The real problem is finding someone to stuff and mount the trophy's. Sure saves on wall space when you can put 12 lizard trophies where only one Hog head was before. But if a game warden comes by, am going to have to tell him those trophies go back 26 years at only 2 allowed per year.
Looks like we are back to grasshoppers with .22 bird shot. At least until someone finds out that we are hunting Grasshoppers, then some environmentalist will write a regulation and that's that!
We don't eat the lizards, just the BIG rattlers...Really tasty, and I particularly like the ribs....
What are you doing home and answering these bits of flotsam and jetsam we keep throwing at each other. No fields to plant? The kids are home from school so you can't plow any furrows? No bales to shuck or whatever you do with them?
Oh, don't tell me, you got one of them new fangled contraptions where you can do all this while driving the cultivator or whatever around the fields 60 miles from home? Shouldn't you be out fertilizing something except this thread?
Well, don't expect me to answer immediately, this is only my 2nd computer and it's firmly attached to my desk so if I'm not at at the desk, i can't get posts or emails...There is some privacy left in my world. My first computer was an abacus. But in all fairness, it was a top of the line abacus!
Your comments about getting older kind of hit a resonant chord so will post a little poem from Dr. Zeuss to cheer you up:
I cannot see
I cannot pee
I cannot chew
i cannot Scr*w
Oh my god, what can i do?
My memory shrinks,
My hearing stinks
No sense of smell
I look like hell
my mood is bad, or can you tell?
My body's drooping
have trouble pooping
The golden years have come at last
The golden years can kiss my A**.