Deciding on a 7mm. 7mm rem mag/ 7mm wsm

What could I expect to run a properly throated 7mm mag with the 180s-197s? I've only used sammi chambers
I got pressure signs at 2850 FPS with the 195 Berger loaded .005 off the lands. Backed off all the way to 2725 FPS with RE 33. The x-bolt shoots 2.5" groups at 600 yds and recoil is mild without a break. We could easily go hotter but don't need to.
I shot 7rm for many years....mostly because i thought i could take any thing i needed to hunt with it....i could....plenty gun for most any critter in most any circumstance.....i sold it....
Bought a 7rum....other than the fact it takes more powder to shoot would do as needed on game....i sold it....shouldnt have....
Bought a 280ai...has taken a couple deer...sure it can do the job...still have it.....cant afford to sell it.....its okay...nothing spectacular....
Had a version Winchester black shadow 24" factory rifle....found a load it liked..... .75" 3 shot group at 300yd.....its the ex's the closet.....wont ever be shot again.....
Pick a good barrel put it on the action and be happy.......
What's your load for your 7ss?

I don't have have one yet. The rifle is currently being built by Straight Jacket Armory. I actually plan to do a write up on the whole thing once I get it and do some load development. Talking with Rich Sherman and a couple others though I expect it to shoot the same as my 7mm Rem Mag. Seems like with Retumbo I can expect 3000-3050fps w/ a 175gr and a 22" barrel. I'm currently getting 3024 with my 7RM in a 22" barrel and the 168gr Berger VLD in front of 69gr Retumbo. So my expectations are legitimate 7RM performance in a true short action cartridge.
I don't have have one yet. The rifle is currently being built by Straight Jacket Armory. I actually plan to do a write up on the whole thing once I get it and do some load development. Talking with Rich Sherman and a couple others though I expect it to shoot the same as my 7mm Rem Mag. Seems like with Retumbo I can expect 3000-3050fps w/ a 175gr and a 22" barrel. I'm currently getting 3024 with my 7RM in a 22" barrel and the 168gr Berger VLD in front of 69gr Retumbo. So my expectations are legitimate 7RM performance in a true short action cartridge.
I dont think you'll get 3000-3050 with a 22" barrel! The 7 ss is more efficient and so doesnt does velocity like a 7 mag would but 2950 with a 22" barrel is more realistic. That said, you probably would get that with a 22" 7 RM
Love my 7mm practical. A VERY efficient cartridge. It'll hang with a 7stw, 28 nos, or a 7 rum. Plenty of brass out there, and easy to load for. I'm shooting 180 vlds @ 3200fps with Retumbo. 28" Benchmark 1-8" twist barrel.
(Long Post of drivel so get ready) Why do we even have the 7mm Rem Mag with a Belt? I had to rewrite this post. It just doesn't sit well with me. There was a .280 Newton near a Hundred Years ago. Only it wasn't the exact same bore size and Rifling we have today with the Standardized 7mm. Truth is the perfect 7mm died out somehow and then was reinvented on a budget using outdated existing Brass Belt Manufacturing. It's got that Short Neck because it had to have More powder than the 7X61mm S&H. IMO the S&H is a far superior Cartridge. Speed sells and they got over on the American Public with the 7RM with the Performance aspect. It's on every Shelf, it's darn good, and it's Cheap and affordable, it's just not the Best. Your not going to get the same performance out of a Short Action unless you don't mind Excessive Barrel wear, they just won't offer enough Boiler Room. The Newton and the 7X61mm were created to fire much lighter Bullets and if you want to shoot the 180 grain projectile with efficiency your gonna need the Boiler Room to do it effectively. This is why the 7mm Blaser improved is doing so well right now. There are reasons, maybe we don't fully understand them, but a Longer Neck works better. As Americans we gotta have more and it's gotta be bigger, I just think the Nozler is overindulgent. (7-WM)
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Love my 7mm practical. A VERY efficient cartridge. It'll hang with a 7stw, 28 nos, or a 7 rum. Plenty of brass out there, and easy to load for. I'm shooting 180 vlds @ 3200fps with Retumbo. 28" Benchmark 1-8" twist barrel.
You know I had to read the Practical page again. I'm dumbfounded at the Claims there as I purchased a very used RCBS Mashburn FL Die that did the exact same thing. It takes the 300 Win Mag and turns it into a long neck 7mm-30 degree Cartridge. Only it didn't come with a way to turn the Donut out of the Neck. (That Die has to be 30 Years Old!)
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Why do we even have the 7mm Rem Mag with a Belt? It's because of Greed and Profits we still have the Belt. So, unless you want the 7mm-300 PRC or 7mm-375 Ruger or 7mm LRM or the 7mm Blaser, you get another 7mm Remington Magnum because that's what the manufacturers tell you to use. They could have gotten rid of the belt 100 Years ago, but it was free, so they used it and kept using it. So is the 7mm Rem Mag really all that bad? Nope, it's awesome, and if you don't mind someone shoving it down your throat, and it doesn't stick in your Craw, then by all means build another one.
Your kidding me right? Tell me the last time a belted magnum was introduced then tell me again it's being shoved down our throats. The belt is fine. Just know how to properly size your case.
Your kidding me right? Tell me the last time a belted magnum was introduced then tell me again it's being shoved down our throats. The belt is fine. Just know how to properly size your case.
My point was the Belt was Way Outdated when they introduced those plethora of Cartridges during that time period. They Manufactured it with a Belt to save costs, not because it was the Best thing available. Sound familiar? Veterans can understand.
My point was the Belt was Way Outdated when they introduced those plethora of Cartridges during that time period. They Manufactured it with a Belt to save costs, not because it was the Best thing available. Sound familiar? Veterans can understand.
I understand that. It doesnt mean belts are getting shoved down our throats. It's been years since a belted cartridge was introduced.
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