I was using a R700 5R in .308 with a McCann Industries MIRS rail, an illuminated NF SHV 5-20x56 scope, a SWR .30 cal. direct thread supressor, and an Armasight Gen 3P clip on night vision unit using 168g Barnes TTSX bullets.
I've been putting out corn in this spot for the last several months. The Little Pee Dee River is high, so the water in the swamps is backing up and driving the hogs to higher ground. I pulled into the property last night, and saw about 40 hogs out in the field. Since it is muddy from all the rain we've had recently and I'm about as graceful and nimble as a hippo, I didn't want to risk spooking them by making a stalk. I took a shot at the biggest sow out there from about 160 yards. The Barnes bullet dropped her in her tracks. The rest of the sounder scattered as soon as I pulled the trigger. I'm kinda bummed that the rest of the sounder was pretty small in size. I'm still waiting for a "big" kill.
After I shot the sow, I made sure she was dead, put out more corn, then went to check out another spot. There weren't any hogs at spot # 2, so I went back to my main corn pile. I was gone from the spot for about 30 minutes. When I got back, I could see that there was a lone hog eating the corn I had just put out. I shot him in the neck from about 75 yards. I took a pocket camera with me, but the batteries were low and the flash wasn't working.
I got home about 3:00 am this morning, and got up at 6:45 to get ready for work. I'll rest tonight and go back tomorrow night to see if I can kill a few more of them.