)
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If you like the vortex line and will be hunting with it, consider the LR model. It's easy to hold for windage and nice to know you're not bumping the windage dial accidentally. If you're going ffp then go high magnification. If you like sfp then look at the 4-16. It's nice to use the mil reticle and for my purposes the 16x out to your specified distances works well. Jmo

BTW, I'm very happy with my PST but don't find the lighter reticle on my sfp to be a big plus unless I'm target shooting by my headlights. It's very handy then and a lot of fun as well.
I learned on a fixed 10x scope and for many years thought that it was all I needed.

I then got behind a scope at 22x and realized you can never have enough glass.

Get the most optic you can afford.

Buy once cry once.
All good to know and I will contemplate what I want/need and make my decision from there. I have no idea how far my gun will accuratly shoot until I actualy get a scope that can help me get out to further distance. I know I can hit a 10" plate at 500 yards consistantly with my scope now (guessing with the bottom post) and factory loads. Maybe 1000 yards is dreaming. Guess I'll find out soon.
Thanks for all the input guys
All good to know and I will contemplate what I want/need and make my decision from there. I have no idea how far my gun will accuratly shoot until I actualy get a scope that can help me get out to further distance. I know I can hit a 10" plate at 500 yards consistantly with my scope now (guessing with the bottom post) and factory loads. Maybe 1000 yards is dreaming. Guess I'll find out soon.
Thanks for all the input guys

If I read correctly, you are using a Bushnell Elite 3200/3500 3-9x40. I think that scope has like 48 MOA of adjustment, which even with a standard .308 load should get you to 1K. You could always put a 20 MOA base on and get you to 1200yds. If you are happy with the scope maybe a new base is all you need?
That is correct. I am using that scope and have been extremly happy with it, just wish it had exposed turrets. I never thought about dialing it up to shoot further distance. Good call

Just checked with my balistics app and I should be able to get to 860 yards if I have the 25 moa of up elevation that I think I should have. At least I can give it a try to see how my rifle shoots out to further distance. I feel kind of embarassed that I never thought about trying this
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