7mm Rem Mag on the decline?

If you think the newer cartridges are not technically better then the old then you are not relevant. Nobody said the old ones were bad. But the new ones are better designed around the actions and bullets and powders of today. How is the military not relevant they are using it for long range hunting.
You guys kill me.......where did I post there haven't been improvements.... BUT for the Nimrod chasing game there really hasn't been an improvement that was really needed or earth shattering. Yes.......you dont have to need something to go buy it ....and that's well over done, BUT it's the marketing that sells not the need....and I doubt this site is really focused on our troops in Afganistan either.....and why would you have to interject that no one said the old ones were bad....comprehend the post better and we can all hold hands and sing kumbaya.
For 99.9% of big game hunters a 7mm rermmag will fill the freezer just fine.

To me it's a space age cartridge as I still have a M54 S&L in 7x61 S&H. ( the 2nd commercial 7 mag)

Marketing hype sells the latest and greatest which helps the economy. No realistic hunter actually believes that the latest beltless 7mm magnum will make the slightest difference in killing that Elk at the ranges 99% of Elk are killed at compared to a 7mm remmag. "Minute of Elk" is a garbage can lid !

BUT if you want it go get it. You never wanna die with any regrets ! This will go 140 MPH but really does nothing in the real world my Pacifica cannot. But I'm old and I wanted it.

Cars, now were talking. Do I need 750hp to go get groceries. No. But it sure is fun.


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Our family acquired two new off the shelf 7-Mags just last season. Considering you can find 280 Ackley Improved performance in 7RM Ammo at any retailer it's a no brain'r.
You guys kill me.......where did I post there haven't been improvements.... BUT for the Nimrod chasing game there really hasn't been an improvement that was really needed or earth shattering. Yes.......you dont have to need something to go buy it ....and that's well over done, BUT it's the marketing that sells not the need....and I doubt this site is really focused on our troops in Afganistan either.....and why would you have to interject that no one said the old ones were bad....comprehend the post better and we can all hold hands and sing kumbaya.
Did you miss your appointment for therapy this week? You have medication you didn't take enough of, or a little too much of? There is no "need" for any rifles outside of defense of life and liberty. You can go anywhere and buy a steak. If you are competing with a rifle then there is a need for the best. Being a free market if you want to make it worth your effort and off-set your cost to create, you advertise - you know, marketing. Since we are a free nation and can hunt for game of all sorts all across the fruited plain, we look to the advancements in cartridges (most originate in competition) and use them.
Another thing to consider, a big percentage of shooters here do focus and think about our boys in arms. A lot of us spent time in Iraq or Viet Nam or Panama or some other shat hole and now a lot of us have Sons and Daughters that have taken the oath.
Real need. Us military dumping 300winmag for 300prc. Sure wasn't marketing that made them switch.
and they aren't just on 5.56 and Lapua as the Lapua is a bit much and rather costly too.. Everyone dumps on the belted's lately... That's fine and dandy; they are a 100 year old case design. What's really funny is the nosler, rum, and prc are just as old and are touted as being modern... I also kinda like how the guys that can not handle the rum(or similar/ possibly bigger- Lapua AI, etc.) tend to go with a mid length like the prc and claim it to be all that and a box of chocolates. My 225gr. start load for my rum's is as fast as top loadings for the prc...
I hung my 7RM up 36 years ago.Might have to dig out some time.Ill take my 338 every day of the week for LR elk.
The actual cartridge firing the bullet is much less important to long range hunting than most people would like to admit. The most important things are the rifle itself, terminal performance of the bullet, and optics. Given the choice I would rather have a 7RM Savage with a $3k scope and great handloads than a $3k rifle in any recently released cartridge and a $500 scope. I could also say the same thing about a 30-06, 7-08, and a host of older cartridges. Bullets, optics, rangefinders, Kestrels, and similar devices are where the real advances have been made in my lifetime. I'm old and have seen a lot of country, and this is the real truth. I love the new stuff. I especially appreciate the new temp stable powders. No more Summer / Winter loads with them. I have a 28N. It is no better than my old STW, May not be as good. Barrel life is less and brass is more expensive. The same can be said for several new "Advancements". I can also say I could tell no real difference between the STW and my old Mashburn Super Mag other than brass was a pain to make for the Mashburn, and it is older than the RM. It goes on and on.
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