230gr VLD LAZZERONI 7.82(.308)Warbird®


Funny you should ask, I just got an email from my smith. He got the 6-284 together but needs a couple parts for RUM and 6.5 WSM which I somehow neglected to give him.

As far a case capacity goes, as you know there are a few variables that affect it. Manufacturer/brass thickness, chamber spec and sizing method being a couple. The AmmoGuide capacity isn't a SWAG. It's a mathematical calculation of volume based on case dimensions and fairly accurate. Depending on manufacturer there may be some variation due to brass thickness but usually no more than a couple of grains.

How's the weather in Gillette? We had about a week stretch of sub zero that got to -20.

You're killing me smalls :D I've been waiting to see the finished product for ever...

Manufacturer/brass thickness can only be a lot variance due to there only being one manufactuer, which is quite possible but not THAT much.

It is too a SWAG :) The "S" stands for Scientific; doesn't it ? LOL!

We had the same thing here, I believe Mother Nature was having a visit from aunt Flo.... We've now been above zero for a the 2nd day in a row!!

I'm real sure about the load and it was definitely hot in my Sako TRG. I backed it down to 121 grain without any signs of high pressure. Ironically, I was simultaneously working up three different rifles chambered in 30-378. One rifle was a custom Remington model 721 and another was a stainless Weatherby. My TRG consistently shot faster with less signs of high pressure than the other two despite 26" barrels on all three. Keep in mind that the manuals seem to be very cautious with their recommended max load with this cartridge. That TRG was the most accurate out of box rifle I have ever seen. The 200 yard groups were essentially one slightly out of round hole. I bought the rifle after a friend bought one and asked me to help him sight it in. That particular rifle was well under 1" outside to outside as well at 200 yards.

Yeah, I know the manuals are usually conservative. Sometimes my max loads are close to theirs and sometimes I get a little more. Capacity can varry a little as well. Do you FL size or neck size?
Yeah, I know the manuals are usually conservative. Sometimes my max loads are close to theirs and sometimes I get a little more. Capacity can varry a little as well. Do you FL size or neck size?

I neck size and highly encourage others to do the same if they want their Weatherby brass to last. I would love to see Lupua broaden its product line.
I neck size and highly encourage others to do the same if they want their Weatherby brass to last. I would love to see Lupua broaden its product line.

Yeah, neck sizing will get you a little more capacity, especially if you have a factory chamber.

You're killing me smalls :D I've been waiting to see the finished product for ever...

Manufacturer/brass thickness can only be a lot variance due to there only being one manufactuer, which is quite possible but not THAT much.

It is too a SWAG :) The "S" stands for Scientific; doesn't it ? LOL!

We had the same thing here, I believe Mother Nature was having a visit from aunt Flo.... We've now been above zero for a the 2nd day in a row!!


I checked Medicine Lake weather this morning (where I have a project underway) and they were still -14. Nice to be down here in the banana belt! :) 30's for highs for at least week in Bozeman.

Yeah, no problem with the "S"... it's the "WAG" that doesn't fit. Being a concrete guy, I know if you get the dimensions right, it's fairly easy calculating an accurate volume.

Yeah, no problem with the "S"... it's the "WAG" that doesn't fit. Being a concrete guy, I know if you get the dimensions right, it's fairly easy calculating an accurate volume.

Oh I'm familiar with volume however, somewhere there is something out of wack. The "calculated" volume based on a blueprint doesn't come anywhere near the acutal volume measured from a case, that's close enough to a WAG for me :D Gotta play devil's advocate lol!''

It's nearly 30* here already (0918hrs), supposed to be ~40 before she quits, yay mud! :D Can't win for losing.

I shot the Warbird at 1,000Y on Saturday morning right after the big Lazz 375 Saturn ,,,,, (which I think shot pretty well, see http://www.longrangehunting.com/forums/f17/350gr-vld-lazzeroni-9-53-375-saturn-94865/index4.html ))

Warbird results were not stellar with the 230gr Berger, and I also noticed that as the Warbird's barrel heated up, the group size grew even more ,,,,,,

I WAS able to keep all 9 shots on the NBRSA target at 1000Y, but I am suspecting some jacket integrity issues, especially as the barrel heats up, as just a month ago I shot better groups at 1000, with this same rifle using off the shelf factory loaded 168gr HPBT with the NP3 coating ,,,,,

With the speeds that the Warbird is running with the 230gr Bergers, I think that NP3 lubricant, or at least moly, might address some of the jacket integrity issues, IF in fact there are any ,,,,,,,

Bullets are very hard to get right now, but I do have 500 or so of the Sierra 190gr HPBT MatchKings that are already NP3 coated, on my shelf ,,,,,,

Sssoooooooo, next month at 300 & 1000Y I will be trying these ,,,,,,,,

I also have 500 of the new 200gr Barnes long range X bullets off getting NP3 coated and may get those back in time to see how they do ,,,,,,,,

what fun we have huh ? ,,,,,,,,

Merry Christmas to all ,,,,,,

It's awesome to see you try new things out if your comfort zone.

I don't know what powders you use in the loads you're working with but thought I'd see if you were using a slower powder for the 230s than what you're using for the 168s. When you jump up that many grains of bullet, powders that are slower than what you're using for the lighter bullets will normally work better. How many powders have you tried with the 230s?

Don't give up, you're on the right track...
I wouldn't think you should see jacket integrity issues, those bullet are getting pushed that hard or harder in other chamberings and they're thick jackets, plus the poly rifling is supposed to be easy on jackets as well isn't it?

I've never shot a rifle that would shoot Berger seated at the lands, .020-.080 of the lands has been a very consistent sweet spot with the exception of one rifle that liked a .020 jamb.
you all could be right ,,,,, a different seating position might change things ,,,,

as was posted in the beginning of this thread, I am using reloader 33 with the 230gr Berger's ,,,,

"IF" I could get around 500 more of them, and have them NP3 coated, I would then try IMR-7828 ,,,,,,

I do not like it when the peak pressure spike occurs with the bullet so far down the barrel as it does with reloader 33 ,,,,,

the IMR-7828 is a little faster and the peak pressure will occur with the bullet much closer to the chamber, thus the bullet SHOULD make a more consistent trip down the rest of the barrel before exiting ,,,,,
I wouldn't think you should see jacket integrity issues, those bullet are getting pushed that hard or harder in other chamberings and they're thick jackets, plus the poly rifling is supposed to be easy on jackets as well isn't it?


I've never shot a rifle that would shoot Berger seated at the lands, .020-.080 of the lands has been a very consistent sweet spot with the exception of one rifle that liked a .020 jamb.

Others are getting best accuracy and ES with bullets close to the lands using RL33
I'm running .150" jump with the 225 hornady hpbt and rl33 in my 300 rum. The last group was 1.1" at 200 yards with it. I think it's still rather bullet dependant but I'd also bet that rl33 being a slower powder is requiring heavy load for good ignition, hence liking the bullets snuggled up to the rifling. I bet it would hate my 7 rum with the massive jump it has to the rifling, so I'm not even trying rl33 in my 7 rum unless rl25 and retumbo fizzle out for some reason.
you all could be right ,,,,, a different seating position might change things ,,,,

as was posted in the beginning of this thread, I am using reloader 33 with the 230gr Berger's ,,,,

"IF" I could get around 500 more of them, and have them NP3 coated, I would then try IMR-7828 ,,,,,,

I do not like it when the peak pressure spike occurs with the bullet so far down the barrel as it does with reloader 33 ,,,,,

the IMR-7828 is a little faster and the peak pressure will occur with the bullet much closer to the chamber, thus the bullet SHOULD make a more consistent trip down the rest of the barrel before exiting ,,,,,

John whats being noticed is Re33 likes the bullets at or on the lands, then your pressure spike is much sooner and you will see your ES numbers fall............ If this makes your round to long for your mag box try retumbo......or H1000........ With out the possibility of ever being able to afford one of your rifles I know it will shoot that Berger...........thanks for your endevours.
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