.30 PRC

You don't suppose they created a 30/375 do you? That would be the only current case that is a long action that might reach near 3000 with a 230 Berger. Not sure why they would call it a PRC though?

Unless this is a complete misunderstanding, I think you are probably close. I'm wondering if I can get a hold of a piece of fired brass from him?
I have an update. The barrel and ammo is supplied to him by AI. AI and Hornady are working together on this. The ammo has no headstamp, and he does not get to keep the brass after shooting. I think we're just going to have to wait until it is officially unveiled.
I have an update. The barrel and ammo is supplied to him by AI. AI and Hornady are working together on this. The ammo has no headstamp, and he does not get to keep the brass after shooting. I think we're just going to have to wait until it is officially unveiled.
Can he measure a piece of fired brass or get a photo with another known case for comparison?
Can he measure a piece of fired brass or get a photo with another known case for comparison?

He probably could, but knowing more than I knew when I first posted, I would assume he either has an NDA or should not violate their trust before they're ready to share it. It was something that had come up in a conversation with one friend about something his coworker was testing, and it piqued my interest. I am betting some of the speculation from other members is probably on the money. But, it wouldn't be right for me to try to keep digging and let the cat out of the bag before the developers are ready. If he chooses to share more, and says it is okay to repeat, I'll certainly pass it along.
Safe bet is 30/375 if it makes that velocity, but let's let them do their work! If they improve their brass quality, it will be a good round and should work really well to form the 30/375 S.I. that I already have which runs the 225 at 3050-3100':Dhi
I'm thinking you're right. It would be nice to have something like that factory supported. The .300 RUM is comparable, but the guys I know with them have a hard time finding brass, or at least did. I think the .300 Norma has a lot of potential; a buddy tested it for a couple years for the Army and really liked it. The downside to it is the .416 Rigby-sized bolt face...no cheap 700 rebuilds (I know it's factory offered with that bolt face, but more knowledgeable folks have cautioned me about putting my name on one!).
I'm thinking you're right. It would be nice to have something like that factory supported. The .300 RUM is comparable, but the guys I know with them have a hard time finding brass, or at least did. I think the .300 Norma has a lot of potential; a buddy tested it for a couple years for the Army and really liked it. The downside to it is the .416 Rigby-sized bolt face...no cheap 700 rebuilds (I know it's factory offered with that bolt face, but more knowledgeable folks have cautioned me about putting my name on one!).
ADG is making brass for the rum now, which should be good, but I had 3 rums and don't need any more. I think the 300 Norma is a nicely designed case, but the bolt size discourages many.
As I said, my S.I. works really well with 96 grain capacity, but the Hornady brass is junk. Maybe they have learned their lesson? I hear the Saum brass they make now has improved from the first 4s that came out.
I got a bit more information from someone else familiar with the cartridge. It was intended to produce a fast .30 that reduced the case capacity enough to overcome the velocity swings the .300 Norma had when shooting at high angles.
I got a bit more information from someone else familiar with the cartridge. It was intended to produce a fast .30 that reduced the case capacity enough to overcome the velocity swings the .300 Norma had when shooting at high angles.
Why was the 300 Norma getting velocity swings at high angles? Low load density?
Why was the 300 Norma getting velocity swings at high angles? Low load density?

It was along those lines. He was saying it was just so much powder to burn that it stacked them when shooting prone off a bipod, but didn't like high angles.
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