You have to take the time, and write the Senators, and Congressmen, and we can get something done. How do you think others laws or changing the laws happen. It's by people pushing for something to be done. Taking a line you are beat before you start doesn't get you anywhere. I learn a very long time ago in High School playing football, you have to pull together to make something to happen. That carried with me while I was in combat in Vietnam. Both were a fight, but I didn't let it get me down, I fought back. I spent 30 years on a water district board of directors. Things can be changed, but you have to push to get it done. At one time this district was a 1/2 Million behind. When we turn it over to a larger district we had 14 million in the bank.
Do you stand up and push for what should be corrected, or call it quite, before you even start.
There 3 type of people in this world. Them that make it happen, Them that watch it happen, and Them that wonder what the H*ll happen. I stand in 2 of those category. There is a lot of people that belong to this Long Range Shooting. If we get behind this, we could make it happen. How do you think other bills are made? By writing your people in government to change things.
When you have 42 states that allow the suppressor, and 40 states that allow it for hunting. I would say that largest part of the United States are for suppressors.
Just need to get the Fed's to correct there law.
We just lost a President that made things happen. He shown us how to made it happen. That all we need to do! Laws can be changed, with the people getting on board and getting behind it.
You have to take the time, and write the Senators, and Congressmen, and we can get something done. How do you think others laws or changing the laws happen. It's by people pushing for something to be done. Taking a line you are beat before you start doesn't get you anywhere. I learn a very long time ago in High School playing football, you have to pull together to make something to happen. That carried with me while I was in combat in Vietnam. Both were a fight, but I didn't let it get me down, I fought back. I spent 30 years on a water district board of directors. Things can be changed, but you have to push to get it done. At one time this district was a 1/2 Million behind. When we turn it over to a larger district we had 14 million in the bank.
Do you stand up and push for what should be corrected, or call it quite, before you even start.
There 3 type of people in this world. Them that make it happen, Them that watch it happen, and Them that wonder what the H*ll happen. I stand in 2 of those category. There is a lot of people that belong to this Long Range Shooting. If we get behind this, we could make it happen. How do you think other bills are made? By writing your people in government to change things.
When you have 42 states that allow the suppressor, and 40 states that allow it for hunting. I would say that largest part of the United States are for suppressors.
Just need to get the Fed's to correct there law.
We just lost a President that made things happen. He shown us how to made it happen. That all we need to do! Laws can be changed, with the people getting on board and getting behind it.
Who on this site has the ability to create a utility that would allow us to enter our name & address, it would automatically know our US Senators & Representatives, and when we click Go, it would send a form letter to our specific Sen's & Rep's? Many of us on this site may be old farts (speaking for myself, certainly) and may not be technically literate enough to build this, but we may know someone (like a 14-year old nephew, etc.) who could do this for us. I agree that the only way to move the ball on this is to get together in support, but leaving it to each of us to send a letter will likely only prompt a few of us to actually do so. If we could create a utility to make it very easy, we'd see a much greater participation.

I am many months into the waiting period for a suppressor, I've paid for it in full, and now I'm wondering if the Bonehead Administration will even allow it, so I'd love to see us get together and push for this change, and I'd be fully in support of getting organized in this way. We may not want it to be an official LRH effort but if one of us could get this tool created, we could certainly circulate it among the LRH members. I'd go a step further, I'd suggest we send it to the 2nd Amendment foundation to send to their members, and maybe there's a mailing list somewhere of gun stores, gun ranges and other pro-2A organizations which would be willing to send it to their members as well. This is worth doing, folks, and I appreciate Mike bringing this up.
I'll point out that the Supremacy Clause doesn't seem to be doing much when it comes to Mary-Jane. When the disobedience is wide-spread a wise government* repeals an unenforcible law. Prohibition, anyone? About M-J, clear back in the 70's my mother was saying "legalize it and tax it." Prohibition, anyone?

Hollywood is not on our side. On purpose I suspect, though not necessarily with a politcal agenda. A virtually silent firearm is a great plot tool even if it has no basis in reality.

*No claim made that ours is that!
Who on this site has the ability to create a utility that would allow us to enter our name & address, it would automatically know our US Senators & Representatives, and when we click Go, it would send a form letter to our specific Sen's & Rep's? Many of us on this site may be old farts (speaking for myself, certainly) and may not be technically literate enough to build this, but we may know someone (like a 14-year old nephew, etc.) who could do this for us. I agree that the only way to move the ball on this is to get together in support, but leaving it to each of us to send a letter will likely only prompt a few of us to actually do so. If we could create a utility to make it very easy, we'd see a much greater participation.

I am many months into the waiting period for a suppressor, I've paid for it in full, and now I'm wondering if the Bonehead Administration will even allow it, so I'd love to see us get together and push for this change, and I'd be fully in support of getting organized in this way. We may not want it to be an official LRH effort but if one of us could get this tool created, we could certainly circulate it among the LRH members. I'd go a step further, I'd suggest we send it to the 2nd Amendment foundation to send to their members, and maybe there's a mailing list somewhere of gun stores, gun ranges and other pro-2A organizations which would be willing to send it to their members as well. This is worth doing, folks, and I appreciate Mike bringing this up.
I do have a son that has a major in English literature, and MBA. I will push on him to cut up what I wrote down into a more sizeable form. I agree that LRH may not an official effort, but it was a starting place for me. I have been thinking about trying to get the NRA involved too.
One of my biggest problem is I am Dyslexia. So it's hard for me to write, and see a problem in my writing. That life, and I move on not getting me down, but it bugs me. As we would say "To Bad, To Bad"
Thanks to Jeff, and any others that get on board. We can do it. It may take awhile, and some pushing.
In my opinion the NFA "tax" has become a "fee".
34 years ago $200.00 check was made out to the US Treasury.
Last one was made out to BATFE.
Still gets you a "Tax Stamp" but let's be real.

If it goes to the treasury it is a tax.
If it goes to an agency it is a fee.

ATF already has a budget to cover the cost of processing paperwork. When did the law change to go to ATF?

I am curious to know who decided this and when did it happen.

Guess I'll ask my Senators.
I'll talk with my son, who is a S/W Dev, maybe he can help or knows someone who can. These utilities exist on other platforms for similar efforts so it shouldn't be too hard to get something set up in support of removing restrictions on suppressors.
The real problem is the current administration has a bill to ban and require suppressors to be turned in.
Time to work against it. I think that Senator Tester in Montana is standing on one foot then the other, worried about where he stands, and if he's going to make the next election. The left tried to turn Montana to blue and it backfired on them this last election. I kind of feel that the next election there going to be some big changes.
Can't let that stop us! It's probable good to push back. Look at the house, it nearly turned red this last election. Only about 4 or 5 seat, and there several of them wondering about there seats next election.
What happens is you do not pass go and end up in jail. A **** good way to end up with a federal felony rap. There has been several convictions of people who believed that they could have a suppressor because of those meaningless laws.

Can you say Supremacy Clause?

The present Law is the Law. It can be changed. I didn't say do something Illegal. this country is built on the rule of law. I presently feel, there is a double standard. If you haven't seen that over the past 5 years it would be hard to believe.
Are you sure you applied for a Class 3 FFL? Are you sure you didn't just submit a Form 4 and pay your $200 for a silencer from a dealer? A Class 3 FFL allows you to deal in NFA items (silencers, machine guns, AOW's).
There is way bigger fish to fry right now concerning firearms than suppressors. I can't see myself expending an ounce of energy here.
The Hearing Protection Act never stood a chance of passing, all it amounted to is feel good crap.
The time isn't so people give up. The time is because of the bureaucracy. Some lady that processes the forms makes 79k a year whether she processes 3k a year or 3. Same reason every travel voucher I submit takes 90-120 days to be paid out while I front the government money... When I owe it takes a week.....The government ain't efficient when it's your time and money brother.
The proposed Texas law on suppressors may actually be valid, notwithstanding the constitutional Supremecy Clause, thanks to the constitutional "Commerce Clause". Federal gun control laws are prefaced with the requirement that the gun moved in interstate commerce at some point it time. Without that, the Federal government may not have authority to regulate them. But if any piece or component of the gun was sourced across a state line, the commerce clause is satisfied and the Feds have jurisdiction. And since that is the case with every modern firearm, it is never an impediment to federal firearms regulations. So MAYBE, if the iron ore for the suppressor is mined in Texas, and smelted into steel in Texas, and machined into the suppressor in Texas, and the suppressor is sold only to Texas residents and never leaves Texas...the feds may lack Commerce Clause jurisdiction to regulate that suppressor in Texas and that state law would be valid....maybe.
Are you sure you applied for a Class 3 FFL? Are you sure you didn't just submit a Form 4 and pay your $200 for a silencer from a dealer? A Class 3 FFL allows you to deal in NFA items (silencers, machine guns, AOW's).
Yes. I am setting up a trust so others can use it, and will be passing it down to my sons at the time I die. At 73 who knows when that will happen. Being a combat vet, it's my understanding that it shorten you life by 10 years. I am not really worried about it. It comes, it comes. I had a very good life, but I look down the road all the time.
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