I need a muzzle loader that can kill a deer up to 300 yards

And not the ulitimate muzzle loader either.

Why not the Ultimate Muzzleloader. I have had one for years and have shot over 30 whitetails, mule deer, elk, and antelope over 300 yds. My farthest shot on a whitetail was 430 yds and stoned it in it's tracks. I can consistently shoot 2" groups at 300 yds with 3 Triple 7 mag pellets and a 300 gr Fury bullet. It's a Michigan based company too.
I shoot a T/C ProHunter with the Nikon Omega 3x9x40 BDC.

I shoot a 350gr Hornady FBP with Blackhorn 209 powder and a CC! shotshell primer.

I load 120 gr of powder and run the bullet down the pipe with the rod attachement that allows the bullet to rotate with the rifling as it goes down, this gives a very tight fit.
Muzzle volocity is 1920fps, this will give you a 2 1/2" to 3" group at 300 yards. The 350 gr Hornady doesn't require a sabot and unless your shooting in 10+ mile per hour cross wind, you want have to worry about hold-over. You will get about a 1/4" MOA spin drift, not much, just be aware.

On the Omega Scope you will adjust power to 7X and use the bottom reticle for 300 yards.

Hope this helps!!!
Okay Distantfoe, I read the entire website, and didn't see anything about a 6.5 or more importantly, the price. I'm assuming this is going to cost more than most of the vehicles I've owned in my life, and that it shoots smokeless powder, which doesn't do me much good here in NM. Is there a location to get more information? Did they quote you a price?
Hmmmm.....you do realize that this is a LONG Range Hunting website don't you?

Your opinion that "how close" you get makes a hunter is ridiculous on its face, it is ONLY your opinion! Actually the true hunter sneaks up on a deer and wrestles it to the ground with his bare hands...anything else is unethical.....and doing it at long range is harder yet and truest hunter of all :)


An uncle of mine, after missing with the two slugs he carried for his single-shot 12 gauge, jumped on a buck, held on to the antlers with one hand as it ran through the trees & slit it's throat with his other hand. THAT'S SERIOUS HUNTING. (Thankfully he had witnesses!) Everything I've done hunting pales in comparison.
As a kid, my stepfather & neighbor used antique muzzle-loaders. With the longer & heavier barrels that were common, 300 yard shots were reasonable & quite doable once sights were calibrated. Sadly, "modern" muzzle-loader manufacturers won't sell a quality muzzle-loader with a 36" barrel

There are many custom long-range muzzle-loaders. If you want, that makes sense. That said, my Triumph will do 300 yards although I limit myself to around 250. Too bad TC doesn't offer a Triumph with a longer barrel.
I honestly can say most muzzleloaders can handle this, it's what you put in the barrel that makes the most difference.

Find a bullet that your gun likes, and shoot Blackhorn 209. Thru my chrony, average spread is 2 to 7 fps between volume measured shots.

My TC Omega with the Hornady SST ML, BH209 and CCI 209 will shoot 1.5" @ 200 yds. and my buddy shot a coyote at 325 yds. with his TC Impact and the same load.
I have killed deer at 225+ with a muzzle loader. The first was with a 54 cal custom under hammer, 240 grain .430 XTP in a break away sabot with 90 grains of FF. Two have been with a T/C Black Diamond .45 cal and a 195 grain knight red hot with 3 triple 7 pellots, this is my recommendation for a 300 yard load. Hard kicking but it has the trajectory and energy to do the job when it gets there. Not real sure on velocity but with a 26 inch barrel it is respectable. You could get a smokeless ML, load it as hot as you want and letem fly. The barrels are so much stronger that you could probably load the thing half full with black powder, stuff your bullet in there and blast away (I am not recommending you do that). Maybe not but it is far stronger and you can run higher pressures in them than any BP rifle you can get. I have an original smokeless 10ML and I can assure you that even shooting black powder they will group as well or better than anything else you can get in the ML world. Most places the rifle is not illegal just what you charge it with. I would go with a .45 and the highest BC bullet I could get it to shoot accurately with. Everyone I know has had good luck with the red hots (basically a short fb barnes x bullet) and I can attest to their effectiveness. I sight mine in 2.5 high at 100 and have never held over for ranges out to 235, and never missed a deer with it. From what I have seen, you would need to hold over a hair for a 300 yard shot, wouldn't be willing to try for 400. But I would with that 10ML!
I shoot a Parker Hale Whitworth . With a 600 grain paper patch and 90 grains of FF 300 is no problem. It takes the legs out from under an elk with deep penetration.
I am shooting a TC Encore. It has killed two deer in the last 2 years... One at 250yrd and the other at 304yrds. I had a new trigger installed and custom sights which made a termendous difference.
www.smokelessmuzzleloading.com buy one of these guys barrels and be done with it. i did and put it on a encore but you also can get one for a NEF handy rifle. it will run you $500 bucks but you don't have to clean it like all the other so called modern muzzleloaders out there. i killed a 300# boar last spring shooting a 300gr 458diameter bullet with a mmp sabot. it rolled him up into a ball of mad pig. check them out. keep your powder dry man
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