7.82 warbird custom

I made this post BC I had bought a custom build warbird and I had no knowledge of the rifle prior to purchase. It came with 100 rounds of once fired brass that I have sized and primed and no loose pockets. Since then I have changed the load to shoot the 210 vlds with retumbo. In my load work up I have shot and reloaded the same 12 cases 4 more times and have not had a single issue with them accuracy is amazing with a 1:12 29" barrel. Looks like dpo and I got the only good brass for this caliber. I am looking into an annealing setup to hopefully extend the life if anyone has input on which one I should look into
I made this post BC I had bought a custom build warbird and I had no knowledge of the rifle prior to purchase. It came with 100 rounds of once fired brass that I have sized and primed and no loose pockets. Since then I have changed the load to shoot the 210 vlds with retumbo. In my load work up I have shot and reloaded the same 12 cases 4 more times and have not had a single issue with them accuracy is amazing with a 1:12 29" barrel. Looks like dpo and I got the only good brass for this caliber. I am looking into an annealing setup to hopefully extend the life if anyone has input on which one I should look into


I went with a Bench Source myself.. I really like it. Initially it's going to set you back a few bucks, but the way I figure it... if a guy can take and extend the life of one box of 20 rounds (which you'd normally get 4/5 firing out of & cost $75 to start with) but by annealing make that same box of 20 last 7/8+ firings.. by annealing, inside of the life span of something like 4 boxes/80 casings, you literally pay for the annealer just by "savings" alone ...if you want to look at it from that math perspective (and I know I'm a bit off/but you get the idea where I'm going with it)

To me, regular annealing will pay for it's initial investment of doing so before very long at all. I think it's a no brainer to be doing it with the hot/heavy casings like these.. or lapuas, or RUM's or even Weatherby's far as that goes. I think it benefit every loaders bottom line and help to bring full-value out of his (brass & loading components) What costs a few dollars (now) actually "keeps" dollars in your pocket as time goes.

I highly reccomend the Bench Source.. probably the best money I've spent on my own "bench" since I took up hand-loading in the first place !
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