Lazz 7.82 Warbird w/190gr Berger VLD

I am running 210 Bergers in my Warbird with great results. I am using IMR 7828 and getting 3248fps. Accuracy has been between .4 and .6 moa. I have been thinking of stepping up to the 230's but have been so pleased with the 210's that see no point. This load did a number on my best whitetail to date at 760yds.
Warbird782 ,,,,,,,

that is very good information, and I will certainly give the 210 Bergers a try when I get another rifle built using a 10 twist polygon barrel ,,,,,

just remember that this very first 190gr VLD load to be released for the Lazzeroni Warbird caliber, will work in the thousands of Lazzeroni Warbird chambered rifles already out there, with 12 twist barrels, and the standard Lazzeroni 3.710" magazine box ,,,,

AND ,,,,, the 190gr Sierra, can be seated in the Warbird chamber, right against the barrel lands and still allow proper fit, feed & function out of the magazine box ,,,,

and to be able to achieve this type of performance at a KNOWN chamber pressure (((without just stating high velocity figures to attain bragging rights)) I think is quite desirable for today's long range hunter/shooter ,,,,
My set up is a Stiller TAC338 with a 11 twist Lilja bbl and Weatherby magazine. I load em to 3.680 COAL so I can fit rounds in the mag. My smith over in Minnesota builds a lot of Warbirds and all of them with 1 in 11 twist bbls. I was not sure how well the 11 would stabilize the 210's but they did just fine. For kicks try the 210's in a 12 twist rifle. You never know until you try!
That is certainly the best thing to do, when your using a bullet that has a velocity ceiling, your much better off going with a heavier bullet instead of going with a lighter bullet and trying to find a consistant load.

The heavier, longer, higher BC bullets will have very similiar velocity ceilings but its much better to go with a heavier bullet because it will give you several things, better powder ignition, more efficent powder burn, higher retained velocity, higher retained energy, less wind drift.

In the end, your always better going with the higher BC bullet if your facing a velocity ceiling. The great news is that berger has several great heavy 30 cal bullets, the 230 gr bullet will be a great choice in the Warbird if the barrel has the right twist.

As far as my velocity claims with my wildcats, they are all proven and offer GREAT case life, at least 6 firings per case. Something that CANNOT be said for some semi-commerical chamberings if you load them to their own recommended velocities. Just saying, lets not throw to many rocks at glass houses.
Warbird782 ,,,,,

I have some 210 Bergers and I think I will give them a try out of my 12 twist barrel ,,,,

but according to Berger's website, they would like to see an 11 twist barrel with the 210s, which is what you are using, so I really want to see what they will do out of my new 10 twist polygon barrels in the Lazz Warbird caliber ,,,,
I was not sure how well the 11 would stabilize the 210's but they did just fine. For kicks try the 210's in a 12 twist rifle. You never know until you try![/QUOTE said:
My 300 wsm was built for the 180 vld bullets, set up with a shilen 12 twist at 26". Just for kicks I tried the 208 amax. 100 yard groups were in the .3's. They held 1/2 moa at 600 so ran them out to 1100. Groups have been consistant 8-10 inches. Velocity is 2950. Velocity started to drop off again with more powder after I hit 2950 with h4831. Running higher velocities I think you could get away with some of the heavies in a 12 twist.
I agree. The beauty with a chambering like the Warbird is that you are producing the extra velocity and might be able to cheat the twist rate. As I stated in my first post to this thread I was thinking of trying the Berger 230's. Berger calls for a 10 twist. This bullet was designed for the 300Win. At Warbird speeds you just never know.
Re: Lazz 7.82 Warbird w/190gr Sierra/Berger VLD

well, it is worth a try, but my experience has been that increasing the velocity by ALOT, like is the case with the Lazz Warbird caliber, still does not allow the use of certain bullets, if the twist rate is too slow ,,,,

I believe that if a .308 diameter, 10 twist barrel is required for proper stabilization of a certain weight/profile bullet in the 308 win caliber for instance, that the same twist rate will be required to stabilize the bullet in the Lazz 7.82(.308)Warbird caliber ,,,,,

I think the higher speed makes SOME difference, but not enough, to go from say a 10 twist, to a 12 twist JUST because of the extra speed ,,
You are right John, faster speeds help stabilize bullets a bit better when on the edge but not as much as most shooters think it does. But it can at times make all the difference.

FYI, I have tried 208 AMAX's in 12x barrels in 300 RUMs and they did just fine. It is not optimum but works.

IMHO, a 12x is best suited for up to 200 grain pills. Even at 308 win velocities the 12x handles the 200s though it is not optimum. For high velocity magnums the stability factor (12x/200 grains) is plenty high enough.
that is why we now offer the customer a choice of barrel twist, when they order a new Lazzeroni model 2012 rifle ,,,,,

and in the 7.82 Warbird caliber OR the 8.59 Titan caliber, if they specify 10 twist instead of the normal 12, we also give them the new polygon rifling profile, which seems to work very well with the latest versions of the VLD bullets ,,,
Michael ,,,,,

finally got back out to the range this morning, shooting an older Lazzeroni model 2000 series rifle, that I just re-barreled for the customer using a 10 twist polygon rifling profile, in Lazzeroni caliber 7.82 Warbird ,,,,,,

aside from shooting the single best 3-shot group of my life using a Lazzeroni rifle, ((target attached here)) the 190gr Sierra HPBT and 190GR Berger VLD hunting bullets, just will NOT shoot really well at 300 yards when I push them up around 3,400 fps ,,,,,, I have shot both of them now using both 10 and 12 twist Schnieder barrels ,,,, same so-so results

did exactly that again this morning with this brand new 10 twist polygon barrel, then swung right back to my 100 yard target, with now a very warm barrel, grabbed 3 of the 168gr Warbird factory loads, and punched them right into a 1 hole group ! ,,,,

so ,,,,, my search for a good, accurate 190gr+ VLD hunting bullet to use in the Lazz Warbird caliber continues ,,,, I will keep you all posted ,,,


  • T-100Y-168GrHPBT-L1234630--05-2012.jpg
    58.5 KB · Views: 119
I have a warbird with a 29 inch barrel with a 1:12 twist and I shoot the 210 bergers amazing best three shot group to date is .209" being .006 off lands and 101 gr retumbo.. know im a lil late to this thread but thought id give my two cents
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