I need a muzzle loader that can kill a deer up to 300 yards

The quality of a hunter is not how far he can shoot but how close he can be to harvest his deers.
I can make regulary 5/8 of a inch 3shots group at 100 yards with a Knight Extreme but I'll never take a shot past 200 yards .

Hmmmm.....you do realize that this is a LONG Range Hunting website don't you?

Your opinion that "how close" you get makes a hunter is ridiculous on its face, it is ONLY your opinion! Actually the true hunter sneaks up on a deer and wrestles it to the ground with his bare hands...anything else is unethical.....and doing it at long range is harder yet and truest hunter of all :)

I don't want to argue with you ,but do you realize that you are talking muzzleloader and not long range sniper rifle.You do no argue at a bow limit distance to be 30 yards realistic and ethical shoot at a deer so muzzle loader hunting has the same restriction to a max ethical hunt with a deer to be minus 200 yards.
If you are talking long range target shooting then I agree with you that there are no limits.
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I don't want to argue with you ,but do you realize that you are talking muzzleloader and not long range sniper rifle.You do no argue at a bow limit distance to be 30 yards realistic and ethical shoot at a deer so muzzle loader hunting has the same restriction to a max ethical hunt with a deer to be minus 200 yards.
If you are talking long range target shooting then I agree with you that there are no limits.

You do realize that you are talking out your ***!

Personally my ML limit is about 400 yards, and that is because my range is only a bit over 300 yards. I am currently shooting a 8mm SMK at over 3000 fps.
My zero is just under 300 yards for crying out loud.

Here is another maker of long range ML rifles:

Custom Muzzle Loaders

and another one:

Welcome to Swing-Lock Custom Muzzleloading Inc.

Me thinks you need to broaden your horizons :)

There are all kinds of challenges, and I'm a contrarian. I backpack in to hunt, I push my range, and I keep trying new technology. You, on the other hand, get close to game. To each his own.
I don't want to argue with you ,but do you realize that you are talking muzzleloader and not long range sniper rifle.You do no argue at a bow limit distance to be 30 yards realistic and ethical shoot at a deer so muzzle loader hunting has the same restriction to a max ethical hunt with a deer to be minus 200 yards.
If you are talking long range target shooting then I agree with you that there are no limits.

Actually, I would argue that a bow's distance is 30 yards. 30 yards is only a limit for people who don't practice and develop decent skills. I've always practiced to 60, felt comfortable and taken deer to 50. See, this is why your argument is moot. You are applying personal limitations to others to whom they may not apply. I have a friend who hunts deer/antelope on the open plains of Montana, he practices to 100 yards with his bow and has taken deer at nearly 80. I find this shocking myself but he does not miss and chooses his shots carefully so I won't question his ethics when he delivers results as good or better than people who restrict themselves to 30 yards.
I don't want to argue with you ,but do you realize that you are talking muzzleloader and not long range sniper rifle.You do no argue at a bow limit distance to be 30 yards realistic and ethical shoot at a deer so muzzle loader hunting has the same restriction to a max ethical hunt with a deer to be minus 200 yards.
If you are talking long range target shooting then I agree with you that there are no limits.

I am sure no ill will was intended, but I think the term "long range sniper rifle" is not the best one, nor do I feel calling an AR Varmit rifle an assualt rifle is best either.
Moose they dont realize that this thread is about traditional muzzle loaders or the people wouldnt reply saying they shoot a 8mm skm at 3000 ft per second duh. Pushing the limits of a rifle or MUZZLE LOADER becomes a question of ethics. Yes this is a long range shooting site so everyone here should know their own limits thats why the industry created competitions.
Moose they dont realize that this thread is about traditional muzzle loaders or the people wouldnt reply saying they shoot a 8mm skm at 3000 ft per second duh. Pushing the limits of a rifle or MUZZLE LOADER becomes a question of ethics. Yes this is a long range shooting site so everyone here should know their own limits thats why the industry created competitions.

Hmmm, the OP was asking about Omega, Triumph, and Knight rifles and what will shoot to 300 yards. Finding the limitations of equipment has nothing to do with ethics, it's making educated decisions based on real world practice and evidence. Knowing one's limit and staying within that limit is ethics.

Competitive humans created competition, not the industry. It sounds like another traditional hero going off half-cock. :D
Moose they dont realize that this thread is about traditional muzzle loaders or the people wouldnt reply saying they shoot a 8mm skm at 3000 ft per second duh. Pushing the limits of a rifle or MUZZLE LOADER becomes a question of ethics. Yes this is a long range shooting site so everyone here should know their own limits thats why the industry created competitions.

Clearly you know zero about ballistics!

Your 50 caliber round ball has how much energy and what is the drop and wind drift at 300 yards with a 5mph crosswind?

Please read the thread title:

Thread: I need a muzzle loader that can kill a deer up to 300 yards


PS It is bad form to impose your personal ethics on others. So Please keep them to yourself!
I didnt come here with the intention to badger or be badgered . I did however read every reply to this thread before I made my comments. Not one of you know me from a hole in the ground and making comments about me tells me your personal make up in life. I did come here to offer what little I do know to some one obviously knows less. Im not talking ethic s Im talking about practicallity of an average sportsman not taking calculated risks. I love shooting long ranges but when the factor of chance comes into play of not making a clean shot I personally hold back when it involves a living breathing thing . You can all do as you want I teach my kids to make clean kill shots . Human nature is to be competative and shooting competitions were created for the sport.Shooting a living animal is differerent from a piece of paper .Everyones line in the sand may differ
I fail to see where anyone was talking about shooting an animal beyond their capabilities, but I did see where some wanted to maximize opportunities by means of being proficient with superior equipment. What's the problem with that?
I didn't ask for a op on hunting ethic's I ask for a muzzle loader that can kill a deer at 300 yards.This is after all a long range hunting forum.So if you don't know then don't post.I have not ever had any one on this site steer me wrong when it came to shooting loads or long range shooting, scope or spotting scopes.Maybe you should listen HellGap.To everyone else who posted and tried to help me thanks.
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I have a knight 50cal with laminate stock and 26in stainless barrel. I put the lehigh adapter on it and shoot 120gr of BH209 pushing a 300gr hornady sst into 3/4in group at 100. I put a Nitrex Tr2 3-15x42 on it and LEARNED MY BULLET DROPS. I shot over 50 bullets through this thing before the season and am 100% confident at taking a deer 250 - 300 yards. Two longest shot have been 187 and 213, both deer dropped on the spot with high shoulder shots. I have less than 500 dollars in the whole rig. Get you a good TC or Knight Disk Elite, some BH209 and several different types of bullets from 250-300grains and learn what shoots best in that gun. Get it shooting under an inch at 100 and then learn your scope dope out to 300.
Check out Toby Bridges,That's all he does is muzzle loader...

And he will answer any questions that you could ever think of about ML shooting or hunting....
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