I need a muzzle loader that can kill a deer up to 300 yards

ok someting else go to max muzzleloader .com sign up for his blog its free and he will send out very good info on all things muzzleloading he also has some very good dvd's and get this NO company sponsors him so he can tell it like it is. stey cool
one outher thing if you shoot a encore lookfor bellum .com he has parts to bling up the workings. you can change the trigger pull with only a spring for like 4 bucks. look it up
With a little experimentation most of the in-line or break action mz's will shoot around an MOA. You may have to try various bullets and loads to get there, but many will. An MOA at 500 yards is 5". Now all you have to do is accurately compensate for elevation and wind. Buy a good quality mz, put a NightForce or other quality scope with dial up turrets, plug all the numbers into your ballistic calculator and/or develop a dial up chart from actual range results and go hunting.

Since smokeless powder was not an option the Bad Bull mz I use would not work for you, but it is one great long range mz. Sub MOA performance, 275 grain 45 cal bullet at 3100 FPS. 500 yards is NO problem.:)
Did you know that IN-LINE muzzleloaders preceded smokeless powder by a couple of hundred years!
The first Creedmoor shoot was with muzzleloaders shooting to 1,000 yards.
It was won by the American team shooting Rolling block Remingtons loaded from the muzzle.

Buckskin traditional shooters are BS, IMO!
You want traditional then ride a horse to your hunting location. No motorized vehicles of any kind, then I'll listen to your sanctimonious cr@p.
Half of these folks drive 4 wheel drive vehicles, and use atv's to get to their locations and use remote cameras to scout. How the H3ll is that primitive hunting??

Primitive hunting would be a spear and a few buddies with spears. I dont want to hear it either. Only reason I even want one is more time in the field hunting here in Ohio.
one outher thing if you shoot a encore lookfor bellum .com he has parts to bling up the workings. you can change the trigger pull with only a spring for like 4 bucks. look it up

12mm knows his stuff! only place to know when it comes to an Encore.
Primitive hunting would be a spear and a few buddies with spears. I dont want to hear it either. Only reason I even want one is more time in the field hunting here in Ohio.

That's why I put this thread up I hunt in michigan I want to hunt longer to with some range.
i have had the mk knight then got the encores after, i have the encore in a standard and a prohunter and in the 45 and the 50 i have shot ALOT of ML and been shooting over 25 years and i have never shot a ML that stands in the same ring as the encore and have taken many of bets with both my 45 and 50. if take the time and find the right load i can stack 4 out of 5 shots in the bottom of a beer can at 200. and that is with both the 50 and 45. i took a doe at 278 yards and a buck at 203 yards this year and neither went more then 40 yards. i have stretched the 50 out to a 424 yard shot but only because i was comfortable with the gun and had been shooting at that range for awhile on paper.
just like any riffle it depends on the shooter and the time spent on working up a load that the gun likes..... so far out of the group of 5 of us with the encore50 all shoot the best with 150 grs of trip7 and a 250gr sst-ml.

some advise to those that seem able to get the encore to shoot try that load
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