I would also include a suppressor is a "safety" device to reduce hearing loss along with noise reduction for the environment.

One other aspect is what are the suppressor rules in Europe. Worth showing UK allows from practical purposes. Of course some countries are still in WW2 mindset.

See Browning EU Blog LINK: Browning EU Suppressor Blog
And a country like Canada is still in the DARK AGES AND REGRESSING DAILY thanks to our drama teacher appointed Prime Minister!
Yes. I am setting up a trust so others can use it, and will be passing it down to my sons at the time I die. At 73 who knows when that will happen. Being a combat vet, it's my understanding that it shorten you life by 10 years. I am not really worried about it. It comes, it comes. I had a very good life, but I look down the road all the time.
Ok still not a Class 3 FFL. If you’re going to write your legislators, it would be more effective to use the correct terminology. So you did a firearms trust for a Form 4 and in most cases that will increase wait times even more since the examiner will have to background each trustee. FYI, when you die, without a trust, your silencer can be transferred to a survivor for $5 on a Form 5.
I would also include a suppressor is a "safety" device to reduce hearing loss along with noise reduction for the environment.

One other aspect is what are the suppressor rules in Europe. Worth showing UK allows from practical purposes. Of course some countries are still in WW2 mindset.

See Browning EU Blog LINK: Browning EU Suppressor Blog
Actually, the ban of suppressors began in the 1920's in response to gangsters' using them during prohibition.
Ok still not a Class 3 FFL. If you’re going to write your legislators, it would be more effective to use the correct terminology. So you did a firearms trust for a Form 4 and in most cases that will increase wait times even more since the examiner will have to background each trustee. FYI, when you die, without a trust, your silencer can be transferred to a survivor for $5 on a Form 5.
Wrong. The others are placed after the approval is done. There is a go to person that is my son, and he listed. Still the law needs to be changed. It should be the most a form like getting a firearm at time of purchase, and quite check. No fee's required. It would take more time to have the firearm set up to attach the suppressor. Unless it has been done already. With all the states that allow suppressor, it should be cake walk. The worried for me is where or when my brother, sons, or a friend wants to use it. I getting it for Varmint hunting. I also want to see how it effect the ballistic on loads going down range. I want to put some real facts behind the equipment. My first time being interduced to suppressors was in the Army in 1968 during basic training on an M-14. Then again in 1969 in Vietnam. I didn't get to use it, nor shoot it. Not my MOS, but it made me interested in it. The suppressor there in the Army was twice as big and long as anything I seen now. I remember the action operating on the M-14 but that was it. I am not sure, if that was just letting the action going forward or cycling. I couldn't see the M-14 in use. The suppressor was go big, it almost made the M-14 look small. In California it's against the law, but 42 other state it's not. So why all the problem in purchasing one or more. In looking at what was required to allow other people to use it and get a license to use it. It needs to be simplified.
Nothing ventured nothing gained.
Wrong. The others are placed after the approval is done. There is a go to person that is my son, and he listed. Still the law needs to be changed. It should be the most a form like getting a firearm at time of purchase, and quite check. No fee's required. It would take more time to have the firearm set up to attach the suppressor. Unless it has been done already. With all the states that allow suppressor, it should be cake walk. The worried for me is where or when my brother, sons, or a friend wants to use it. I getting it for Varmint hunting. I also want to see how it effect the ballistic on loads going down range. I want to put some real facts behind the equipment. My first time being interduced to suppressors was in the Army in 1968 during basic training on an M-14. Then again in 1969 in Vietnam. I didn't get to use it, nor shoot it. Not my MOS, but it made me interested in it. The suppressor there in the Army was twice as big and long as anything I seen now. I remember the action operating on the M-14 but that was it. I am not sure, if that was just letting the action going forward or cycling. I couldn't see the M-14 in use. The suppressor was go big, it almost made the M-14 look small. In California it's against the law, but 42 other state it's not. So why all the problem in purchasing one or more. In looking at what was required to allow other people to use it and get a license to use it. It needs to be simplified.
Nothing ventured nothing gained.
I don’t disagree with you. Silencers should be removed from the NFA. Thank you for your service and welcome home.
So you are an FFL? What you say does not make sense. The trust has nothing to do with the FFL, only the business structure does. Plus, if you are an FFL then you have to pay $500 per year for the SOT. I think you are confused, it does not take 9-14 months to get an FFL. It takes that long to get an approval for a non FFL to purchase an NFA item.
Mike, you are 100% correct. We the People can affect change even one person. In 2008 I wrote to MIDNR with proposal for straight wall rifle in MI and it was promptly denied. Complete lack of understanding of the purpose, need, recruitment and so on. In 2009 I wrote to my district representative with complete proposal. Resulted in meeting, representative understood exactly purpose and proposed the rule shortly thereafter. I ended up attending committee meetings over the next couple years in Lansing on my own nickel to present and provide technical support primarily against DNR that fought it 100% of time. It took 5 years to get it passed unanimously in house and senate before they backed off. NRC passed for 3 year trial then it became permanent since it was huge hit with everyone. The legislation has spawned similar in quite a few states. I have provided packages to state groups trying to enact similar. And yes I can prove every word I have stated since seems some people like to take credit once it became popular. But my point is it can be done but it takes effort, dedication, patience, research, the mindset that government is not for the peoples benefit but theirs so you need to be able to speak with "data". We can do it if we band together and present our position with documentation, data and leave emotion out of it.
So you are an FFL? What you say does not make sense. The trust has nothing to do with the FFL, only the business structure does. Plus, if you are an FFL then you have to pay $500 per year for the SOT. I think you are confused, it does not take 9-14 months to get an FFL. It takes that long to get an approval for a non FFL to purchase an NFA item.
And a country like Canada is still in the DARK AGES AND REGRESSING DAILY thanks to our drama teacher appointed Prime Minister!
I think your Prime Minister is cute in all his costumes. I think he would look much better permanently tromping through the French countryside, and I do mean across the pond in France. He could model his clothes for the homeless surrounding the Eifel Tower. He could withdraw all of his ignorant gun laws from Canada and take them to France. Canada is too beautiful and has too many natural resources to have one midget-minded moron deciding all the laws for a place like your Canada.
So you are an FFL? What you say does not make sense. The trust has nothing to do with the FFL, only the business structure does. Plus, if you are an FFL then you have to pay $500 per year for the SOT. I think you are confused, it does not take 9-14 months to get an FFL. It takes that long to get an approval for a non FFL to purchase an NFA item.
No I am not an FFL licensee. I am filing for Class 3 Licenses to be able to have and use a suppressor, and my brother, sons, and a friend can use it without going to Jail.
This a long drawn out permit, that this shouldn't be. The suppressor isn't thing more than a glorified pipe, that's can't cause harm. It just reduces the noise from a firearm that has to be attached. I feel that an application shouldn't take a year to get or more. If really needed to be a form much like the form we fill out to purchase a firearm at the most. No fee require. The firearm is the only item, that can hurt anybody, and that takes 15 to 20 minutes to purchase in most states I believe. So why the months to get a permit. That's what so stupid about it. I don't really want a full auto firearm either, (they use far to much ammo. I carried about 1100 rounds in Vietnam. so I know about full auto) but that what we are being forced into to allow other people to be able to use a suppressor, without you going to jail. A knife can hurt people, but there on permit to purchase one either.
Mike, you are 100% correct. We the People can affect change even one person. In 2008 I wrote to MIDNR with proposal for straight wall rifle in MI and it was promptly denied. Complete lack of understanding of the purpose, need, recruitment and so on. In 2009 I wrote to my district representative with complete proposal. Resulted in meeting, representative understood exactly purpose and proposed the rule shortly thereafter. I ended up attending committee meetings over the next couple years in Lansing on my own nickel to present and provide technical support primarily against DNR that fought it 100% of time. It took 5 years to get it passed unanimously in house and senate before they backed off. NRC passed for 3 year trial then it became permanent since it was huge hit with everyone. The legislation has spawned similar in quite a few states. I have provided packages to state groups trying to enact similar. And yes I can prove every word I have stated since seems some people like to take credit once it became popular. But my point is it can be done but it takes effort, dedication, patience, research, the mindset that government is not for the peoples benefit but theirs so you need to be able to speak with "data". We can do it if we band together and present our position with documentation, data and leave emotion out of it.
It will take sometime for sure. I agree with you, and you know that things can be done. It isn't a matter of throwing up your hands and walking away. That the one thing I learn being on a Board of Directors for 30 years. If you stay at it, it can be done. It won't do me any good, but help somebody else out down the line.
That the one thing about owning a firearm you have to keep your nose clean, otherwise you lose your right to own a firearm. At the same time we are free people, and if you right to own a firearm is taken away, then are a subject, on longer free.
The men that started our government in the 1700 really had mind on their shoulders. I am wonder how they figure out all this to set up a government. I thank God for them. They knew.!! We that live in this country are very lucky.