Deciding on a 7mm. 7mm rem mag/ 7mm wsm

7mm PRC???
If this is a factual Hornady project I will be all over that!!!
7mm is a great bullet size. A PRC I'm guessing would have a long heavy bullet for high BC.
This is exciting, and I hope it comes to pass!
7mm Practical would be a real dandy as an alternative to a 7 RM, benefits from a Wyattls mag box, 300 WM brass is everywhere, easy neck down!
Just to clarify, I do not hunt at 1300+ yards. That's strictly target practice. I limit myself to 600-700 on any critters if the chance arises. Kinda sounds the common consensus is the rem mag. Is the wsm more efficient than the rem mag?
After owning 4 7mm Rem Mag's I tried the WSM thinking it might be more efficient...what I found was the WSM was definitely more frustrating!!!
Hey guys, I feel I always go through this when I do a build. I always am stuck between a 2 or 3 rounds. My current rifle is a remington 700 long range 7mm rem mag. It shoots fairly well for a factory rifle. I'm shooting the 180 eld at 2958 fps. I still havent decided if I'm shooting that barrel out or not. Anyway, I'd like to get my cartridge choice nailed down before the I decide what I'm doing with the barrel. The contour will be .700 at 26in. It's going to be my main hunting rifle. Mostly whitetail and will be the gun I'll take out west when I make it out there. I regularly practice at 1300+ yards and am always looking for a place to shoot further. I'm definitely staying 7mm so please keep your 30 cal opinions to yourself. The 7mm rem mag and the 7mm wsm are currently the 2 I'm looking at. I do not want a wild cat at this point so please keep it simple. I guess I'd consider a 7mm saum but I think the wsm has an advantage in velocity which kinda bumps the saum out. From what I'm gathering it should easily match 7mm rem mag velocities. I know there are alot more brass options for the rem mag. I know Hornady and Bertram are making brass for the wsm. I'm not scared of hornady brass as I've never had issues with it. What do you guys think? Is there any reason not to go with the wsm? Would like some 7mm wsm owners to chime in and see what they are getting for velocities.

I always thought a 7wsm with 155 edge tlr would be the best balance
Hey guys, I feel I always go through this when I do a build. I always am stuck between a 2 or 3 rounds. My current rifle is a remington 700 long range 7mm rem mag. It shoots fairly well for a factory rifle. I'm shooting the 180 eld at 2958 fps. I still havent decided if I'm shooting that barrel out or not. Anyway, I'd like to get my cartridge choice nailed down before the I decide what I'm doing with the barrel. The contour will be .700 at 26in. It's going to be my main hunting rifle. Mostly whitetail and will be the gun I'll take out west when I make it out there. I regularly practice at 1300+ yards and am always looking for a place to shoot further. I'm definitely staying 7mm so please keep your 30 cal opinions to yourself. The 7mm rem mag and the 7mm wsm are currently the 2 I'm looking at. I do not want a wild cat at this point so please keep it simple. I guess I'd consider a 7mm saum but I think the wsm has an advantage in velocity which kinda bumps the saum out. From what I'm gathering it should easily match 7mm rem mag velocities. I know there are alot more brass options for the rem mag. I know Hornady and Bertram are making brass for the wsm. I'm not scared of hornady brass as I've never had issues with it. What do you guys think? Is there any reason not to go with the wsm? Would like some 7mm wsm owners to chime in and see what they are getting for velocities.
Have 3 wsm's, love them. There was a problem with brass but just bought 20p rds from midway, so that is solved. Also have rem mas but i am just not a fan of belts. Have rums, 280 ai, 7x57, but no saum's as i think it has nothing to offer. My latest build is a 28 nosler shooting 195 berger vld hybrid at 3050, love it! Shoots .25 moa all day, but sure not needed for whitetail. 7mm 08 is also a great choice. I have one in rem tit action and 20 in barrel. Get the one u like, they will all get the job done! Wsm is gr8 choice.
I would keep it simple. 7mm rem mag. Most availability and great performance. I have had good results with the 195 Berger's but it's hard to go wrong with anything over about 165 grains or so. I think there are lots of potential pitfalls with the SAUM and WSM. Plus you already have everything for the 7 mag.
No brainer, for a 26" barrel, stick with the 7 rem. Mag. , Brass is so plentiful. Difference in performance with the 7wsm is nearly zero, available practically anywhere off the shelf in a pinch, Im not knocking the 7wsm, its an equally great round, just not as common, for any of the bigger 7's you would need 28" or longer to see a notable gain , the 7 rem. Mag. Is Just right for a 26" tube.
Short fat cases present feeding problems when trying to adapt them to a standard length magnum action. For this reason, I recommended that you contact Alex Wheeler.

Going thru a similar thought process I tried loading a few long dummy rounds for a 270wsm and seeing if it appeared theyd feed thru my Wby Vanguard,....
It turned a 3 round mag box into 2! Bolt wont even come close to sliding over the 3rd round. Theyre that fat lol. It's worth givin some thought to.
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