it's time you looked into at least a part time job.
If circumstances permitted, and had time for a part time job, would be down at the Ranch probably 1 week per month or so and be inputting more into this forum than just general verbal observations, abuse and entertainment for the viewers. At present can't leave the house for more than about 3 hours at a time unless someone else, usually a family member is here.
no pic required. you have a free pass on this one.
djones: No Ipod, no Ipad, nothing but a very basic phone and a desktop computer. Try again with something else!
scrmblr: You are just easily entertained.
Note to justintime 4023: The periods on the title of djones book really don't mean anything, was just spicing it up a little with a double meaning . Periods usually don't carry much connotation, except I do remember when one of my sisters missed two of them, it did cause a real uproar with my parents!......................