Long range hunting scope

If you can stomach $2k, save your change for an extra 6-8 months and look long and hard at the Tangent Theta TT315M. 3-15×50, best turrets, tracking and glass out there, save for MAYBE the Hensoldt. Only 27oz. too. Low uncapped turrets, zero stop, 12 MIL or 40MOA of usable elevation, illuminated reticle, 2nd rotation indicator, 30mm tube. With the quality of glass, it is plenty for deer sized game well past effective range of most cartridges. I run my Premier Heritage Light Tactical 3-15×50 (the TT315M predecessor) out to 1500+ on my lightweight .280AI.

The TT315M is my next hunting scope.

They're that awesome?
My wife doesn't know you but she already doesn't like you. Haha(for making me want one)
TT is one of the best optics out there. Hell some might regard i as the best. But at 3100+ they're extremely expensive.
TT is one of the best optics out there. Hell some might regard i as the best. But at 3100+ they're extremely expensive.


You can always take one step up to the Hensoldt :), but you slightly more than double the cost.

TT are fantastic!!!


You can always take one step up to the Hensoldt :), but you slightly more than double the cost.

TT are fantastic!!!


I saw some older model Hensoldts that i guess were on closeout at Eurooptic that i **** near put on my credit card. I remember Hensoldt having a 72mm objective bell on one of their optics. I need to look through one for myself, always heard great things.
Has anyone compared one side by side with a Swarovski z8i 2.3-18X56? They are also about $3200. Does one track any better than the other? Does one have better glass than the other? Is either company better?
My Premiers are both clearer, better contrast and color than every Swaro I have shot behind, including a couple Z8s. Even better than my S&B's. Tracking is perfect, return to zero every time. And the TT is a step up from Premier.
I have equipped my two western rifles with the S&B PMII 10x42. Low profile elevation turret, P3 mildot reticle works well during legal shooting hours, and you get 13 mils with 1 revolution. At less than 21 ounces. As Pat Sinclair said, it's bulletproof...

I just picked up a S&B PMII 3-12x50 with P3 reticle. Same 13 mils elevation but it's a 34mm scope and weighs about 26 oz. heavier and bulkier but I'm giving it a run on a 6.5 creedmoor. We shall see...
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