Now your starting to venture down the rabbit hole. Too bad there was huge sarcasm in the response.
Oh, and by the way, I'm recovering from a back surgery performed on me on the 18th of December. It was an attempt to fix a botched surgery from 6 yrs ago that has left me in worse pain than I was in before the original surgery. It has cost me my marriage, and left me unable to do much of anything productive. I hunt from my bathroom window. I'm also unable to get disability because , well, I dont qualify . Unlike others I see with the special car tags that climb out of their car and tap dance into Walmart to buy big bags of energy drinks and junk food on their food vouchers. I guess you would have to be like me to see the conspiracy against the people who never wanted a hand out and are the backbone that pays for all this charity we give so freely to anyone who wants a free ride ! I will stop short of the long brace of 4 letter words I feel right now in response to your texts because I was raised better than that . After all, us smelly walmart shoppers dont deserve a voice in all this , do we.