Deciding on a 7mm. 7mm rem mag/ 7mm wsm

7 SAUM or 284 Winchester gets my vote. These would be your most efficient and potentially most accurate cartridges for the 7mm. Since you already have a 7 mag bolt face I would go 7 SAUM then. That's exactly what I did after my 7 rem mag barrel got about 1000 rounds through it and I have no regrets. A bunch of companies make 7 Saum brass now including ADG, Gunwerks, Nosler, Norma, and Peterson has intentions of making it in the future too. I have the Gunwerks brass. The 7 SAUM will get better barrel life than a 7 rem mag or any of those other big 7 magnums. I would stay away from the 7 WSM too. The case has a rather short neck and pretty much failed as a competition cartridge over the 7 SAUM. Good luck.
I think it is a combination. Yes, it will handle more pressure (a good thing) and yes its more efficient with a shorter burn column and a sharper shoulder and less body taper (also a good thing)
the worst thing about the wsm is the neck is too short! And ya I know they have shot well but they would be better with a longer neck and would help cut down throat erosion too.
You already have all the stuff for the 7mm mag? If so I would say stick with it. If you're wanting more umph, but less barrel life the 7 STW, 28 Nosler and 7mm lrm would give you more velocity.
However if you're setup for 7 mag I would stick with it. Get a custom barrel built for the bullet you want and you're good.
You already have all the stuff for the 7mm mag? If so I would say stick with it. If you're wanting more umph, but less barrel life the 7 STW, 28 Nosler and 7mm lrm would give you more velocity.
However if you're setup for 7 mag I would stick with it. Get a custom barrel built for the bullet you want and you're good.
Ya I'm set up for 7mm mag sorta. Really the only difference is the dies and I planned on buying new dies anyway. Still running an old set of rcbs dies that ny dad bought probably near 20 years ago. I basically want an efficient case that runs me a 180 class to 2950+. I dont really want a nosler or a stw.
Ya I'm set up for 7mm mag sorta. Really the only difference is the dies and I planned on buying new dies anyway. Still running an old set of rcbs dies that ny dad bought probably near 20 years ago. I basically want an efficient case that runs me a 180 class to 2950+. I dont really want a nosler or a stw.
7 mag bud!
I will never be without a 7mm Mag. Just have a custom barrel installed and you good for as far as you can see with practice. My question is always. Will I see any advantage in a extra 1-150 fps that cant be overcome by practice? I think the biggest advantage is learning to read the conditions, practice real field shooting positions and loading the best loads you can. And there is never a shortage of 7 rem Mag components
Hard to beat a custom 7 Rem Mag, that'll push factory box ammo into tiny holes and crush hand loads. My favorite, but I'm biased.
Well, I vote for the 7 rem if you want to stay around 2800-2900 for a 175-180 bullet... I would also go with a 8 or 8.5" twist. If you want 3K + fps on the heavies, you are going to have to go 7stw, 7rum, or 28 nos (7roy I suppose too if you like round shoulders). You just can't get around the fact that the lesser 7mm's will be run over pressure to get a lot of speed with a 175.

I just picked up a Tikka t3x in 7rem for my boys to shoot. I plan on the rifle being a garbage can; I have a lot of oddball powder and a couple thousand mid weight 7mm bullets for it to eat. It's only got a 9.5" twist so it's perfect for this (my 7stw and 7rum wear 8" twist barrels).
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