Quote: Originally Posted by djones
if i had a chance to shoot pigs from a chopper you'd have to blast me out of the seat to get your turn! Quote
I was over on another post from J E Custom (More Hog hunting....) and remembered one of my other favorite activities. See the you tube video below and watch it all the way through.
Got to thinking maybe i ought to take the Gyro down to Texas next summer and take djones hog hunting.
Then I got to thinking about how flaky he has been lately and I could just see the conversation!
Djones: Whoa, that sure is a pretty thing!
Packrat: Yep, sure is, I had the camouflage paint done in case I ever end up against a Paisley colored sky.
Djones: How much time you got in that thing?
Packrat: Got more than 50 hours sitting in that Pilots seat, I even started it up once or twice. I figured if there was someone else present, might even get brave enough to get it off the ground!
Djones: You mean you've never flown it?
Packrat: C'mon, how hard can it be? You only got to use both hands, both feet, your tongue to key the radio and wiggle one ear to raise or lower the radio volume! Nothin to it! Sort of like riding a bike, except at 3000 feet.
Djones: OK, lets load up!
Packrat: Hey, where's your rifle?
Djones: Awww, left it at home. Brought my rope and thought we'd just lasso them hogs and haul em over the the pen I built and drop em in. That way whenever the LRH post starts lagging, can take one out, shoot it and have my picture taken…Keeps up the interest.
Packrat: Mmmmmmmmm, not sure about this, but we'll give it a try!
35 minutes later:
Djones: Packrat, Packrat, there's a big hog running along the edge of that field…..
Packrat: I saw it…And quit twirling that lasoo, Hey! Watch the rotor!!!!….Aw Shucks too late. Guess I should have told him not to tie that rope around his waist!
Packrat, Yelling: HANG ON, I'LL LOSE A LITTLE ALTITUDE, BUT WHEN WE GET CLOSE TO THE GROUND I SUGGEST YOU START RUNNING IN A CIRCLE FOLLOWING THE ROTOR CAUSE THAT ROTOR IS GOING AT 400 RPM PER MINUTE AND I DON'T KNOW WHAT THAT TRANSLATES TO IN MPH! Oh Shucks, don't recollect ever seeing anybody land that fast before. a perfect 3 point landing . Two hands and his face. Oh well, won't hurt his looks any. DON'T WORRY DJONES, WE'LL GET THAT MILO STUBBLE OUT OF YOUR TEETH IN A MINUTE!!!!!! Heck, looks like he even lost his hat!...
Nope, absolutely not going there!