.30 PRC

Unless I'm losing it though, they have a couple body measurements reversed on the chamber and print reamer? Unless they are running .005" crush on there loaded ammo:D

I know it not exactly what you are speaking of here but.....Logic would seem to dictate that any intolerance cartridge should fit in any intolerance chamber.I But they overlap and why I figured all major ammo companies size slightly below min spec including tolerance to try and ensure a slightly below min chamber or one with some grit in it will still chamber the rounds..

Take the shoulder datum case measurement of 2.204 - .007

Chamber: 2.2000 + .0100

So if chamber min and case is max you have a crush fit of 4 thou.

This makes more sense:
Total Case Length 2.580 - .020
Total Chamber Length 2.5874 + 0.015

What I do not get is how can you have a tolerance for one measurement of case length but not the others given they are at fixed point in relation to each other. How can the datum point move 0.007 aft without the base to shoulder or base to neck junc moving also as these other lengths have no posted tolerance for length on the case only diameter.
I know it not exactly what you are speaking of here but.....Logic would seem to dictate that any intolerance cartridge should fit in any intolerance chamber.I But they overlap and why I figured all major ammo companies size slightly below min spec including tolerance to try and ensure a slightly below min chamber or one with some grit in it will still chamber the rounds..

Take the shoulder datum case measurement of 2.204 - .007

Chamber: 2.2000 + .0100

So if chamber min and case is max you have a crush fit of 4 thou.

This makes more sense:
Total Case Length 2.580 - .020
Total Chamber Length 2.5874 + 0.015

What I do not get is how can you have a tolerance for one measurement of case length but not the others given they are at fixed point in relation to each other. How can the datum point move 0.007 aft without the base to shoulder or base to neck junc moving also as these other lengths have no posted tolerance for length on the case only diameter.
Still confused!o_O
The Ultra Mags are to long, they don't work well with heavy for caliber bullets at 3.6" OAL. If you run a Wyatts or some of the CIP type mags you can get a little extra OAL which helps, but they are still too long.

This new round from Ruger will work a lot better from a fit and feeding standpoint. You'll give up a few fps for that but it will still fit better. It's shorter and it doesn't have a rebated rim, both of those are wins in my book.

Think about the 6.5 Creedmoor. On paper it shouldn't exist, its shorter than the .260 which means less case capacity which should translate into less velocity. But in the real world it doesn't give up that much to a .260 if you load both to fit in a standard short action. Why is that? Its because in order to fit a heavy for caliber, high BC bullet at 2.8" OAL you have to seat the bullet down into the case with the .260 which takes up case capacity which negates the extra length of the case. This is part of the reason why the Creedmoor has been so popular, its easy to feed from a standard mag with long, heavy bullets. Its the same thing with the 338 Norma vs. the 338 Lapua. If your OAL is restricted to the same length they are very close in terms of velocity with heavy for caliber bullets. I think the same will be true for this round. Especially if they offer really good factory loads at reasonable prices.
The Ultra Mags are to long, they don't work well with heavy for caliber bullets at 3.6" OAL. If you run a Wyatts or some of the CIP type mags you can get a little extra OAL which helps, but they are still too long.

This new round from Ruger will work a lot better from a fit and feeding standpoint. You'll give up a few fps for that but it will still fit better. It's shorter and it doesn't have a rebated rim, both of those are wins in my book.

Think about the 6.5 Creedmoor. On paper it shouldn't exist, its shorter than the .260 which means less case capacity which should translate into less velocity. But in the real world it doesn't give up that much to a .260 if you load both to fit in a standard short action. Why is that? Its because in order to fit a heavy for caliber, high BC bullet at 2.8" OAL you have to seat the bullet down into the case with the .260 which takes up case capacity which negates the extra length of the case. This is part of the reason why the Creedmoor has been so popular, its easy to feed from a standard mag with long, heavy bullets. Its the same thing with the 338 Norma vs. the 338 Lapua. If your OAL is restricted to the same length they are very close in terms of velocity with heavy for caliber bullets. I think the same will be true for this round. Especially if they offer really good factory loads at reasonable prices.

Bingo! That is ONE of the reasons that the Sherman Short chamberings outperform all others.
And one of the main benefits to the SS. It will allow in the smaller calibers the lhighest bc bullet to work. Not happening with a factory wsm rsaum case.
The 30 PRC case is just their 338 Hornady Match case necked down to .308" I have a copy of the 338 Hornady Match reamer print from 6-7 years ago that wasn't supposed to get released but somebody sent it to me by mistake.

The 30 PRC won't be as fast as the Nosler, won't be much better (if at all) than the 300 Win Mag, but will probably sell well. Affordable factory ammo and reasonably priced factory rifles is all it takes to be successful.
The 30 PRC case is just their 338 Hornady Match case necked down to .308" I have a copy of the 338 Hornady Match reamer print from 6-7 years ago that wasn't supposed to get released but somebody sent it to me by mistake.

The 30 PRC won't be as fast as the Nosler, won't be much better (if at all) than the 300 Win Mag, but will probably sell well. Affordable factory ammo and reasonably priced factory rifles is all it takes to be successful.
They pushed the shoulder back approx. .060" from the 375 case, which will likely put it around 93 gr capacity+-
They pushed the shoulder back approx. .060" from the 375 case, which will likely put it around 93 gr capacity+-

That's what they did on the 338 Match case. I looked into it when I had my 338/375 Ruger reamer made, but opted for the full length 375 case for the extra case capacity. The shorter case only helps when they're trying to keep the OAL compatible with 3.400" mag boxes.
That's what they did on the 338 Match case. I looked into it when I had my 338/375 Ruger reamer made, but opted for the full length 375 case for the extra case capacity. The shorter case only helps when they're trying to keep the OAL compatible with 3.400" mag boxes.
I pushed my S.I. back a little more than they did and I can run the 225's over 3000' easily.
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