Glad to see that there is life after Packrat. See you guys have been keeping DJ busy and he's back to posting pictures after that long bleak period several month ago.
Anyone been telling him to change his underwear. Guy totally failed personal hygiene even though he took the same class 5 times. I think that he might be of the school that you need to smell like your prey. Heard unofficially that he had been adopted into several different sounders as a Blood Brother. Correction, ex-sounders. He's treacherous too!
Just so darn busy and finally getting caught up. Headed out to El Paso again on the 4th as things stand now, and then return to Tucson Area and prepare for Hog hunt on the 17th of Dec. SW of San Antonio. Will have some pictures finally. First time hunting in over 2 years because wife got sick.
Brother went down and cleaned out some the hogs earlier, and they got one boar along with several sows, and 4 Whitetail, but said the Big Boar was still running loose.
I asked my brother why he didn't the Nightforce (?) 760 (or whatever we ordered) NVD out and he said it was too much trouble to go out at night, so when I get down there am going to liberate it if he isn't going to use it. Right now have the Digital that he sent me quite a while back, but range is limited. Been looking at a thermal, but not in the cards right now. Cost of the **** things is almost a whole weeks pay, even as a consultant!
Will start checking back in more often now that the contracts have been signed.
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