Scope for long range

fyi kenton ind will cut a turret with large easy to see numbers...i got one with moa and yardage ...and a multi tier all yardage...
Good to know when I need the help. Yardage sure would be nice. Seems my memory is going faster than my eyes so remembering all the moa numbers is becoming challenging
Google STAC Review Mystic Precision. There's a very informative review of the STAC scopes. Not all but the two that apply to most shooters needs.
I believe that is Mysticayer (Jerry Teo) on this site. Unfortunately haven't seen him around in a while. scope 4x20 sightron and kenton turret...still cheaper than leupold vx2 cds...
I have to share my personal experience with sightron, not to discredit others experience with these scopes but this company really treated me bad a few years back.
I bought an siii 8-32x56 and after a few months of very gentle use the elevation turret broke internally.
I have no idea what caused it but believe me I never so much as bumped the scope ever.
I sent it to sightron for repair, and after 3 months and several phone calls I finally learned that they were just sitting on my scope waiting for $200 to repair the turret!!
Needless to say I was shocked, got In touch with management and was told they don't cover negligent damage.
I told them that I had never done anything to cause the damage, and the service manager called me a liar.
Ended up paying the ransom and sold the *** as fast as I could.
Now contrast this customer service with vortex.. you could drop your scope off a cliff and they would give you a new one.
I would never ever let a friend buy a sightron after that experience.
Also glass was not impressive at high magnification, I would get a blueish hue around the crosshairs when zoomed in.
I have to share my personal experience with sightron, not to discredit others experience with these scopes but this company really treated me bad a few years back.
I bought an siii 8-32x56 and after a few months of very gentle use the elevation turret broke internally.
I have no idea what caused it but believe me I never so much as bumped the scope ever.
I sent it to sightron for repair, and after 3 months and several phone calls I finally learned that they were just sitting on my scope waiting for $200 to repair the turret!!
Needless to say I was shocked, got In touch with management and was told they don't cover negligent damage.
I told them that I had never done anything to cause the damage, and the service manager called me a liar.
Ended up paying the ransom and sold the *** as fast as I could.
Now contrast this customer service with vortex.. you could drop your scope off a cliff and they would give you a new one.
I would never ever let a friend buy a sightron after that experience.
Also glass was not impressive at high magnification, I would get a blueish hue around the crosshairs when zoomed in.
good to know...sorry it didn't work out...ive never owned one...but this seems to be the standard on budget scope customer service...
I have to share my personal experience with sightron, not to discredit others experience with these scopes but this company really treated me bad a few years back.
I bought an siii 8-32x56 and after a few months of very gentle use the elevation turret broke internally.
I have no idea what caused it but believe me I never so much as bumped the scope ever.
I sent it to sightron for repair, and after 3 months and several phone calls I finally learned that they were just sitting on my scope waiting for $200 to repair the turret!!
Needless to say I was shocked, got In touch with management and was told they don't cover negligent damage.
I told them that I had never done anything to cause the damage, and the service manager called me a liar.
Ended up paying the ransom and sold the *** as fast as I could.
Now contrast this customer service with vortex.. you could drop your scope off a cliff and they would give you a new one.
I would never ever let a friend buy a sightron after that experience.
Also glass was not impressive at high magnification, I would get a blueish hue around the crosshairs when zoomed in.
Everyone has one of those stories it seems. I've heard them from Leupold, night Force and even Schmidt and Bender. Hard to believe. I've sold them for quite some time and talk to Sightron occasionally. That IS NOT there policy. Especially after 3 months. They have the same warranty as many companies. They will repair or replace your optic if it's faulty due to workmanship. They will not replace it if you damage it in anyway. That's odd since many companies will replace them unconditionally. The top priced optic companies have the same warranty as Sightron however. Vortex has Bushnell's warranty. Run it over with your truck and its covered. I trust Sightrons not to fail. What's done has been done. One act or scope doesn't make them junk. It does however cause them to lose a customer. Unfortunate for you. They make fine optics. You just got one of the needles in the haystack.
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I understand the 15 moa full turn elevation turret as a preference. My 284 makes about 750 yards at 15 moa. Most of my shots are under that requiring less than one full turn. That makes my return to zero an easy one. Even if my shots are beyond 1000 yards, my moa reticle can take up several hundred yards past the 800 allowing me to leave it at 15 and use the reticle. I really like that set up.
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