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In the Ear? Really???

Well, I finally got the Rug rodents to sleep. Love em to pieces, but not used to having them around for Hours on end. What can you do when the littlest crawls up in your lap and goes to sleep?

Along about May 2002, I finally got some time to take some time off since I had about 10 weeks of vacation coming and had been told to burn some off, and was leaving from Maryland where I had been for 5 months straightening out a project for the company. I decided to stop on my way back to Washington State, by going into Kansas City to see one Brother and then going south to Houston and stopping to see my other brother. Well the Houston brother decided that since I was coming through, we'd do some hog hunting on a ranch he had access to down SW of San Antonio. We had it all set up by phone so I stopped in Houston, and dropped off my wife with my Sister-in-Law and we took off for the ranch. Up to this time, had hunted a lot, but never Feral Hogs.

Since I didn't have a rifle with me at that time, crossing about 16 states and not knowing the rules on guns, I only had the 9 mm Beretta that I always traveled with. My brother had an extra 7 mm Remington rifle he had borrowed from his brother-in- law and I was going to use it for my hog hunting.

Anyway, we got down to the ranch and in those days, the ranch house was just a big old dilapidated farm house that served as a hunting lodge of sorts. Inside there was a propane stove, water was furnished by a well, and you had to turn on the pump to have water and if tasted decidedly rusty, and the bunks were just some old worn out bunk beds someone had hauled in over the years. One good thing about the bunks was that they were so old, that the Bedbugs had died of starvation a number of years before.

Again at this time, before the automatic feeders and the built up shooting stands, the way that you hunted the hogs was to wander down the tracks until you found a likely looking trail and then followed it until you either stumbled on them or they stumbled on you. Now the brush, off the tracks, and they were only tracks, was thick Texas scrub and visibility was about 25 – 40' down the trails and about 10-15' to the side through the scrub. Often as not you'd smell them before you saw them and would then try to creep up close enough to get a shot before they spotted you! Also, the trails were about 3' high where the hogs and other game had been moving down them and above that was overgrown across the trail so you were constantly ducking and weaving under branches and around overgrowth. Was a terrific place to be with an unfamiliar rifle and no experience hunting hogs. Anyway, was walking down the trail, ducking and weaving and suddenly there was a sow about 20' in front of me. Up to this time I had been carrying the Remington at high port arms with the barrel pointing up and to the left. I tried to bring the barrel down to get a shot and a branch about 1 ½" thick across the trail wouldn't let me get the barrel down. That sow saw me ran about 5' in my direction, which I thought was a charge and then turned down a side trail and disappeared. Whew!...if that had been a boar, he would have had me for lunch since I couldn't have gotten the rifle down to shoot him before he had me. Didn't let it faze me at all. Just stood there about an hour and a half until my heart slowed back to about half normal and cautiously moved up to the trail where the sow had disappeared. Now I was carrying the rifle pointed down and left. No more branches stopping me from shooting, I hope. Anyway, to get an idea of the brush, I posted a shot of a feeder back about 5-10 pages. Take a good look at the brush across from the feeder and this is what we were hunting in. Thick, low visibility and filled with almost everything on earth, except open space.

Anyway after I calmed down, I started moving down the trail that the sow had taken. Moving a quiet as I could I suddenly heard a snort behind me and turning around there was about a 30" boar coming down the trail abot 25' behind me. Again the limbs growing across the trail stopped me from getting the barrel high enough to shoot standing, so I crouched down and mainly from instinct, lined up the rifle and pulled the trigger. Now, most of my shooting previously had been with a Springfield M1A National Match, which is a semi auto with a 20 round magazine, so after the hog dropped, I sighted in on him through the scope and pulled the trigger again. Nothing….I had forgotten to cycle the bolt. Anyway, he dropped, then kicked a few times and then started to get back up!......Forgetting about the rifle, I pulled the Beretta and hit him in the head with a 9 mm, he kind of shook himself then still standing there, not moving, started growling, literally growling. I shot him again in the head with a 9 mm. Still standing there shaking and growling. Once more with the same result and then I aimed down a little lower and put one between the eyes and he finally dropped. By this time my rectal orifice was somewhere up between my shoulder blades. Absolutely knew I wasn't going to be able to pass gas for at least a week! Thought I was going to have to use all 15 rounds in the Beretta to get him to stay down.

When he stopped kicking and finally didn't move anymore, I edged closer and could see that the rifle round had grazed him on the left side of the head and probably stunned him and the 9mm's had removed skin, but had bounced off the skull on top of his head, stunning him some more. Tough hog!

Only a few other times in my life was I so glad to see something I had shot finally stay down and most of those were in Viet Nam. Then just for insurance, got close enough to put the rifle barrel, after cycling round in, almost in his ear and fired again. Even then, he jumped when that last round went in and started to quiver again, and then finally stopped. Meanwhile my brother had heard a Rifle shot, several pops from a handgun and then another Rifle shot. Figuring I had started a blood feud with the neighbors, he came looking to see what was going on.

When he finally found me, he told me I had been awful lucky with the 9 mm and I asked him why he hadn't said anything before, and he told me he had thought it was a .45. Anyway, we just left the hog where he lay and went back to the cabin. Went into town that night and I picked up several cases of bottled water for me to drink as he said he had been coming down there so often that he was used to the taste of the rusty water, and to prove it drank a glass of light brown water from the sink. Yuk! Over the next few days we got a couple more hogs, but I told him there had to be a better way to hunt them and later him and the owner came in with a Bulldozer and bulldozed roads and clearings throughout the ranch and eventually put in feeder stations and elevated blinds. But this was after my third trip so until then, it was just business as usual.

One anticlimactic event that occurred though happened after we got back to Houston. I guess he and his wife decided to get a little frisky the night we got back, so he went into the bathroom to get a drink of water to wash down a Viagra pill and he had so much iron in his system from 4 days of drinking that rusty water, that as he walked out of the bathroom into the master bedroom, as the pill took effect, he started spinning and ended up pointing due North just like a compass! Guess it would be a good thing to remember in a survival situation!


That's some funny stuff there packrat. You're in the same country as me. I live out south of l-10 off of wentworth rd in vail.
That's some funny stuff there packrat. You're in the same country as me. I live out south of l-10 off of wentworth rd in vail.

Hey, great, I'm North of the Fwy and across the Pantano wash. Let my family leave and maybe we'll l get together and go shooting. One thing though, no pictures for djones to photo slop!...I've gotten him so many times he'd put my head on a females body or something......:D

Anyway, good to hear from you and keep posting.

Hey, great, I'm North of the Fwy and across the Pantano wash. Let my family leave and maybe we'll l get together and go shooting. One thing though, no pictures for djones to photo slop!...I've gotten him so many times he'd put my head on a females body or something......:D

Anyway, good to hear from you and keep posting.

Sounds good. I've got a couple of new to me guns and they could use a workout. Don't worry about pics as the only thing I ever take a picture of is the animals I get. No incriminating selvies for me.
Yeah, but djones or Coy franks may PM you and try to talk you into it. They are Devious. One of these days am going to go look them up and then they'll get their photo op. Not until then.

Yeah got a couple that need broke in here. Will be talking to you after the kids leave. Just go the little ones down for the night and they are leaving tomorrow night so will get back to you.

Total chaos around here right now, trying to get everyone packed up and ready to fly back to Seattle. Will check back in later and see what is going on. See if I can't find something with some intellectual entertainment value. No promises, but every once in a while real life infringes on having fun!

Well, was laying around the pool today in the sun, sipping a Mai-tai with the weather in the high 70's, waiting for the family to get packed for their trip back to Seattle, and got to feeling sorry for all of you that are located where the weather is so bad that the Penguins are walking on tip-toe, well, at least the males, and with the wind chill, the weather is colder than a witches chest!

How you got there, are why you are staying, I have no idea, but I suppose that Masochism is more catching than anyone ever thought, so you've gotten yourself infected! Anyway, I have a feeling that those of you that log in every day just to read this thread only do so that the options for entertainment where you are located, without leaving the house, are severely limited and there is just so much time you can spend servicing your wife or significant other. Especially if you have Kids older than 5-6. But then again, to go out and hunt Ducks, Geese and other critters in this weather, would just prove my point about masochism being infectious.

Speaking of ducks, Geese and other birds, I have a cousin, lives on the East Coast that we call Chuckles. He is one of those guys that is always coming up with ideas that he thinks are going to make him a Millionaire, and always goes bust. For example, when he was in Virginia, he came up with this idea that he was going to have a statue of a Pigeon sculpted and then charge Generals to crap on it, sort of in retaliation for what they knew was going to be happening to their statues. Unfortunately, just as he started the business, the Pentagon had one of it Military draw downs and Chuck couldn't live on just 2 generals a day utilizing his service. So, he shut the business down and moved out and then found the EPA was looking for him for sewage fouling of a building basement without a permit. Fouling of the basement was fine, but he didn't pay off the right people and they wanted their money. He totally forgot the we DO have one of the best Governments that money can buy!

Anyway, he contacted me and wanted me to invest in his latest scheme of crossbreeding water fowl. I bowed out, but he went ahead anyway and successfully crossbred a Pheasant with a Goose, which they called it a Phoose. then they crossbred a Pheasant with a Turkey and called it a Phurkey. The Problem came in when they crossbred a Pheasant with a Duck and for the life of them couldn't figure out what to call it, and the business folded.

Think about it.......:D.

Will be back tomorrow with probably some more drivel to contaminate your mind until we can get some more Hog pictures.


I think I have the perfect solution to the problems you are having with Feral Hogs. You've got hogs, other people want to hunt hogs, but you don't have the accommodations and your wife refuses to cook for so many hunters, which is understandable, so here's what we can do!

Let's trap a bunch of those hogs you got running around there and haul them on a cross states hunting spree. Load a bunch of them in a big trailer, with California plates to deter anyone from looking around Cesspool Flats, Texas, where you live, in case a few get loose, for you and haul them out to OK, then set a few free after the hunters have paid for them, Then to KS, I know Brewer wants to hunt hogs so bad he can taste it, so sell him a couple. Then on to NE, SD, WY, MT and finally ending up in ID. Those guys up there are salivating worse than Pavlov's dogs to hunt some hogs, but they can't get free to come south, so let's take the hogs to them. If we could get to Michigan, I guarantee we'd make a killing! Snox is out paying hard money right now in Louisiana to shoot hogs, no reason some of that couldn't be ours. Now if we sell them a Boar and a sow, within a year they could have enough hogs to start their own Hog ranch, but by that time we'll be retired and living easy.

Now since this is my idea and someone has to stay behind and run the books, and my eyes aren't all that great, guess I'll just stay here in Arizona and let you do the driving. I hate to miss out on that great traveling and all, but someone has to stay back and take care of the paperwork, so I'll sacrifice and run the books for the company, but it only seems fair that the company be named after you since you're the one capturing them and all. Let's see….."Frank's Ferals" has a ring to it, or maybe you can come up with something on your own. Now since we have to pay for gas and stuff, I figure a 50% non-refundable deposit would be fair. So if anybody reading this wants to order a few hogs in advance, just forward your deposits care of the Packrat, LRH Hog forum and we'll get you into the schedule for delivery.

Any leftover hogs after Idaho, we'll just set free inside the local branch of the Liberal League and let them figure out what to do with them. Does anyone know where Bloomberg lives, I'm sure his estate could use a few, especially a couple of BIG Boars. We can also turn about 20 half grown boar hogs loose on Bill Gates' place, he has a lot of exotic plants in his landscaping that I'm sure they can eat! Don't even have to smuggle them in, just throw them over the wall. That'll set off every security alarm on the property, which has a lot of alarm systems. You suppose they could get rid of them without shooting them? Doubt it!

Sounds great doesn't it! AND I'm sure you'll enjoy getting away from Texas for a while, and in fact take your wife with you, sure she would enjoy the break and that way we don't have to hire someone to help you with the Hogs. .......:)


After reading the above post, a thought crossed my mind that maybe we need to run the first trailer full up to djones and just set them loose since he seems to have shot out all the hogs in his neck of the woods.

I hate to see him not having anything to do and getting back into snorting the Milo grindings or back at the denatured Alcohol out of boredom.

BTW, ran across a couple of great Feral hog recipes that I will be posting in the near future. Let me know how they taste!

Well a couple of visits ago to Texas, the neighbor to the ranch, Jim, was rebuilding all his fences. Seems like they had been in place since about 1955 and the Barbed wire was starting to rust out, fence posts were rotted, and the cattle he had enclosed would lean out to grab something from the other side of the fence and sproing, the wire would part or the fence post fall down. Well he had asked James, the owner of the ranch where we hunted, if he could turn about 30 cows loose on the ranch since it was fenced, for about 2 weeks while he and the hired men installed a new fence around the whole 60 Acre cattle enclosure. They were going to do it themselves and sink new posts, gates and everything.

Well, my brother had gotten a call, and wanted to know if I wanted to go down and help him clear out some hogs. We didn't know that the cattle were going to be running around in the enclosed ranch, until we got there. I got there about 4:00 or so after meeting up with John in San Antonio and Jim, the guy that owned the cattle was just bringing in the cattle and I stopped down by the gate to watch the guys unload them from a humongous cattle trailer. Finally from a separate divider in the front of the trailer, one of the hands brought out this huge Bull. This thing had to weigh 1500 – 1800 pounds and was just huge. Stood about 6' tall at the shoulders and I made some kind of a comment about how big he was. The owner said, "Here, let me show you something" and walked over to the bull and started talking to it and was scratching its nose right above the nostrils up to between the horns. He said "come on over here" so I kind of gingerly walked over and he said "This is Homer, and he's been raised kind of like a family pet. he said "my girls have given him baths with stiff brushes since he was a calf". He'll drive you nuts trying to get scratched, but he won't harm you". Only time he had hurt someone and didn't really hurt them, just startled them, he had gotten startled and swung his head sideways and the truncated horns (Had the pointed tip knocked off) had knocked Jim, the owner about 20', but it wasn't done intentional. Pretty soon I was scratching homer's nose and ears and he just stood there in a state of Bovine bliss. Very gentle for as big as he was and actually just a big baby. Sort of like an oversized dog. I've never seen a bull so gentle before. Should have been named Ferdinand from the children's fairy tale.

Left there and went down to the lodge, and my brother had opened it up, was airing it out and had activated the pump for the well and was flushing the water lines, so I hauled my pack and rifle inside and asked him about how were we going to hunt hogs, when we had all that cattle running around. He just said to make **** sure of my shots. OK, I was good with that. Anyway Jim came down after packing back up the trailer and we were talking and he made a statement about "For sure, be careful how you shoot and make sure it wasn't Homer since he was a purebred something or other and had cost close to $10,000 when he had gotten him when he was a calf. I said something about you've got to be kidding me, he replied "Nope, that's what he cost!" Said he got a $2500.00 servicing fee for Homer to enjoy himself and Homer seemed to enjoy the work. I told him that for that Kind of money, would consider establishing a relationship with a cow, myself, that it was more than I had ever gotten from homely girls. We laughed, and chatted for a while and then he left.

Anyway, I had driven straight through from Arizona and was pretty tired so we decided to sleep in the next morning, have a restful day, and then go out around 3:00 and get set up at several of the blinds. Kind of get a feel for what was out there that needed shooting.

About 3:00 the next day we grabbed what we needed, and a couple of Walkie Talkies and headed out. My Brother dropped me off at one blind and was going over to another on the other side of the ranch about ¾ mile away straight line distance, but clear around the perimeter by road. I climbed up in the blind, got myself comfortable and about 4:30 there was this crashing in the brush to my front and here comes Homer. No cows, just Homer. I said something like "Damnit homer, you're scaring all the hogs away", and he just ambled up to the door of the blind, which was about 7' off the ground and just stood there looking up at me with those great big cow eyes. I finally gave in, sat down in the door and was reaching down and scratching his nose and ears and between the horns and got to wondering if he was gun shy. Told him to just stand by, walked to the front of the blind, drew a bead on a big old stump and squeezed of a round. Looked around and Homer was just standing there, waiting for me to come back. I sat back down in the doorway and was just starting to scratch Homer again when the Walkie Talkie went off. My brother came on the air, asked "Did you get one". Now you got to understand that for someone that ran as big of a company as he had, I couldn't figure out why he was so excitable, so I kind of delayed, still scratching Homer, and then said, "Well, I got something! You know that big old Black bull that came in last night?" There was a long pause, and then "Awwww, don't tell me ………" and just kind of petered out. I kind of paused then said, "Well I heard a rustling in the bush, saw something black, and when he stuck his head out, and being a little wound up waiting for a hog, I kind of out of habit pulled the trigger". I heard "Oh ****, that bull cost $10,000, you just stay right there and I'll be right over. Meanwhile, still scratching homer, I asked him, "You suppose he's going to be good to eat?" By this time he is screaming "DON'T DO NOTHING, JUST WAIT TIL I GET THERE!" I looked at Homer and said something like "Boy is he in for a surprise", laughing.

About 5 minutes later we could hear a ATV screaming towards us so I pushed Homer back a little bit and climbed down the ladder. You know, for some reason, my brother didn't see the humor in the situation at all When he got there and I was standing there scratching Homer and he was so PO'd he wouldn't even come over and scratch on Homer and by then I could have used the break. Heck I even got called a few names. He was so irritated he was sputtering. Like I said, he's just a little bit excitable. I guess I should have known from previous experiences with him. Thought he'd be glad I saved him $10,000. Well, if it had stopped right there, everything probably would have been fine and he eventually would have seen the humor in the situation.

Anyway, he stepped out of the ATV and Homer sees him and figure "Here's someone else to scratch on me" and start trotting over to John. John jumped back in the ATV but Homer sticks his head in under the roll bar and aluminum roof cover and is kind of drooling, waiting to be scratched with his head almost in John's lap. John is trying to push Homer away and get out the other side, but there is this console in the ATV so he's trying to get over the hump and I guess he must have kicked Homer in the nose, since Homer jerked his head up and when he did, several things happened. Homer, when he raised his head, his nose kind of nudged John the rest of the way over the hump and right on out the other side onto a clump of Prickly Pear pads that had fallen off the main body of the cactus, Homer finally figured to back up, but when he had raised his head, one of the truncated horns had hit inside the ATV and put a 2" dent in the aluminum roof. Meantime, John is screaming and is really PO'd, and had gotten up with his hands full of Prickly Pear thorns. Homer, meantime had gotten untangled from the ATV and must have figured from the sounds of things that he wasn't welcome so headed back into the brush the way he came. Well, I took out my Swiss army knife, unlimbered the tweezers and pulled out the thorns and the whole time, john's just glaring. I started the ATV and drove back to the Lodge in total silence. I called the dealer in town and ordered a new roof cover the next morning and paid for it myself. Still silence. Didn't probably say 50 words to me the whole rest of the trip. We got about 7-8 hogs over the next few days after baiting the sites, and laying up down by the tenant farmers crops, but he still wasn't happy with me, when we finally left. Last thing he said before heading back to Houston, was "Why do you always have to cause trouble"? Now I can't see how I could have been the blame for him getting nosed onto that prickly pear so why the grudge? All he had to do was pet on the bull and everything would have been fine.

I don't know why I always get the blame when anything goes wrong. Guess maybe it's because I am the oldest, but at least this time he didn't crap his pants.….But I still think it was funny!



I think I have the perfect solution to the problems you are having with Feral Hogs. You've got hogs, other people want to hunt hogs, but you don't have the accommodations and your wife refuses to cook for so many hunters, which is understandable, so here's what we can do!

Let's trap a bunch of those hogs you got running around there and haul them on a cross states hunting spree. Load a bunch of them in a big trailer, with California plates to deter anyone from looking around Cesspool Flats, Texas, where you live, in case a few get loose, for you and haul them out to OK, then set a few free after the hunters have paid for them, Then to KS, I know Brewer wants to hunt hogs so bad he can taste it, so sell him a couple. Then on to NE, SD, WY, MT and finally ending up in ID. Those guys up there are salivating worse than Pavlov's dogs to hunt some hogs, but they can't get free to come south, so let's take the hogs to them. If we could get to Michigan, I guarantee we'd make a killing! Snox is out paying hard money right now in Louisiana to shoot hogs, no reason some of that couldn't be ours. Now if we sell them a Boar and a sow, within a year they could have enough hogs to start their own Hog ranch, but by that time we'll be retired and living easy.

Now since this is my idea and someone has to stay behind and run the books, and my eyes aren't all that great, guess I'll just stay here in Arizona and let you do the driving. I hate to miss out on that great traveling and all, but someone has to stay back and take care of the paperwork, so I'll sacrifice and run the books for the company, but it only seems fair that the company be named after you since you're the one capturing them and all. Let's see….."Frank's Ferals" has a ring to it, or maybe you can come up with something on your own. Now since we have to pay for gas and stuff, I figure a 50% non-refundable deposit would be fair. So if anybody reading this wants to order a few hogs in advance, just forward your deposits care of the Packrat, LRH Hog forum and we'll get you into the schedule for delivery.

Any leftover hogs after Idaho, we'll just set free inside the local branch of the Liberal League and let them figure out what to do with them. Does anyone know where Bloomberg lives, I'm sure his estate could use a few, especially a couple of BIG Boars. We can also turn about 20 half grown boar hogs loose on Bill Gates' place, he has a lot of exotic plants in his landscaping that I'm sure they can eat! Don't even have to smuggle them in, just throw them over the wall. That'll set off every security alarm on the property, which has a lot of alarm systems. You suppose they could get rid of them without shooting them? Doubt it!

Sounds great doesn't it! AND I'm sure you'll enjoy getting away from Texas for a while, and in fact take your wife with you, sure she would enjoy the break and that way we don't have to hire someone to help you with the Hogs. .......:)


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Forget d Jones first load better come this way so I can stop polluting our earth by burning up gas. I know people don't like when I say it but I wouldn't mind having some around.

Second you in a dress just seems wrong but you in a skirt, now that's a site to see lol.
Hey Snox, where's our hog pictures from Louisiana? Only pictures I''ve seen are the fawn you shot and the one supposedly sent to djones, that i edited over on your original thread.

Knowing Mr. Jones, he'd put my head on some girls body in a Bikini!

Hey Snox,

There must have been a screw up somewhere, the deposit didn't come thru for them hogs you wanted. Sure you sent it to Packrat 6 and not one of the other registered Packrats on this site?

Been waiting!

Also specify how many breeding pairs you wanted. Remember is $600.00 per pair, but within a year you could have as many a 70 or so. Also will send Postage due, but not sure on delivery.


In reading up on Feral Hogs I found that the part of the Hog that retains and ruins the taste of the meat is the fat in the larger hogs. Big hogs have to have the fat rendered out in order to have a good taste and several recipes tell you how to do this. One of them follows:

Wild Pig Chile Verde
A great way to cook the stink out of an old boar hog, but even better with a younger animal. The idea is to render as much of the fat out of the meat before adding the flavor.
8 – 10 servings
3 pounds boar shoulder, loin or ham, cut into 1-inch pieces
3 tablespoons vegetable oil
2 1/2 quarts chicken broth
2 cups yellow onion, chopped
8 garlic cloves, chopped
2 green bell peppers, chopped
1 red bell pepper, chopped
2 Anaheim peppers, chopped
3 jalapeno peppers, seeded and diced
1 tablespoons dried oregano flakes
2 tablespoons chili powder
2 tablespoons ground cumin
1 teaspoon cayenne pepper
2 cups fresh tomatillos, skin removed; quartered (or canned / drained)
1 cup fresh cilantro leaves, chopped
salt and pepper to taste

1. Heat oil in a large stockpot over medium-high heat. Add boar and brown evenly. Drain off any fat or liquid rendered during browning. Add 2 quarts chicken broth and any additional broth or water to cover meat and bring to a boil. Reduce heat and simmer, covered, for 2 hours or until meat is tender and breaks apart, but doesn't fall apart, with moderate finger pressure.
2. Drain liquid from stockpot. Add 2 cups chicken stock and all remaining ingredients except cilantro. Simmer until peppers are tender. Stir in cilantro and season with salt and pepper to taste. Serve with Refried Beans and Tortilla's.

Just for reference tomatillos are not tomatoes, but similar. Don't know just how, but they are different, but some stores carry them, at least in Texas and Arizona.

Anyone got any favorite recipes for wild Hog?

One of the reasons I'm posting these recipes is that djones won't eat wild hog and can't believe that others do, yet I've seen Javalina eaten quite a few times, but the Mexicans have ways of getting the rank smell and taste out. Am still researching this. Will be posting my brothers recipe for Hog Tacos later. VERY, Very good!

For those people that want to try it, but don't have access to wild hog, i will be posting a menu and prices for the Feral hogs from a specialty site, but will warn you, processed wild Hog is expensive, and in the $10-$18 Dollar a pound range.

Warning! This thread is more than 6 years ago old.
It's likely that no further discussion is required, in which case we recommend starting a new thread. If however you feel your response is required you can still do so.