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In the Ear? Really???

Darn, Darn, Darn....got another one of those "Warning, your last posting was considered marginally inappropriate by the LRH staff" warnings.

Hey guys, cut me some slack! I'm keeping djones confined to this one forum rather than letting him run rampant all over the other forums.....Jeeeeezzzz! No appreciation at all!

Besides, that's only warning number ....Oh, I guess it is number 14.

Well, got a call about 6:00 my time, 7:00 Texas time from my brother who had spent the afternoon with an auditor for the IRS. Now to explain the predicament we find ourselves in, a little background is called for. This is going to be a long post.

Now I want you to understand that just in case any of you viewers might work for the IRS, the following description is all hypothetical. Nope, not real, just a figment of my imagination. Just a story.

Back in the early 1990's, my next oldest brother owned one of the biggest oil field supplies companies around Houston and he had raised this company from a pup, borrowing from those of us in the family that were gainfully employed to get it going. Well, around 2006, he decided to sell out and retire and successfully sold out on a 25 year buyout to a couple of guys that wanted the company and had the front money.

In the meantime, one of his biggest customers and a guy he played Golf with, whom we'll call James, owned about a gazillion acres down in SW Texas that was primarily leased out to tenant farmers. James had inherited the land from his father, who had come back from the Alaskan Gold Fields with absolutely nothing in his pockets, except about ¾ of a million dollars he had swindled out of other miners in Alaska. (Sold the same mining claim to 5 different people just before he left, I heard, among other things) Anyway, liking the country SW of San Antonio, he purchased who knows how many gazillion acres of land and had it cleared and subdivided into plots of between 200 and 600 acres and share cropped or leased it out to tenants. Some of these tenant families have been on this land for the last 75 or so years.

Well, right in the middle of this gazillion acres is a small hill about 120' above the surrounding country that had an old ranch house on it and it consisted of between 400 – 600 acres of thick, thick brush with about an 1-1/2 acre pond right in the center of it. Anyway, we, my brother and I were free to hunt this land and if the tenants were having problems with hogs, their land, all we wanted for Hogs. Hogs only! The Whitetails were reserved for James and his 3 snobbish sons, who were too good to hunt hogs unless they stumbled across one while deer hunting. So about 2-3 times a year we would go to Texas and clean out the hogs. While we were there, we'd also fix things that were falling apart, which James would pay for, but we'd make sure they got repaired or upgraded just to help him out and for letting us hunt the property.

Ok, now about late 2008 I was preparing to retire, and my brother was getting bored with nothing to do since everyone he knew was still working so he called and asked if I wanted to form a Family Corporation and do something together. OK, I was willing, so after talking it over, we decided to form an exterminating company. We figured, we could not only put my brothers grandson to work, but we could write off everything we did down in SW Texas as a business expense, since the tenants would call James and he'd call my brother and off we'd go! Meanwhile the company I worked for hadn't been able to find anyone to replace me, asked me if I would stay a couple more years and that they would make it worth my time, which they did. In the meantime, it worked out that James would ask if anything needed repair, write a check to the exterminating company and we'd see that it got fixed, and get in some hog hunting, all as a write off against profits. Worked like a charm! For example, we told James the roof on the old ranch house was leaking, he wrote a check for $346,000.00, we had the old cabin burnt down by the local Fire Department who loved the experience, and had a new 6 bedroom cedar lodge built. James wrote it off somehow, we wrote off mileage, costs, ammo, food, etc and everyone was happy. Especially since we could write of things like a Springfield M1A Super Match custom, a 7 mm Mag custom build by a local custom builder and some other necessary items under the heading of exterminating equipment.

Well, unbeknownst to ME, (my brother knew, but didn't think it through) James liked what we did so much for his property that in early 2013 he had incorporated into his legal paperwork somehow, a Hunting Estate for Life, for me, my brother and our families. I'd never heard of this before tonight. Didn't even know it was possible to do it. I guess, money talks.

NOW according to the IRS, this makes us a partial Property owner for life, and WE can't do business to our own property, and write it off! They are disallowing all write offs related to the exterminating service in SW Texas for 2013. In fact, my brother said that the Auditor said " I wish that this had happened a few years ago, because with some of these write offs, I would have bought the fiction rights to this story. Unfortunately, the movie Fantasia has already been made".

I'll bet he rehearsed that for quite a while!

What it boils down to is they want us to pay for our own hog exterminating toys, and that just ain't the American Way!!!!!!!

Right now got a lot in common with a pig with laryngitis, were both disgruntled……I got to see a lawyer tomorrow.


Packrat said:
……I got to see a lawyer tomorrow

oj proved it's better to have a good lawyer than it is to be innocent. if things don't go your way, perhaps the blond can make comical (spelling??) visits to you at the crossbar hotel. if we see a new lrh member with screen name jailbird we'll know who it is.
You know, djones, sometimes you are just about as helpful as Hemorrhoids. AND have a lot in common with them. You're both a pain......Awww, never mind, would go over your head anyway! How can you joke at a time like this!

Talked to my brother this morning and asked him what the d*mned accountant had been doing for his $850.00 a month for about a hours work. My brother said the accountant said he was saving us time. I started yelling, "SAVING US TIME, WHAT KIND OF TIME COULD HE BE SAVING US?

There was a long pause and then he said "5-10, depending on the Judge!"

Only thing I could say was "OH! Well you make sure he gets his check on time every month."

Gotta go, be back later!

Ya know, djones, sometimes you just don't have no empathy!..Well, what can you expect from someone who's entire social life is spent with dead hogs and coyotes!

Can't stay, two guys from the IRS are here taking inventory. A moment ago, I asked kind of sarcastically if they needed help inventorying my underwear drawer. They came back with, "No they'd already gotten it counted!".

This is not looking good!

Be back after they leave.


Darn, didn't think they'd ever leave! I was sitting here congratulating myself that they'd missed the plastic tool shed in the back yard, when here they came around the side of the house and had the effrontery to ask me If had been trying to conceal the shovel, lawn rake, steel rake and the pick in the tool shed! The inventory was pretty bad, but, in fact they found a set of keys to a tool box I had lost several months ago, and I'd never of thought of looking under my 6' square gun safe!!

One of the real bad times came when they started whispering and one turned and confronted me with "How come you have 18 rolls of toilet paper?" Rather than answer the obvious answer, (think about it) I replied that Costco sold the packages in 30 roll bundles. Their next question kind of took me by surprise "Do you have the packaging to prove this?" I asked what this was all about, and they told me they were going to have to file a report with Homeland Security for suspected hoarding activities". Great! Just what I need, another Government Agency!

By this time my lawyer had arrived and he slithered through the door just in time. Before the questioning started. He told me , out of earshot of the agents, to look at him before I answered any questions and he'd either give me a nod or shake his head no.
Some of the questions were very probing, like "On your tax form you claimed 6 boxes of shells for the 3 days from August 17, to the 20, but our agent just outside the fence claimed he only heard 4 shots!"

I looked at my lawyer, he nodded, so asked the agents if they ever did any shooting themselves. Both said no and so I could only explain that those 4 shots had been fired in the early morning, before it got hot out, and the Texas heat waves in SW Texas were so strong that they immediately lifted the sound waves up so fast that the agent would have had to be 200' in the air to hear them later in the day. My superior knowledge of shooting seemed to deflate them slightly.

Fortunately during this process, they never did ask me about the $200.00 per month membership fee I had claimed for my membership in the LRH site, even though back then I was only lurking! Would have had to pass it off as Market research!

Anyway, I finally got through the questions and they left. Shortly after, my Lawyer left, but not before handing me a bill for $600.00. Sigh!

Anyway, it has calmed down for now, and djones, I really don't appreciate your lack of support and the constant heckling during this process. I mean, would I have harassed you if the situation were reversed?

On second thought, maybe we'd better just skip that question for now!

Anyway, will check back in later. Feel like I've just dropped a big load, now have to go and really drop a big load! Where'd they put that toilet paper?

Well, talked to my brother and it seems he's got the situation well in hand. Hired the best Attorney in Houston, which coincidentally happened to be related to the IRS auditor. Coincidences always amaze me! Seems like there appears to be a negotiated settlement in the works.

Well, since that is out of the way for now, barring an investigation for hoarding of 17 rolls of toilet paper by Homeland Security, will move on to my selection of the testers for the Motivational Marksmanship Program (MMP).

While the finalists are for the present remaining anonymous, would like to say a few words of condolences to the runners up. Will use your LRH identification, to again retain your anonymity.

This may come as a surprise, since your wife volunteered your name, but thank her for the generous offer of the splitting of your life insurance as I could sure use the $250.00, but unfortunately you almost, but not quite, met the other requirements. While being able to read and write your own name was not a requirement, it did enter into our considerations for contractual considerations. I'm sure she will read this to you as written.

Originally, I was puzzled by your occupation, which was listed as Pilot! With a little research of what you actually did, I found that working on a Chicken ranch and removing chicken droppings to the outside, is called a Pile it, rather than the other spelling. My apologies, but you just didn't fit our rating criteria. please tell your wife that her offer of extracurricular amorous activities, while flattering, were not enough to tilt the odds in your favor. Also, your name was submitted by someone called Skunkgrass2, so we figured it may have been submitted by someone wishing to move up a notch!

I was initially puzzled by the submission of your name into the list of potential testee's until i saw the name that volunteered your name for this honor. Well, I should clarify. Names that volunteered you. so far there have been a total of 46 people volunteering your name for this singular honor. Some of them I could immediately disqualify, such as Ima Hog, Porky Jr, etc., but others were renowned on this site, to include the majority of Sponsors. I honestly couldn't figure out why they would want to volunteer the host of one of the most popular threads on LRH and deprive themselves of my sparkling repartee!... You don't suppose........Naw, not a chance....right?....say, "right!"

Anyway, I rejected your name until such time as I can get my own forum going....Can see it now!...The Packrat's Nest!..In BOLD.

Wife just called, dinner is on...got to go saunter up to the trough, so to speak!...:D


Hey djones,
You remember that lady from Walmart I told you about a few posts back? She just emailed me your baby picture.
Djones as infant!.JPG



I look at these two pictures and get hysterical!

Djones as infant!.JPG..............................elmer-fudd.jpg.700x1000_q85_autocrop_1.jpg.700x10000_q85.jpg

djones as a baby.....................................................Elmer Fudd!

Some things never change!...ROFL

there... feel better?


Heck, i didn't feel bad before...Was laughing too hard! That hat is quite a good fit! That is a nice sized hog though. i keep forgetting what you specialize in, and am going to have to quit using phrases like "saunter off to the trough" and "I'm game" and a few others. Liable to end up in the back of that truck in poor company just from your reflexes.

Wanted to thank you for the plug with the Judge and the comment about the tee shirts. Last minute Charlie's ordered a bunch when they thought I was going to jail. Must have thought they were going to become collectors items..

Just a sneak preview of one of the new products:

This is the standard existing product...................................This is the new male counterpart
Baby Tee Shirt.jpg ..................................baby maker tee shirt.jpg

Comes in 3 sizes - S, M, and L and so do the tee shirts!.....:D

Proud soon to be parents can now go out as a matched set!


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