I need a muzzle loader that can kill a deer up to 300 yards

I think that us as hunters and shooters should not be going against each other. This is exactley what the tree huggers and anti gun people want. Why do they have to try to stop our sport when we are doing it to our own self. Let people hunt the they want, sticks,rocks or space gun as long as people are hunting. I am 26 and I can bet my generation makes up less than 5% of our hunting community. We need to draw hunters not push them away.As long as we hunt and carey on that tradition, and not discriminate on what our weapon of choice is
If we can't debate things amongst ourselves, how can things progress or get changed? Should we all be sheep in the flock? I don't think so. We can keep our heads in the sand and worry about not pushing someone away or we can try to enlighten a few closed minded people and educate some uninformed people and benefit the entire sport as a whole? Which will you choose?

Kind of like Jim Zumbo a few years ago, shooting off his mouth about AR15 guns. It almost cost him his career of exploiting hunting and the outdoors. He was a highly respected person in the field.
I think it'd be a fun project to get a muzzle loader to shoot well long range. Good luck with your project - I may try it some day. :)

If we can't debate things amongst ourselves, how can things progress or get changed?
Debating is good. Not so sure about seeking change.

Shoot what you like, and how you like, and feel free to use words to change their mind to your way of thinking - that's all good, but please don't try to pass any law, or speak in favor of using the force of the game commission to get them to do it your way. Freedom is a good thing - and government rules inhibit freedom. The less rules backed up by violence the better.
I use a Kahnke. I think it is made by somebody in Minnesota in their basement. That said, they are fine rifles, and Kahnke stands behind his work. I had trouble with the scope mounting holes, and sent it back for a new barrel. He didn't believe me, but he replaced the barrel and solved the problem. Can't ask for better than that.

I first heard of it on the Precision Rifle website when I was looking at their ballistics tables. I noticed that it had a 30" barrel and consequently higher velocities with the 150 gr. 777 loads I planned to use. I was looking to extend my range with a muzzleloader.

I love the rifle. Stainless just makes sense. Also, it is relatively light. The light is a tradeoff when shooting magnum loads, but I put a Limbsaver recoil pad on and that helps a lot. I get 4-6 inch 3 shot groups out to 300 yards. I like the heavy bullets because I always want pass through and a blood trail. At 200 yards, I've never had a deer take more than one step. It is a devastating combination. My two buddies also purchased Kahnke's.
Saboted ammo is nothing new. They were paper patching during the buffalo hunting days. Heck even cannons had wood sabots for cannon balls. So, I have to call BS to your statement of new technology.

I think a truer statement is a drastic increase in recovery of shot animals. The newer technology did not change the animals or the hunters. Shots are still taken at the same distances but I'd venture to say that more accurate shots are made.

As I have said before, when the states start making primitive archery seasons, with longbows or recurve, cedar shafts, no sights, I may go back to flintlock for ML season. Until then, why discriminate against modern muzzleloaders. Edge, you are right on target!
You may have misunderstood my point a little, as did edge. I don't lament technology advances, for if I did I might be hunting with a sharp stick. I keep referring to the state where I hunt and live, Idaho, which specifically prohibits many of the technologies in muzzleloading hunts. Among other things, this includes any sabot and any clad projectile. 209s, optics, and other technological advances are disparaged no more than smokeless powder and cartridge cases. It is only they are adjudged by Idaho Fish and Wildlife to be such great improvements that use of them qualifies all for regular highpower rifle seasons.
Sorry for the misunderstanding.

It just gets my hackles up when I hear someone describing primitive hunting weapons.
In almost all cases the laws are written for those that want the woods to themselves and not really about hunting in a primitive manner.

I love my CVA Accura (50 cal). Its shoots great right out of the box. Never had any problems. Furthest shot Ive had is 272 yards. Its a shooter. Great feel, GREAT trigger. You can spend more money on a lot of other mzldrs but out to 300, its tough to beat. Just my 2 cents worth. Hope it helps.
Sorry for the misunderstanding.

It just gets my hackles up when I hear someone describing primitive hunting weapons.
In almost all cases the laws are written for those that want the woods to themselves and not really about hunting in a primitive manner.

No problem at all edge, as someone pointed out, we are all hunters and shooters here. Did you get out this fall? The only ML season I had available was for spike elk, and all I saw were cows and one little five point. Oh well, maybe Ol' Smokey will do better next year! .50 cal TC Hawken, 370 gr Maxi balls and 90 grains loose Pyrodex. Lyman aperture sight.

It's a great 100 yd shooter, and a fabulous 50 yarder. Longest elk so far, 125 yards. Largest, a 6x6 at just over 100. Closest, a 5x5 at 30 yds.

Good Hunting!
If we can't debate things amongst ourselves, how can things progress or get changed? Should we all be sheep in the flock? I don't think so. We can keep our heads in the sand and worry about not pushing someone away or we can try to enlighten a few closed minded people and educate some uninformed people and benefit the entire sport as a whole? Which will you choose?

Kind of like Jim Zumbo a few years ago, shooting off his mouth about AR15 guns. It almost cost him his career of exploiting hunting and the outdoors. He was a highly respected person in the field.

I think you did not understand what I was trying to point out bambi. I had a un bias statement, i did not side with one side or the other. So saying that we should not flock like sheep is a totaly ingnerant statement. Get your facts and Ideas right sir, and how of a informed person are you? What are your cradentials? How many states with different laws have you hunted in? you want a debate, call me personaly [HIDDEN], I would love to see were you are in this hunting industry, and how big of an impact you are making on the sport. Maybe you should realize who you are commenting too before making such ill informed remarks.
I seen your post about the laws not allowing smoklees guns . Well Thompson pro hunter is about one of the best. You may be able to do a 300 yard shot but ide say youll just wound more deer than kill. I shot my deer and goat with my knight wolverine both at about 100 yards. I camo up scent up use the wind and sneek up in the bald prarie no problem. Im kinda fat and dont move real good so the deer might have a advantage.
You may be able to do a 300 yard shot but ide say youll just wound more deer than kill.

You have no basis to say this simply based on the range. I've shot a good number of deer over 300 yards and have yet to send a shot outside the kill zone.
I'm always trying to improve. When I was much younger, I made a very long shot (250 yards) with my .270. It was ugly. Now I routinely make longer shots than that with my muzzleloader. If you don't push the envelope a little, you never know what you and your rifle are capable of. You have to hit the kill zone with a bullet that will expand and penetrate at that velocity. Figuring that out sometimes requires some trial and error. I've found that at 300 plus yards, they don't know where to run, so they don't. That gives you a chance to correct your mistakes, assuming you're not completely out of your ability zone. I won't try 300 yards with that muzzleloader combination again, because I like quick, clean kills. At 200 it does it every time. I was shooting Precision Rifle 340 gr. Dead Centers with 150 gr. of 777 and a 30" Kahnke rifle. I haven't found a muzzleloader bullet that performs as well as a rifle bullet. That's why I like what edge is doing shooting rifle bullets in a sabot.
The quality of a hunter is not how far he can shoot but how close he can be to harvest his deers.
I can make regulary 5/8 of a inch 3shots group at 100 yards with a Knight Extreme but I'll never take a shot past 200 yards .
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