350gr VLD LAZZERONI 9.53(.375)Saturn®

Nice! I plan to use that bottom metal on the 338 RUM build I'm doing, if I ever get around to it...

Carry the rifle with the 3 round mag in it and have a backup 5 rounder just in case.:D
Looks like your Saturn prefers the Matchking :)

Well done John, that is a great looking cartridge. I wonder how that beast would handle some of the heavy weight CEB's :rolleyes:

Keep us in the loop as you experiment with that rifle, it's pretty intriguing.

Outlaw ,,,,,,

thank you for the vote of confidence ,,,,

it may very well prefer the matchkings, but we will know more when I shoot it during the 1,000 match here in Tucson on December 14th ,,,,,

the reason that I have included the 300gr SPBT Gamekings in the mix, is that I am still one of those that is skeptical about using the real long thin jacketed VLD type bullets on game animals ,,,,,,

many hunters right here on this forum are doing it with success, but I am still not 100% convinced ,,,,,,
:) My mistake John, I'm so used to the acronym I forget that they are still a relatively small company.

Cutting Edge offers the MTH (match/tactical/hunting) bullet for a LOT of calibers & more often than not, meet and/or beat the conventional match bullets in the BC department. I've started running them in 6.5 & there are others running the .30's, 338's etc. I Believe their 375 selection could bring your Saturn into a whole new world of long range smack down.

I've had several long conversations with Dan Smitchco, Cutting Edge's President. Dan is a great guy who listens to what people have to say. If you want, I would be more than happy to PM his email address to you.

I shot (3) 3-shot groups, approximately 10 minutes apart, at 1,000 Yards with my Lazzeroni model L2012SP-XTLR hunting rifle, Lazz caliber 9.53 (.375) Saturn®. (see http://www.lazzeroni.com/ct_rifles.htm )
The wind was light but kept changing direction back & forth a little between relays, so it shows just how much I need to still practice my wind doping skills !
Small group was 7 ¼" ,,,,
Shot 2 in the 10 ring, 3-9s, 2-8s and 2-7s ,,,,,,
Now I am going to switch to an NP3 coated, 300gr Sierra SPBT Game King, to see how they shoot, as I am not yet comfortable shooting these big matchkings at actual game animals ,,,,,
I have pasted 100Y, 300Y, & 1,000Y targets below, along with a bench photo of the actual rifle ,,,,
Many thanks to the guys in the Tucson 1,000Y Saguaro Bench Rest club for their help ,,,,,


  • L2012030--LazzCal9.53-Saturn11-2013.jpg
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  • 9.53SatFirstTarW-CartSmSz03-05-2013.jpg
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  • 9.53Sat300Y-TargetsSmSz11-19-2013.jpg
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  • 9.53Sat1000Y-TargetSmSz12-16-2013.jpg
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for an update on the Lazzeroni 9.53 Saturn, I built a lighter weight thumb hole version of the Lazz model 2012, shooting the 300gr Sierra SPBT "hunting" bullet ,,,,

target shown here at 300 yards ,,, also shot MOA on the 1,000 yard NBRSA target here at the range in Tucson ,,,,


  • L2012046--W-TargetTableShotSmSz05-28-2015.jpg
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